Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Haven't read the book but the movie is really good and would be hard to believe matt won't do the main character justice because he's incredibly charismatic throughout the movie .

Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with the conclusion reached in that vid. But there's enough there in support of the theory that I wouldn't call someone crazy for believing it. And, hell, if believing the theory increases someone's enjoyment of the film, great.

I like the "anthology" concept discussed in the video because there are for sure some continuity issues if you view the Mad Max films as a linear sequels.
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The Revenant was so damn good. Leo, Hardy and even Gleeson were great. Cinematography was A-freaking-1. I love it when scenes are shot with hardly any cuts.

Hope Leo gets his oscar this year. I will cape for him until the end of time lol
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The Revenant was so damn good. Leo, Hardy and even Gleeson were great. Cinematography was A-freaking-1. I love it when scenes are shot with hardly any cuts.

Hope Leo gets his oscar this year. I will cape for him until the end of time lol

My homie ripped it and we got to watch it in HD. Its a really gory movie. :lol:

Felt like I was watching Survivorman but it was a good movie. No spoilers here but whoever has seen it will know what im talking about, when he had to sleep that one time to escape the cold near the end...
Family Man
What Women Want
PS I Love You
City Of Angels

> Mean Girls

The Revenant was so damn good. Leo, Hardy and even Gleeson were great. Cinematography was A-freaking-1. I love it when scenes are shot with hardly any cuts.

Hope Leo gets his oscar this year. I will cape for him until the end of time lol

My homie ripped it and we got to watch it in HD. Its a really gory movie. :lol:

Felt like I was watching Survivorman but it was a good movie. No spoilers here but whoever has seen it will know what im talking about, when he had to sleep that one time to escape the cold near the end...

^ i immediately thought of Star Wars at that part lol

I too watched the leaked screener but i'll probably catch it in theaters too. This movie deserves my money, i just couldn't wait until January to watch it.
So I just finished reading The Martian and im planning to watch the movie tonight, how does it hold up to the book?
The consensus I've read is it's one of the best adaptations in recent memory. The movie truly captured the spirit of the book.. especially Watney's sense of humor amidst all of his struggles.

The movie cut out a couple of things here and there, but I don't think it suffers at all because of it. I read the book after the movie so maybe I'm biased towards the movie, but I've read a lot of people who were huge fans of the book absolutely loved the movie. 
Hit the theaters twice today. Point Break (garb) and Joy (mediocre). I think I'm over the David O. Russell trio. He needs to involve new actors.
About the cinematography, I wouldn't have been mad if The Revenant was shot in 79mm just like TH8 :pimp:

On another note, I wonder if Leo is aware about all of the Oscar jokes about him? :nerd: :lol:
So speaking of something other than Star Wars, Revenant and H8ful Eight... I saw the Big Short tonight. I've been excited for this movie since it was announced the book had been picked up for an adaptation. And... The movie was incredible. I didn't think that McKay could do it, but he did the story solid. Some things to nitpick were the use of celebrities to explain the concepts, and it left out almost all of the characters' backstories.

But the rest of the film was great. It wasn't really preachy, McKay let the story tell itself and guided the audience through the world of **** that was the housing crisis precursor. The entire cast was great. ESPECIALLY Steve Carrell. He was phenomenal. Pitt, Bale and the rest really got across their real life counterparts quirkiness, or at least made them more real than not.

The story is easy to follow, and pretty well explained too. Some of it will be jargon to anyone not versed in the crash already, even with the explanations, but my girlfriend enjoyed it even with no interest in the markets or anything related.

People in the theater were getting pissed at the movie though. Not the actual movie, just the fact that this **** happened and was allowed to happen.

The Big Short - 7/8. Deserves all the praise it's gotten, and McKay has delivered his best film, a damn good one, to date.
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The big short was awesome . Had a bunch of random moments with cameos that caught me off guard lmfao
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Turns out Ip Man 3 is not coming out in theaters here so it seems like my 2015 movie year is over.

Overall it's been the year of the soft reboots with tones of fan service. 

My top 5:

1. Mad Max Fury Road

This movie is just pure awesome. Great action, simple plot, amazing cinematography, likeable characters and extraordinary world building. With minimal dialogue, we were introduced to very intresting fully fleshed out characters. It was incredible how this film left most of the exposition to the audience's intuition and ability to contextualise character and set design, creating a lived in world. The score was incredible, acting as the heartbeat to the movie and of course the use of practical effects was a breath of fresh air.

2. Star Wars The Force Awakens

Not a flawless movie by any means and technically should not be this high but its Starwars. 2 hours of edge of my seat fun, probably the most engaged I have ever been with a movie. In what could have easily gotten away with being a fun movies and our childhood heroes getting a curtain call, I got to meet a whole cast of amazing new characters who I'm looking forward to more than luke freaking skywalker in episode 8. That in itself is a huge accomplishment, hats off to JJ. Like Mad Max, the practical sets and effects are amazing, its great seeing the characters run across an epic battle rather than being force to walk because the green screen room is too small. I'm going to try and make a life sized BB8 as my 2016 project.

3. The Martian

Staying in space, this was a fun movie. Interstellar with a good plot that actually makes sense and leaves you feeling like you just watched Chef. I love positive movies and Matt Damon's character is as positive as you will ever get. In a movie that jumps between three groups of people in completely different settings, I never felt bored of any storyline and wanted more from pretty much every character. The visuals of mars and the space shuttle designs were stunning and like the #1 and 2 movies, I never felt like I was looking at CGI. It all seemed real.

4. Creed

Like Starwars, this was a beat for beat soft remake of the original movie. Bringing back our childhood heros while introducing new likeable characters to carry the franchise for years to come. This movie nailed it, it hit on everything that made Rocky great while making it feel fresh and new. Stalone deserves an oscar for his supporting role as the character he has grown up playing. The fight in the middle of the movie is the most impressive scene of the year. The movie also contains the best on screen fighter walk out scene which holds the title for exactly 30 seconds as the movie manages to top itself and come up with something even more epic. For a huge rocky fan like myself this was full of amazing moments but even for a first time viewer of the rocky universe, it holds up as a very good boxing movie.

5. Steve Jobs

Speaking of oscars, the best lead actor is here ladies and gentlemen. Fassbender owns this role, he may not look like steve jobs but by the end of this movie you will fully believe that you are watching the man himself on the big screen. A one man show, filled with great supporting characters and briliant writing. Also noteworthy is the cinematography and choice of shooting each act with a camera that is consistent with the era. 
I still need to watch Hateful Eight, and The Revenant, but I've seen pretty much everything else this year.

Star Wars, Sicario, Creed, Mad Max, Jobs, The Martian, Furious 7, Kingsman, Antman, Jurassic World, and whatever you else I'm forgetting.

I'll try to get thru those 2, then do a year end in a few days.

Nothing tops Star Wars, but Sicario was truly edge of my seat movie watching. That **** was captivating. Wife and I both loved it, a lot.
Star Wars


Jurassic World


all rough remakes of the original movie littered with fan service 

2/4 were GREAT but still, come on hollywood can we get some new ideas? 
I might be forced to watch 13 going on 30 today :frown: but it'll be worth it :pimp:

Wife and I love that movie. :lol:
Surprisingly it wasn't as bad as I predicted. It's cheesy, dumb and poorly written, but it has a nice little touch to it and it moves quickly, never dragging one bit.

We watched a little bit of less than zero and fifty shades as well. Both sucked.
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The Hobbit and chill worked for me but then again no one asked me....

*leaves thread slowly*

Schindler's List & chill works every time for me.

*Not that anybody asked but I'm sharing that weird *** fact anyway*
Side note: I hate that the only way I can see good movies around me is driving all the way Berkeley. That's a 35ish minute drive. Want to see Chi-Iraq and a few others and they only show them there
Gone girl ... Did she get preg or not. If so, how and by?

Just want to hear you guys side. I'm here getting bombarded by 4 woman telling me she was pregnant.

I said she wasn't and if she was .. then it must have been Doogie.

This psychopath made up a lie about being Prego just to keep him and after the fact is going to get prego. Couldn't possibly be from Ben as he received a letter the sperm was destroyed.
Gone girl ... Did she get preg or not. If so, how and by?

Just want to hear you guys side. I'm here getting bombarded by 4 woman telling me she was pregnant.

I said she wasn't and if she was .. then it must have been Doogie.

This psychopath made up a lie about being Prego just to keep him and after the fact is going to get prego. Couldn't possibly be from Ben as he received a letter the sperm was destroyed.

She was not preg. She stole urine from the preg neighbor. She used that to test "positive" as being pregnant thru her Dr.

Unless you mean at the end, then it would have been the specimens she kept from Ben.
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^^^If she somehow was pregnant, it was Doogie Howser's......or another fake pregnancy. I love "Gone Girl". One of the better movies I've seen recently....but a lot of plot holes.

That movie really makes you look out for crazy chicks. Been there before :smh:
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After faking it to Ben Affleck and the media with the stupid pregnant friend she was not pregnant that's a fact. Now with Neal Patrick Harris she did say "release in me or cum in me" to NPH before killing him. Once she is saved and back home to Ben she wanted a baby as you know but Ben doesn't want to touch her.

So my answer is maybe maybe not because we don't know if she is actually pregnant with NPH's baby now that he's gone. For the media news circuit it would be great that after the ordeal the perfect family is adding more to the house. While for Ben it's another ball n chain forcing him stay. Triple SOL.

That's my take
No, she has Ben's samples. You KNOW he would want a paternity test, she knew that too. She used his samples, that he thought were destroyed.
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