Official Why Do Girls Like The Guys That Treat Em Bad thread...Appreciation/Unappreciation

I pretty much stay neutral. I'm never a total jerk to girls but I stay not calling back and other random stuff like that. Perfect balance keeps em happyand makes my life easier..
Bad dudes who play the good guy role well FTW

You gotta tell these birds what they wanna hear
Originally Posted by codyj1326

See that's the thing, Ive had it happen to me once or twice in the past. I'm not upset by any means, but it just makes you wonder doesn't it? My mother raised me to be a gentleman, who treats females with respect and dignity. I've always thought the was the way to be. It just boggles the mind for someone to rather be with some who treats them like a dog. It really to me just defies logic. I guess its true there's only one out there for everyone.

hmmm perhaps that may be the problem. Moms raised me on her own too. So that's why I'm usually on some well-behaved gentlemen type thing. Maybe weneeda our pops in our lives to teach us how to be douchebags and pull the breezys
roll.gif a known "bad guy" thing is you have to show em what you're worth first. Most girls are in love with these "bad guys"and then the bad guy shows his true colors and the girls can't walk away...they get taken advantage of and played basically. I'm a good guy I'mjust selfish, cake and eating it ftw...but I have a favorite slice and I've cut it out of my diet...I love it though and its hard to not eat what you wantwhen you want to eat pun
i just got friendzoned by this girl...i thought was i was doin it.....

she said shes attracted to a-holes

what a prick

sucks cause i thought we matched
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

i just got friendzoned by this girl...i thought was i was doin it.....

she said shes attracted to a-holes

what a prick

sucks cause i thought we matched
Damn dude, hate happens.
Sucks more when it happens multiple times.
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

i just got friendzoned by this girl...i thought was i was doin it.....

she said shes attracted to a-holes

what a prick

sucks cause i thought we matched
Damn dude, hate happens.
Sucks more when it happens multiple times.
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Don't know, but in the wake of recent events I've finally learned that it's in my best interest to just leave those hard-headed ones alone and move onto the ones who actually value my company/energy.

Pretty much how I see it.
Its not always the guy, if a girl talks bad about her man of course its gonna seem like the guy is terrible. Put yourself in the relationship and thereprobably will be things you dont do that he did and she'll just talk about you the same way. Half the time its just girls expecting the perfect guy and notgetting it, then real ladies
I hate these broads because of this
I cuss this girl out call her B-Word on the reg but she sticks around
Originally Posted by finnns2003

took you this long to figure that out?

that's why men are the cornerstones of civilization. women are stupid, and they admit it. they'd rather be with someone who puts them in their place and treats them like horsecrap, than a guy who doesn't. simple equation.

You can meet me in the middle on this one. But remember girls are very strange, you might generalize them just because they don't like you, and in the endyou're friendzoned but you don't know it.
One word. CHANGE.

So many females have this subconscious goal to change a man to be a better one. If a guy is already "perfect" then it's boring to those femalesbecause there's nothing to achieve. The problem is if the man is going to change it's most likely not going to be because of the woman, they'llhave to change on their own. To all you guys treating women bad purposely because you know it makes them stay, you're fools. In the end you're onlyplaying yourself because you're not being yourself. And to the guys that are chasing the women that chase the bad guys, quit it. They're on their ownpath that's gonna lead to destruction one way or another. And don't always think that "she deserves better" because most of the time, shereally does not.
Originally Posted by Dynasty Raider

One word. CHANGE.

So many females have this subconscious goal to change a man to be a better one. If a guy is already "perfect" then it's boring to those females because there's nothing to achieve. The problem is if the man is going to change it's most likely not going to be because of the woman, they'll have to change on their own. To all you guys treating women bad purposely because you know it makes them stay, you're fools. In the end you're only playing yourself because you're not being yourself. And to the guys that are chasing the women that chase the bad guys, quit it. They're on their own path that's gonna lead to destruction one way or another. And don't always think that "she deserves better" because most of the time, she really does not.
authentic discourse
I stopped being "nice" @ my expense. every other sentence is a sarcastic response to something they say.

dont save em...women always try to tell me about why they meet these messed up guys and when i say it's their fault for CHOOSING them, they get mad @ me.
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