Official Why Do Girls Like The Guys That Treat Em Bad thread...Appreciation/Unappreciation

because *$$*!%% are STUPID.....Period

women are the most confused.....most complex things on this planet
nice guys do finish first i treat my girlfriend very nice cuz she does the same she loves me:smile:...girls arnt that stupid anymore its 2009 ppl!!
If girls yall talk to like guys that treat em bad, you are talking to the wrong females.
*##+@*+ are inherently attracted to the masculinity. It just so happens that a lot of guys who treat them bad are masculine and that simpin dudes don'thave the masculinity a girl needs to be subconsciously to them.
Originally Posted by AirJules

Gotta hate and love it:

If you soft or a square or just trying to be a good guy, you definitely will be taking the L in this field.

But me, I realized you gotta be shovenist to survive in this world


Before you come here with this macho bravado, check your spelling...

Its chauvinist, and you're not going to be bagging any female of any significance with this way of thinking. When you decide to grow up, comeback. PerhapsNT will take you a bit more seriously when you speak about females....

Something you're still learning about son.
me being the way i am(a jerk, or carefree) has them sprung....

i just treat em good at first, get them on the team....turn into real me, and they stay..

The one girl i treated real good walked all over me....screw that.
girls will like boys who shows roughness, toughness and disrespect and all that stuff that has been mentioned in this post.

just remember that no woman will ever appreciate a man like that

play your games while you are young but if youkeep this up, the quality of your relationship when you are older will be low
If all u want is tricks,jump offs,gfs yea great.

Girls who stay with guys who are nuthin but straight up disrespectful to them have no respect for themself.

Ive always been me Im a nice guy with manners and respect but I also have self respect and have a line that if anybody crosses ima lettem know bout it.

Ive never creeped but have been creeped on but as soon as ive found out ive bounced ghosted because u cut off a tuma b4 it becomes a cancer I dont need that inmy life in the end did I lose not really.Females like that somebody else is very welcome to them my trash is another mans treasure.

Im about to get married and have never been anything but true and real and because of that my fiance' respects me and loves me I dont say anything that Icant deliver to her and dont need to lie im the anti drama guy and believe good things happen to good people.

Those of u who feel more of a man for treatin women bad great but it dont impress me infact its u guys that give men a bad name in general.

Originally Posted by Danny Almonte 3

play your games while you are young but if youkeep this up, the quality of your relationship when you are older will be low

werd. you must be complete. like the yin and yang. combine your light side with the dark

you can still give girls gifts,open doors and be nice once in a while but em whos bawss 24/7
its because they want what they can't have.

they're thinking, "why doesn't he want me? imma make him want me..."
Originally Posted by Danny Almonte 3

girls will like boys who shows roughness, toughness and disrespect and all that stuff that has been mentioned in this post.

just remember that no woman will ever appreciate a man like that

play your games while you are young but if youkeep this up, the quality of your relationship when you are older will be low
very true. a lot of guys generalize women and dont look at themselves...the whole time you had been dealing with girls and finally you meet awoman. Dont think that woman is going to let you do the same ol bs you was doing while u were messing with those girls who let you walk all over them.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by Danny Almonte 3

girls will like boys who shows roughness, toughness and disrespect and all that stuff that has been mentioned in this post.

just remember that no woman will ever appreciate a man like that

play your games while you are young but if youkeep this up, the quality of your relationship when you are older will be low
very true. a lot of guys generalize women and dont look at themselves...the whole time you had been dealing with girls and finally you meet a woman. Dont think that woman is going to let you do the same ol bs you was doing while u were messing with those girls who let you walk all over them.

um, yeah they will.

i don't think this applies for all girls. i know plenty of girls that would rather be with someone that treats them right
See son, girls/women are a lower species like dogs or any other animal and what not. you got to train them right....Like one poster above me said girls/women respect the goon/pimp hand sort of like a puppy or an animal've got to train them right if you dont want them to walk all over you. You got to slap them around if need be. thats what they respect

the girls have low self esteem and thus like guys who enforce that feeling. and the guys also have low opinions of themselves (most likely cus they never had agood male role model) so cover it up with bravado and arrogance.
can't blame the guys for doing it since it's successful for what they are after, but that doesn't make it ok either. being a bad person is a loteasier then being a good person.
oh and the guys that do it most likely had a father that was worthless, if around at all, so they just act on what they know. but watch them get mad if youtreat their sister like that. very convoluted if you ask me.
and to those of you saying that girls are a lesser species, well I'm guessing you don't feel that way about your mom. please go see a therapist.
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