Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Couldn't get to the midnight/PM showing last night, work this weekend, might be able to squeeze it in tomorrow morning but unlikely 
 I'll have to wait a little bit to see it unfortunately. 
would not watch fast 8 if they paid me $20 and served me a rib eye steak in the theater.

you got to be a real weirdo not to take that deal.
You gotta keep in mind how the movie would completely ruin the rib eye forcing you use the $20 to buy expensive *** movie food.

that really makes no sense at all
Much like the movies no?

I saw (some of) but can judge the whole series. :lol: Got that tay1 level insight. :lol:

If the movie isn't good enough that you can't watch the whole thing can't you judge it isn't good? Mind you that is EACH movie.

If you can't make it through one movie that's a clear indicator :lol:

Don't tell me you getting forgetful in your old age. We been through this multiple times.

Pathetic indeed.
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Fast 8 Review, some spoilers but nothin too revealing.....

The run this franchise has been on, I’ve expected it to get bigger and better film after film. (since Tokyo Drift that is, when we saw Dom cameo at the end, we all knew a 4th would come, and would be “big”) What we’re getting now, is just unreal.

That said, a part of me was worried about the first film without Paul and what the direction would be. (Also, without Lin directing and running the show) I knew it would be big still, I knew they would make it fun, and entertaining and all that, but would it have the heart still, would it find a way to bring something more to the table besides the cars and over the top action? The answer, in typical F&F fashion, YES. They completely blew me away.

Everything you can love about this franchise is once again on full display. The minority casting. The minority director. The locations, the music, the interactions between the cast…..The chance for each actor/actress to shine, and have equal part in helping the story, and this time, for the first time, the main villain be a female as well. And a bad *** female villain at that.
Remember when Luda got his moment to shine in Fast 7, with the hands? This time Roman gets his moment. I loved it, both scenes, both films, well timed, unexpected, humorous, but also giving them that moment of “helping” the team in more ways than just comedic relief.

Good guy, to bad guy, bad guy, to good guy, dead, to alive, cameos, scripts flipped, backstabbing, pain (was kinda tough to say good bye to Elaina :frown: )

Seeing them have to accept Statham as an ally, perfect. Simply perfect in this world. The enemy of my enemy, is my friend. Obviously he killed one of their friends, and tried to kill all of them as well, but they did throw his brother out of a plane, so I mean….. :lol: In the end, everyone has agendas, and as we see in this film, Hobbs discovers that Shaw is actually a hero, driven to make people pay that endanger his family. Sounds an awful lot like how Dom and Brian operated. :nerd: I loved it, it was truly perfect. I was skeptical they could manage to pull that switch off, and they did flawlessly.
What would make Dom turn? I couldn’t grasp a way that would seem real, or viable. Welp……. :lol: That’ll do it alright.

Clearly, they upped the craziness a lil bit (they always do) but they stayed true to who they are, and who they’ve been, they’re a franchise that shows a driver shift 11 times, while driving an automatic, tanks drive as fast as Lambo’s, you can jump out of a speeding car and only get your tank top dirty, you can drive a car while on fire, it’s all gravy. We know the score. If you’ve been here since day 1, you know what you’re getting and you’re happy with it, if you come in expecting Letty to out act Helen Mirren then you’re an idiot who should stick to arguing about Tony Stark vs Captain America all day.

Charlize was tremendous, and pretty clear she will be a big part of either 9 or 10, and will add more members to her team that will be huge threats. And that will be awesome, just as this one was.

Rock and Statham were awesome, the prison break was Fast Five vault level. :wow: Statham was out of control in that scene with the movements thru the entire prison, God that was awesome.

Dom pushed his door off his car, and Rock’s SUV-half tank lookin armored vehicle went slamming back. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:, how hard did Dom push that door man? :lol:

The race in Cuba, and letting dude keep his car, pure Dom. I loved that scene. Again, it isn’t about takin cars and such, inch or a mile, winning is winning, and like Brian said, some people value the respect more. (great nod)

“The Buster”

“when I went to the bathroom, I didn’t recognize myself” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: That line had the whole theater cryin.

Rock and Statham back and forth was gold line for line.

Kurt Russell laughin at the rookie the whole movie. :lol:

I thought Eastwood did a good understated job to start, but I can bet he will increase in role goin forward in 9-10. He wasn’t too in our face, and he wasn’t too invisible either. Like I said, they did a good job of filling the void left by Paul.

The cameo by Owen Shaw. :wow: :pimp: That was outstanding. Freakin loved seein that.

To me, this is just my opinion, 6 is still the best movie in the franchise, because it had the GOAT cast with Han, and Letty back, and Gisele, and of course Walker, and Shaw was a great villain, not to mention them goin up against their equals in terms of crew for crew. That film is the best in terms of over the top, sure, but also still kinda grounded, kinda “real” moreso than the vault in Rio, or the sub, etc. It’s all crazy, they drive a tank, and Dom catches Letty and all that, I know, but as a whole, it’s more realistic or plausible than the other films, while still being full on action. But 8 is right behind it now. I think it was better than 7, and a lil better than 5. Again, just my opinion, but 6 was just the cleanest film of the franchise with the best cast overall.

So, rating for Fast 8 is, 8/8

Ranking them all

Is that trash pile finally in theaters? Hope so, so we can finally get closer to not seeing those terrible wastes of time on TV that advertise the biggest flaming **** to drop into pop culture. I hope all the characters die horrible deaths.
Damn dude

I'm not a fan either. Haven't seen a F&F since Tokyo Drift, but I plan to marathon the others down the road sometime.

I thought the 1st was a cool homage to the street racing culture of the early 2000's, but they slowly turned them into James Bond looking joints with the "racing" being the supporting part 
If you're a FF fan, you'll love 8

Trying to think where I got it ranked in the series.. definitely top 3.. gotta think about it some more
you got to be a real weirdo not to take that deal.
nah man. my time is worth more to me that that.

People talk **** cuz they weren't with it from jump and got left behind. :lol:
i saw the first one in the theater when it dropped and thought it was silly but not super horrible. watched 2fast and thought it was junk. watched tokyo drift in the theater cause drift racing was huge here (hawaii) and i love japan. i thought it was pretty corny but and not worth the price of admission but i wasn't completely repulsed by it. whatever i saw from subsequent movies in the franchise was really bad. good friend of mine was really close to paul walker and he even filmed with paul walker for brick mansions. it seemed like he was a really nice guy and i've only heard good things about how nice michelle rodrigues is irl so it's not that i don't like the actors - the movies are not the kind of movies that i like. i liken them to one step above the sharknado series. they've become ridiculously over the top, corny entertainment packages that are great for some but not for me.

You gotta keep in mind how the movie would completely ruin the rib eye forcing you use the $20 to buy expensive *** movie food.
:lol: that too.
Coming to America is one classic that I am completely okay with them prequeling, sequeling, copying, remaking or whatever.

Just give me some more of it, and let me sort out how I feel after.

Thanks Hollywood, on this one.
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I love watching Fast and Furious poison this thread every year

I've probably said it here before and i'll have it engraved on my tombstone:  Tokyo Drift was the last good F&F
Coming to America is the type of classic I don't care what they do next it won't stop it from being a classic.

If the next installment is trash I'll completely ignore it.
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only fast and furious that matters in the 1st one. all the rest get more meh as they release.

I thought this until F5. That one blew me away. The rest border on "meh" And "will not watch a second time"

they are so far away removed from what made the 1st one great. so many quotables. johnny tran and lance were real ones. racing. im here for the tuna. im in your face. hes a cop! you never had your car. monica! its a classic.
Finally got to watch "Wolverine: The Adventures of Babysitting". That movie was low key depressing. It was hard seeing him and Charles in that condition. :smh: Logan suffers in like every single movie, but this one hurt.
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