I voted an hour ago. No line whatsoever

Last Presidential Election, I waited like 2 hours to vote for John Kerry, and Bush won anyways

Either way, GO OBAMA! There are surprisingly a decent amount of Obama supporters here in Omaha, but still way outnumbered from the McCain sups.
My voting place is literally 1 block down the street from my house. I've drove by twice already and saw a long line and drove straight home. If this linekeeps up, I aint voting...
i love living in Oakland, because it only took me 5 minutes from the time i got in line, voted, and got my sticker. Having multiple polling places in yourneighborhood FTW!!!
Can't wait for the results tonight.

I just told someone "The wait is worse than when I Was waiting for the dark knight to come out"

Which is definately true!
I did early voting.

I'm glad I did since it took me an hour. I can only imagine how long it would have took me today.
my district was actually and moms didnt have to wait once we were inside the actual voting area...but some of the district had like 30-40 peoplewaiting to vote...jus like coppin kicks...the wait is wild long... but the process is wild short
I voted!

Got up around 6:50, headed to polls around 7:30, line was out the building and around the corner, got inside, waited about 1.5/2 hours.

I was done by 10.


It felt good!
Originally Posted by SoLeSuPrEmE

Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by FedExciter

no obama shirts at the polls, i just seen a group of people get turned away because of their obama shirts,didnt hear the specific reason but i heard something about no campaigning at the polls or somethin like that
ima have to call ducktales...thats not campaigning and you def dont lose your right to vote b/c of it- do like highschool when you wore an offense shirt and the principle mad eyou turn it inside in your in no shirt....but who gets turned away and just leaves?? doesnt make sense-

anyways my joint was str8 - waited in a line for like 10mins only to find out i didn't have to cause it was separated by i walked over to the other section and was outta there in 5 mins-

if your having line issues go during non peak times- obv right before work, lunch time and right after work are gonna be the busiest...think of it like the registry-

and im sure most employers/teachers are being lenient today-
"Wearing campaign paraphernalia-a button, a sticker and, of course, a T-shirt-in support of any candidate is seen as passive electioneering. Some states are more lenient. In Kentucky, Maryland and Florida, election officials most often make no fuss about voter attire. The only thing banned there is the display of excessive campaign garb (i.e. head-to-toe Obama gear) or outright solicitation. Wearing campaign paraphernalia and lingering in the polling station is also a no-no in those states.
Other states, such as Pennsylvania and New York, maintain laws on passive electioneering while remaining lax in enforcement. In New York, for example, refusing to comply with the request of election officials to remove an item is considered a misdemeanor, but arrests have rarely-if ever-been made."

in Maryland

By the way... was there around 7:15ish, hour wait tops, smooth, talked to a few people in line, no problems... was out and felt GOOD! I'm feeling GREATtoday (even after a Skins lost).
Went around 8:30am this morning. I was in and out within 5 minutes. I felt like a moron for a minute because I couldn't figure out how to get the lights tolight up for my votes, but I got it eventually.

Let's go Obama.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

so i voted! absolutely no line for me .... living in bum +%$* queens FTW

You wildin

queens FTW...when i use to live there
Originally Posted by J PayCheck

Originally Posted by SoLeSuPrEmE

Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by FedExciter

no obama shirts at the polls, i just seen a group of people get turned away because of their obama shirts,didnt hear the specific reason but i heard something about no campaigning at the polls or somethin like that
ima have to call ducktales...thats not campaigning and you def dont lose your right to vote b/c of it- do like highschool when you wore an offense shirt and the principle mad eyou turn it inside in your in no shirt....but who gets turned away and just leaves?? doesnt make sense-

anyways my joint was str8 - waited in a line for like 10mins only to find out i didn't have to cause it was separated by i walked over to the other section and was outta there in 5 mins-

if your having line issues go during non peak times- obv right before work, lunch time and right after work are gonna be the busiest...think of it like the registry-

and im sure most employers/teachers are being lenient today-
"Wearing campaign paraphernalia-a button, a sticker and, of course, a T-shirt-in support of any candidate is seen as passive electioneering. Some states are more lenient. In Kentucky, Maryland and Florida, election officials most often make no fuss about voter attire. The only thing banned there is the display of excessive campaign garb (i.e. head-to-toe Obama gear) or outright solicitation. Wearing campaign paraphernalia and lingering in the polling station is also a no-no in those states.
Other states, such as Pennsylvania and New York, maintain laws on passive electioneering while remaining lax in enforcement. In New York, for example, refusing to comply with the request of election officials to remove an item is considered a misdemeanor, but arrests have rarely-if ever-been made."

in Maryland

By the way... was there around 7:15ish, hour wait tops, smooth, talked to a few people in line, no problems... was out and felt GOOD! I'm feeling GREAT today (even after a Skins lost).
Son obviously zipped up the jacket.
so i was not going to vote because i did not feel well enough informed... but in the past few days/weeks i have done a lot of reading about the presedentialcandidates and the local candidates/ballot questions in my area. by today, i felt confident to go in and make an educated vote..

but yo, my spot opened at 7 and i got there about 830... MAD people... voted at BU in boston so i was stuck there with mad bu kids, just straight up TONS ofheads... it took me 2-3 hours... [jada] ridic[/jada]
at the turn outthough...

im proud of people though, including myself.. i never would have expected myself to be disciplined enough to wait that long... i just thought about howdisappointed i would be if i left... woulda been sitting at home later on after work watching the results come in on tv straight salted that i wasnt a part ofit... all in all, it was definitely a good experience... it was my first time voting and im 25. skipped last time, but this time i felt i had to is the least we can do, yall... to me, the act of voting may be just as important as who you vote for or who gets elected.
I don't care who you vote for.....I'm glad people are excited about politics and gov't.
it's about damn time.
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