Official WRESTLEMANIA XXV Thread - 4/5 PPV 7pm et - Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels, HHH vs Orton

you know what was crazy for me...

I actually just wanted WM to be over, I couldnt bring myself to turn it off after paying $55 but I just wanted it to end b/c I really didn't enjoy it atall for the most part this year
Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

One match doesnt make this ppv not the worst

wrestlemania 25 is the worst wrestlemania of all time, the taker and hbk match was great( see some of you over hyping its greatness) but other than that this ppv sucked

Cena needs the belt because?

HHH Needs the belt because?

cm punk won the money in th ebank already, care to elevate a next talent to that level? good spots by christain, kofi, and shelton

Ic belt was a joke match-in a way they crapped on the Razor ramon, texas tornado, mr perfect, owen hart,brithish bulldog
, tito santanaand rick rudes of the world , who couldnt win the world title

not giving the tag titles a chance to be televised is a joke

jeff and matt have had better matches than that

diva battle royal was predictable, and wasnt even won by a diva

Jericho should of fought a real legend, a hogan/ steve austin ....steamboat did good but piper and snuka was a waste of time, and have rourke punch him out lololol, he did something that the 3 wrestlers couldnt do?lolol
1. Texas Tornado?

2. Watching Hogan wrestle would have been like watching Snuka wrestle at this point in his career and more than likely he would have won over Jericho sincehes the OG EGOMANIAC.
Overall, I thought WM was a pretty decent event. The MITB was very good, but I'm not surprised Punk won. I didn't expect Benjamin to jacknife MVPoutside the ring
. It didn't seem like the wresters outside the ring were ready for it. I wasvery dissapointed in the Tag-Team match not given any air-time. The Hardy match was good, but if Jeff got hurt, I can see why it didn't last any longer. Iexpect a rematch at Backlash. The Orton/HHH match was one of the worst main-events in the history of WM. I think we all know Orton will come away with the beltat Backlash.
IC match was a travesty. If they are not going to let Christian move up, then give this man the belt.

The Undertaker/HBK match was the best of the night. I knew it going to be good, but it exceeded my expectations. Can we get a rematch please Vince

MVP's of the night:

Ricky Steamboat
Shelton Benjamin
Kofi Kingston
Jeff/Matt Hardy
MVP for taking the jacknife to the outside of the ring
Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

One match doesnt make this ppv not the worst

wrestlemania 25 is the worst wrestlemania of all time, the taker and hbk match was great( see some of you over hyping its greatness) but other than that this ppv sucked

Cena needs the belt because?

HHH Needs the belt because?

cm punk won the money in th ebank already, care to elevate a next talent to that level? good spots by christain, kofi, and shelton

Ic belt was a joke match-in a way they crapped on the Razor ramon, texas tornado, mr perfect, owen hart,brithish bulldog
, tito santanaand rick rudes of the world , who couldnt win the world title

not giving the tag titles a chance to be televised is a joke

jeff and matt have had better matches than that

diva battle royal was predictable, and wasnt even won by a diva

Jericho should of fought a real legend, a hogan/ steve austin ....steamboat did good but piper and snuka was a waste of time, and have rourke punch him out lololol, he did something that the 3 wrestlers couldnt do?lolol
1. Texas Tornado?
Jericho going to dig him up first?
I didn't even bother seeing this wrestlemania knowing it would be bad and it looks like it was except for undertaker/hbk.
Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

One match doesnt make this ppv not the worst

wrestlemania 25 is the worst wrestlemania of all time, the taker and hbk match was great( see some of you over hyping its greatness) but other than that this ppv sucked

Cena needs the belt because?

HHH Needs the belt because?

cm punk won the money in th ebank already, care to elevate a next talent to that level? good spots by christain, kofi, and shelton

Ic belt was a joke match-in a way they crapped on the Razor ramon, texas tornado, mr perfect, owen hart,brithish bulldog
, tito santanaand rick rudes of the world , who couldnt win the world title

not giving the tag titles a chance to be televised is a joke

jeff and matt have had better matches than that

diva battle royal was predictable, and wasnt even won by a diva

Jericho should of fought a real legend, a hogan/ steve austin ....steamboat did good but piper and snuka was a waste of time, and have rourke punch him out lololol, he did something that the 3 wrestlers couldnt do?lolol
1. Texas Tornado?

2. Watching Hogan wrestle would have been like watching Snuka wrestle at this point in his career and more than likely he would have won over Jericho since hes the OG EGOMANIAC.
yes the texas torando--- Kerry Von Erich--- won the ic belt from mr.perfert in 1990 i beleive
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

One match doesnt make this ppv not the worst

wrestlemania 25 is the worst wrestlemania of all time, the taker and hbk match was great( see some of you over hyping its greatness) but other than that this ppv sucked

Cena needs the belt because?

HHH Needs the belt because?

cm punk won the money in th ebank already, care to elevate a next talent to that level? good spots by christain, kofi, and shelton

Ic belt was a joke match-in a way they crapped on the Razor ramon, texas tornado, mr perfect, owen hart,brithish bulldog
, tito santanaand rick rudes of the world , who couldnt win the world title

not giving the tag titles a chance to be televised is a joke

jeff and matt have had better matches than that

diva battle royal was predictable, and wasnt even won by a diva

Jericho should of fought a real legend, a hogan/ steve austin ....steamboat did good but piper and snuka was a waste of time, and have rourke punch him out lololol, he did something that the 3 wrestlers couldnt do?lolol
1. Texas Tornado?
Jericho going to dig him up first?
LMAO the other part got deleted --- The Texas Tornado comment was for the IC belt comment

For the Jericho comment, I wouldn't even want to see Hogan wrestle I don't know if that guy has seen his reality show, but Hogan doesn't have thebest knees and I could imagine him in the ring lookin like Snuka at this point
Originally Posted by blackmambakb24

undertaker and hbk match... was an instant classic!

i knew HHH would not lose at this years WM he lost last year, plus i wanted him to win! now if he can only go back to being a heel
Well one thing is for sure... None of us really did well on our predictions, haha.

Anyways, after finally taking everything in here are my thoughts on The 25th Anniversary of Wrestlemania.

First and foremost, this was NOT the worst of them all, it was by no means one of the best, but it was still pretty good.

MITB Ladder Match: Do not get me started on this freaking match. That is it, I have given up ANY hope on Shelton Benjamin, he is the PRIMEexample of what the MITB match is supposed to be for. CM Punk did not need to win and he did absolutely nothing in the match to prove otherwise. Kofi was byfar the MVP of the match and I can see BIG things for this kid in the future. But back to Shelton for a sec. He continues to prove why he is one of your toptalents wrestling wise in the business. MITB could've helped him greatly, hell, I know there is some Punk fanboys in here, but honestly did you reallyreally want him to win. Shelton, MVP, or Christian should've taken it in that order.

Kid Rock - Maybe if I was still in 7th grade this would've been hot, but, nope. Oh yeah, Morrison/Miz vs. Colons or Swagger vs. Bournewould've definately been the "worse" option, good call "E" on putting this clown on for 20min too long.

25 Diva Battle Royal - It was what it was supposed to be, bathroom break. Santino was pure gold though. Undertaker watch out Santino is 1-0 atWrestlemania.

Jericho vs. The Hall of Famers - Piper really needs to stop, I hated him since dude was spraying Goldust with a water hose at Wrestlemania XIIand I still hate him now. Out of all the legends who occasionally return, he is the most annoying. Anyways, Snuka was comical/sad at the same time, but thankgod for Ricky Steamboat. My goodness how impressive was this man? I believe 4w said it best when he said it should've been him/Jericho straight up, thefinal 7 minutes of that match was really really good. Jericho stays being the most consistant performer on the roster. Dude had the least to work with, and puton one of the better matches of the night.

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy - I find it funny that the E holds "Extreme Rules" matches in honor of ECW, because they are really justslaps in the face. Sure back in ECW you may get things like people hitting each other with posters and vaccums but more often than not these were items thatwere brought to the arena by fans
. Watching Jeff pull out a framedposter from under the ring was just dumb. The match itself started slow but picked up a little towards the end. If Jeff didn't crack any part of his lowerbody I'd be astonished, dude lookin like a skinny Grimmace with all that face paint though. As for Matt, he again proved that he is the better WRESTLER ofthe two brothers, that Twist of Fate was
, I've seen it a dozentimes already and still flinch when he hits it. He has always been a better heel than face, let's see where he goes from here.

JBL vs. Rey Mysterio - Again, Miz/Morrison vs. Colons or Swagger vs. Bourne wasn't going to be on par with this trash?

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels - I've been very vocal about my frustration in calling HBK "Mr. Wrestlemania," and this is the onematch that almost brought me over to the darkside (I'm sorry but a 6-10 record still doesn't warrent it). However, the chemistry these two have isuncanny. From the Casket Match at the Royal Rumble some years back, to the very first Hell in a Cell match (my personal all-time favorite match btw). I wasliterally shocked when HBK raised his shoulder after the first tombstone, mainly because it was such a cool sequence of moves to get there, HBK skims the cat,only to be caught? Classic. BUT NO!!! It's not enough. Undertaker's reaction after that was a Wrestlemania moment in itself. Over the years, it hasbeen damn near impossible for WWE to make me feel like a kid again, where I was out of my seat and actually just taking it all in. This match did just that.Awesome stuff. As for the streak... Put me in the camp of those who don't think it should end (it'd really be pointless to do so), however, I am not afan of having an up and comer being the one to end it. All I am saying is, "The One" Billy Gunn is a former King of the Ring, somtimes the big chancedoesn't pan out. It should be ended by somebody established, UT deserves that much. Which is why I feel Chris Jericho would be the perfect man to do so.

Big Show vs. Edge vs. John Cena - I forgot who said it, but whoever said Vicky killed Edge's character hit it right on the head. I neverreally thought of that actually, but that's 100% correct. No problems with Cena winning actually, and even though it was an obvious rip off of the Eminemperformance, I still enjoyed his intro

Randy Orton vs. Triple H - You guys have done a good enough job crapping on this match already. I knew Trips was going to win, but damn, Ortonwas literally treated like a punk. As for the "one minute left thing" that doesn't change a damn thing for me, fact of the matter is it happened.Smh.

Oh yeah Austin, drunk driving that atv FTW
Undertanker and HBK macth had me on my feet the entire time. I truly did thik for a moment HBK was going to end the streak. I was gassed whe nI thought Austinwas going to come out or some mysterious legend to face Jericho.That JBL match was pointless but I did love Rey's Joker tribue mask. It was a goodwrestlemania but it doesnt beat last years.
Originally Posted by Captain Charisma85

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels - I've been very vocal about my frustration in calling HBK "Mr. Wrestlemania," and this is the one match that almost brought me over to the darkside (I'm sorry but a 6-10 record still doesn't warrent it). However, the chemistry these two have is uncanny. From the Casket Match at the Royal Rumble some years back, to the very first Hell in a Cell match (my personal all-time favorite match btw). I was literally shocked when HBK raised his shoulder after the first tombstone, mainly because it was such a cool sequence of moves to get there, HBK skims the cat, only to be caught? Classic. BUT NO!!! It's not enough. Undertaker's reaction after that was a Wrestlemania moment in itself. Over the years, it has been damn near impossible for WWE to make me feel like a kid again, where I was out of my seat and actually just taking it all in. This match did just that. Awesome stuff. As for the streak... Put me in the camp of those who don't think it should end (it'd really be pointless to do so), however, I am not a fan of having an up and comer being the one to end it. All I am saying is, "The One" Billy Gunn is a former King of the Ring, somtimes the big chance doesn't pan out. It should be ended by somebody established, UT deserves that much. Which is why I feel Chris Jericho would be the perfect man to do so.

I agree. Imagine if they had someone like Bobby Lashley or Brock Lesnar end The Undertaker's streak. Imagine how foolish that would look now. TheUndertaker probably has one or two Mania's left. Let him go out undefeated. The way talent passes through the WWE these days, it would be a huge mistaketo have someone like Swagger beat him and then leave the company six months later.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Spoiler [+]
Dolph Ziggler suffered and injury at a dark match at Mania, ref. threw up the X sign so it was a legit injury
Man that %!+% wasn't even that serious.

He just got busted open if I'm not mistaken. And technically it didn't happen at Mania, it was at Fan Axxess.
Originally Posted by AirThompson

WM XXV had a horrible PPV line-up! Only thing stood out was Taker vs. HBK

Jericho vs. Steamboat, the last few minutes of Hardy vs. Hardy, the MITB match was wild...
Originally Posted by YardFather


I just watched the replay of Mania. When HHH is punching Orton repeatedly on the ground before it ends and the ref tries grabbing HHH's arm to stop him, HHH is clearly agitated with the ref. Once HHH stands up and has words with the ref, you can clearly hear the ref tell HHH "ONE MINUTE LEFT," and HHH looks very frustrated when he hears it.

To sum it all up, HHH and Orton was just getting started. Who knows how it really would've ended, but somehow, after 25 years of Wrestlemanias, they did a horrible job of keeping track of time and one of the most heated rivalries and hyped up matches of the past few years was cut short because Kid @$##%@% Rock got 10 minutes to perform songs nobody wanted to hear.
Hmm, that's interesting. I never heard that.

It's still sad dude got to pound him out for the last 5 minutes and we had one of the most anti-climactic finishes of all time...just a horrible way to endof the show, it was too slow paced of a match. Without a doubt, the main events of WM 24 > the main events of WM 25.
Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

One match doesnt make this ppv not the worst

wrestlemania 25 is the worst wrestlemania of all time, the taker and hbk match was great( see some of you over hyping its greatness) but other than that this ppv sucked

Cena needs the belt because?

HHH Needs the belt because?

cm punk won the money in th ebank already, care to elevate a next talent to that level? good spots by christain, kofi, and shelton

Ic belt was a joke match-in a way they crapped on the Razor ramon, texas tornado, mr perfect, owen hart,brithish bulldog
, tito santanaand rick rudes of the world , who couldnt win the world title

not giving the tag titles a chance to be televised is a joke

jeff and matt have had better matches than that

diva battle royal was predictable, and wasnt even won by a diva

Jericho should of fought a real legend, a hogan/ steve austin ....steamboat did good but piper and snuka was a waste of time, and have rourke punch him out lololol, he did something that the 3 wrestlers couldnt do?lolol probably one of those salty dudes stuck in the 80's/early 90's era.

Yes...the product today pales in comparison to the previous eras of wrestling. Everyone knows this.

WM 25 is not the worst WM of all time, not when you have a match like HBK vs. Taker, the show that Steamboat and Jericho put on and the MITB match was CRAZY,even with the few botches (which WILL happen in a match like that) and people not liking CM Punk going over...I don't understand how CM Punk winning thematch takes away from all the wild %!+% we saw in there...that's ridiculous to think that.

I don't mind Punk winning, I had him as my #2 and said I wouldn't be surprised if he won...I think this is where WWE finally grooms him to be a maineventer and gives him a LEGIT title reign. Like I said before, I think they're grooming him like they elevated Edge from mid-card to main event status...
Originally Posted by Captain Charisma85

As for the streak... Put me in the camp of those who don't think it should end (it'd really be pointless to do so), however, I am not a fan of having an up and comer being the one to end it. All I am saying is, "The One" Billy Gunn is a former King of the Ring, somtimes the big chance doesn't pan out. It should be ended by somebody established, UT deserves that much.
100% truth.

At first, I wouldn't have minded if someone (who the WWE had high hopes in) ended the streak...but I feel differently about it today than I did yesterday.It's just one of those things that shouldn't be broken. He should keep that to himself...and Taker is the anti-HHH, he probably WOULD let a young upand comer go over him on his final WM for the good of the business. Your point about Billy Gunn is spot on...%!+%, look at Brock Lesnar...the WWE is stillkicking themselves for what happened with him and don't want want a repeat of that.

Props gotta be given to HBK also...from what the reports said, he's the one who went to Undertaker a few months back and proposed having a match atWrestlemania with Undertaker going over. The HBK of the past wouldn't have done that...
Mamba MVP wrote:
chillainvillain wrote:

�x10000 The song makes me even more sad..
GOAT. Can't believe that 3 ppl in that vid have passed on (Test, Benoit, and Eddie). I hated Stone Cold after him and Vince did the Rock dirty like they did.�

That's what made Wrestlemania X-Seven the greatest Wrestlemania of this�millennium.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

WM 25 is not the worst WM of all time, not when you have a match like HBK vs. Taker, the show that Steamboat and Jericho put on and the MITB match was CRAZY, even with the few botches (which WILL happen in a match like that) and people not liking CM Punk going over...I don't understand how CM Punk winning the match takes away from all the wild %!+% we saw in there...that's ridiculous to think that.

I don't mind Punk winning, I had him as my #2 and said I wouldn't be surprised if he won...I think this is where WWE finally grooms him to be a main eventer and gives him a LEGIT title reign. Like I said before, I think they're grooming him like they elevated Edge from mid-card to main event status...
My only gripe about Punk is the fact that, he really didn't need to win MITB to be "groomed." I don't think him winning takesaway from the match itself, I just didn't like who won, that's all. It's like your team playing well all game only to see the opposing team makingfree throws to seal it. Nothing you can do. My thing is that Edge, RVD, & CM Punk did what MITB is supposed to do. And, because Punk had a bad reign in hisfirst shot (I know, I know, bad booking was the cause, I didn't mind him as champ, it was something fresh), he gets a do-over? I'm just saying this wasBenjamin's time, he has a gimmick that could've done well. Why not finally give him the chance? What's it going to hurt? Same with MVP. I justthink a "back-to-back" MITB winner is a bit of a cop-out that's all.
I dont kno if anybody caught it last night but when rey mesterio was making his entrance the king said "is rey giving tribute to heath leder" then JRsaid " idk king rey career is ALIVE and well" i was like ##! is that JR. Comment was so uncalled for.
Originally Posted by Jules300

I dont kno if anybody caught it last night but when rey mesterio was making his entrance the king said "is rey giving tribute to heath leder" then JR said " idk king rey career is ALIVE and well" i was like ##! is that JR. Comment was so uncalled for.
I heard that, too
HBK got some balls of steel

last year, flair didn't catch him AT ALL for the moonsault spot

so to top that this year he got UT to swipe him in midair and eat nothing but the ground

i watched it and i cringed and yelled like a little girl.

so imagine how i was like when UT did his suicide dive..
Mamba MVP wrote:



I really haven't watched wrestling since WM 20...and I was a diehard fan growing up. If you stepped to my face and told me it was fake I gave you a stunneror a DDT...staight up and down. I stunned kids in the library, on the middle street, from the top of a brownstone to the ground below. I didn't give acrap.�
Watching that HBK/Taker match was like childhood crackreally...every year I know at least one match shines even though everything else will be garbage. God bless these real life superheros...
By the way...Wrestlemania 17 remains the best WM of this decade, and top 5 ever.
undertaker wrestelmania streak is a joke,, u mean to tell me he can lose to koslov, big show, edge, mark henry, khali thru out the year but just cause itswrestlemania he cant lose, streak should end
Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

undertaker wrestelmania streak is a joke,, u mean to tell me he can lose to koslov, big show, edge, mark henry, khali thru out the year but just cause its wrestlemania he cant lose, streak should end
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