Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Oh believe me the movie portion will be trash and I'm hoping she forgets about it. But the other stuff will make up for it :lol:
Watching Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl and just love every moment Jack talks to Barbosa. Barbosa just knows he's full of s**t and hates Jack for it.

Whole movie is great.. Sad how much the other movies fell off especially the 4th one

Yes, Black Pearl was the perfect combo of comedy, action, silliness and homages to the ride. Jack Sparrow was an awesome character . . . Too awesome unfortunately. Because after that he became more and more of a caricature to the point of being annoying. And that's not the only flaw with the later movies.

But Black Pearl is still enjoyable.
Has there been a good 80s remake besides The Evil Dead? Total Recall, Robocop, and now Point Break is apparently horrible.
Has there been a good 80s remake besides The Evil Dead? Total Recall, Robocop, and now Point Break is apparently horrible.

Nothing comes to mind. Mad Max: Fury Road was more of a reboot than a remake, so I don't count that. You also forgot that the Karate Kid remake sucked.
Fellas, saw Revenant last night... :frown: .

I'll start off by saying (IMO) it's the best cinematography work I've seen since A Place Beyond the Pines, and that's some of my favorite shots and scenes. Incredible footage, and it made it even more special how certain scenes as Leo walks alone, the grand scale of his location compared to this man walking is wild.

I definitely thoroughly enjoyed it, but I wanted to love it, and maybe a second time around I will change my views (screening first started at 11:30). To me, the story was rather pretty predictable. Dialogue was very light as Master Zik Master Zik said a few pages back, but it worked for how quiet (again, as he said) the film and settings were. You definitely feel for Glass as he is left to die when in reality we know that's not how it's gonna go down for 2+ hours.

Hardy was :smokin and of course Leo killed it; I think he truly has a chance to win this year. Whether the Academy ponies up, is left to be seen.

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Nothing comes to mind. Mad Max: Fury Road was more of a reboot than a remake, so I don't count that. You also forgot that the Karate Kid remake sucked.
Fury Road is amazing. And you're right forgot about the Karate Kid. Lowering the age group to grade school kids got someone fired.

Just watched Steve Jobs (2015) great performances all around but it felt like a throw away film. No risks were taken, the 2 or 3 really moving scenes fell flat. Idk, highly over rated IMO. Danny Boyle is usually a lock too. I loved Trance, Sunshine, and 28 Days Later.
The sequel is horrible. :lol: It was an impulse buy based on how well I personally thought the Clash remake was. Wrath is all over the place. :lol: :x
Has there been a good 80s remake besides The Evil Dead? Total Recall, Robocop, and now Point Break is apparently horrible.

Nothing comes to mind. Mad Max: Fury Road was more of a reboot than a remake, so I don't count that. You also forgot that the Karate Kid remake sucked.

I'd say mad max was a sequel more than anything.. I really believe the theory

About the little kid from the 2nd movie taking on the name.. And it wasn't until he actually did something that he was proud to use it, which is why he doesn't say it til later in the movie

Plus you have the George Miller back writing and directing
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I'd say mad max was a sequel more than anything.. I really believe the theory

About the little kid from the 2nd movie taking on the name.. And it wasn't until he actually did something that he was proud to use it, which is why he doesn't say it til later in the movie

Plus you have the George Miller back writing and directing

That theory is interesting, but I'm not sold. Didn't Fury Road Max have the same leg injury (with the makeshift brace) that Road Warrior Max had? That would imply it's supposed to be the same person. Unless the Kid emulated him all the way to that level of detail
The Hateful 8 is the best movie of the year. I can say that confidently even though I aint see a few other movies on my list yet.

Quite frankly for my tastes it may be the best QT movie in a long time. Like it may have earned a place in the top 3. Better than Basterds, Django,
I already know I want to watch this more than once in theaters.

Hilarious,the mystery, incredible engaging dialogue that just sucks you in to the story and you don't notice any time passing. Samuel L. shines once again. Goggins was great. It felt like Roth was really playing a relative to Schultz.


Watching this right after The Revenant was pretty crazy. Had me feeling cold as **** in this warm weather.
I read it after watching the movie :smh: Loved it in a twisted way.

Opened my mind to disturbed ppl.
NO. the dialogue was excellent but it lacked purpose like QT's other films. Its definitely not better than Basterds or Djago and certainly not film of the year.
Purpose? It lacked purpose? :lol:

The Hangman is taking ol girl to hang, a blizzard is on it's way, he meets a bounty hunter, and the son of an infamous Southern defector along the way. The blizzard hits them hard and they have to stop off at a place to wait it out where there are already some ppl there. The Hangman is paranoid as **** somebody is going to free his prisoner and take his bounty, the other bounty hunter, Major Marcus Warren, is suspicious of the Mexican taking care of where they're staying cuz he knows the owners.

Riveting tales are told and the mystery ensues. That's all the purpose I need.

This was way better than Basterds and edges out Django for sure. Dialogue alone was far superior.

And again, right now this running away as best movie of the year for me.

Fellas, saw Revenant last night... :frown: .

I'll start off by saying (IMO) it's the best cinematography work I've seen since A Place Beyond the Pines, and that's some of my favorite shots and scenes. Incredible footage, and it made it even more special how certain scenes as Leo walks alone, the grand scale of his location compared to this man walking is wild.

I definitely thoroughly enjoyed it, but I wanted to love it, and maybe a second time around I will change my views (screening first started at 11:30). To me, the story was rather pretty predictable. Dialogue was very light as Master Zik Master Zik said a few pages back, but it worked for how quiet (again, as he said) the film and settings were. You definitely feel for Glass as he is left to die when in reality we know that's not how it's gonna go down for 2+ hours.

Hardy was :smokin and of course Leo killed it; I think he truly has a chance to win this year. Whether the Academy ponies up, is left to be seen.


Cinematography wise, A Place Behind the Pines is a good comparison.

Where we differ is as good as I thought the movie was it'll be a while before I sit down and watch it again. I was open on first watch so it was easy to receive it but now that I know what it is I'll have to be in the right frame of mind to watch it again. Might catch a few more different things about the meaning behind his dreams/hallucinations.
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Agree with you almost 100% Zik, only that I thought IG was slightly better. Hateful 8 was way better than Django though, no doubt
Saw the Revenant and will catch Hateful 8 tonight.

Man the bear scene was really awesome. Bane gave no dambs :lol:
So I just finished reading The Martian and im planning to watch the movie tonight, how does it hold up to the book?
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