Official XBOX 360 Thread: Tekken 6 on 360!

Originally Posted by NobleKane

i didnt get know cod5 beta...
My handsome friend nnarum? My sweet little angel angeezy? That hunk of a man cinco? Anybody?

wish i knew.
After Playing the World at War beta, I'm glad I didn't preorder. It's COD 4 with new skins. It's pretty much what COD 3 SHOULD have been. Pass.

And please don't call it COD 5, because it's for damn sure not. IMO it was a step back from COD 4, COD 3.5 if you will
Originally Posted by nnarum

[h1]MGS4 on 360 Rumors Gain Ground[/h1]

[h2]A positive report comes out of Japan.[/h2]

by Erik Brudvig
October 14, 2008 - According to a Tokyo Game Show report from Japanese investment research firm Morningstar, Metal Gear Solid 4 may find its way to the Xbox 360 after all. Morningstar published a general article covering multiplatform trends that features a quote from a Konami public relations representative that should fuel rumors for months to come. The rep is quoted as saying, regarding MGS4, "We're actively looking into a release for the Xbox 360." While this isn't a confirmation of it coming, it does lend hope to those Xbox 360 owners who haven't plunked down money on a PS3.

However, this little quote doesn't clear the major hurdle Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima has listed for the title coming to Xbox 360. He has been quoted in several interviews saying a port was likely impossible due to the game being optimized for the PS3 hardware, specifically Blu-ray discs.

IGN has contacted Konami's US representatives for a comment and is awaiting a response. The original Morningstar report can be found here.
I'm not even going to say anything besides I wouldn't care it released or not. I still wouldn't buy it.

Why wouldn't you buy MGS on XBOX?

If this happens...Sony might as well kill PS3 development and starting looking towards the Next-Generation.
just got my beta code, DLin...its goin slow as hell
mad.gif your 360 a US one (can you play non region free games
the cod beta is fun the maps are huge compare to cod4, but some guns are underpowered once you hit level 7 use the mp40
cod5 is EXACTLY like cod4. just different weapons and maps. I mean everything is the same, all the weird glitches, player movements, and bad hit detection.

anybody else feel like maps are alot bigger but also cluttered and not open?

FREE Call of Duty 5: World at War Multiplayer Beta (360+PC) Gamestop is guaranteeing codes to download the Call of Duty 5: World at War Multiplayer Beta for PC and XBOX 360 with every preorder of the game, due November 11.

To get your download go to and fill in the requested information from your receipt.

Be sure to fill in the transaction ID in the format 00XXX/01-044 replacing the X's with your number.

You will get the code emailed to you in a day or two.

All you need is an email address and a transaction number. You get one code per email address. But don't be greedy OK they might be checking IP's.

Any valid transaction numbers will work, if you get my drift, but you really should preorder the game. you need to put a REAL transaction number? if so F that cuz im not even buying this crappy game (not a fan of COD, cant stand dying from oneshot...and its all about who sees each other first all luck imo)

I just put a random number and after it said this:

Thank You!

You will be contacted soon with information on how to access the beta.

Originally Posted by KeVeNMaYnE you need to put a REAL transaction number? if so F that cuz im not even buying this crappy game (not a fan of COD, cant stand dying from one shot...and its all about who sees each other first all luck imo)

dude it can be for a transaction number from ANY Gamestop receipt you got
does it have to end with 01-044 or is that just an example

im gonna try the number on my receipt for my gow2 preorder hahaha.
Originally Posted by angeezy

does it have to end with 01-044 or is that just an example

im gonna try the number on my receipt for my gow2 preorder hahaha.

i'm guessing it's just an example
I'm still waiting on my beta email.

Then again, I just transfered my info to from charlieoscardelta.

Could be a couple of days I guess.
562 my Dude Muchas Gracias, hopefully i get a beta key. but if I don't what ever.

I'm pretty sure some one is gonna try to exploit that and hoard codes and ruin it for everyone if in fact it does work.
Played for two hours. I love it for the most part. Some of the sounds are corny as hell. Layout looks cheesy and It doesn't seem like I can throw nades asfar as I used to, otherwise I love these rifles and getting a 7 kill streak to send out the dogs.
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