Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Ohhhh from the guy that made Springbreakers.

This makes more sense now :lol:

It was MM's voice but is it me or was he looking like Woody Harrelson with long hair?


Surfer dude vibes.

The Beach Bum character reminds me of Shane Black'a character he created for Phoenix in Inherent Vice.
"I'm going to go write the next great American novel. When I get back I'm going to have a gangbang and invite your mom."

MM shouldn't get any award nods for that movie, I am going out on a limb but I think that is probably him everyday. I think every other time he is acting normal as to not scare everyone else.

He was beating on the bongos just like he was in real life.

Already a classic and hasn't even been released.

Green Book 7/8

Watched last night & loved it. Had me mad as hell seeing Dr. Shirley treated the way he was despite being each evenings "main event". Viggo was terrific as well.

I wasn't aware there was controversy behind the film in comparison to how the actual green book was used in real life.
Green Book 7/8

Watched last night & loved it. Had me mad as hell seeing Dr. Shirley treated the way he was despite being each evenings "main event". Viggo was terrific as well.

I wasn't aware there was controversy behind the film in comparison to how the actual green book was used in real life.
He wasn't aware and once he did he reached out and apologized to the family. He said he wasn't aware and stated he was only working with the script/info he received.
Literally just watched The Big Lebowski last night :lol:

Edit- Just realized that's the Superbowl....prob prob just a commercial or something
Speaking of McConaughey, Serenity is getting terrible reviews

Looked bad when I saw the trailers for it last year.

MM has slipped in a few duds in between great performances. He still gotta pay the bills.

Don't trust a lot of stuff with Anne Hathaway in it.
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Looked bad when I saw the trailers for it last year.

MM has slipped in a few duds in between great performance. He still gotta pay the bills.

Don't trust a loy of stuff with Anne Hathaway in it.
Agreed. White Boy Rick was just okay and I HATED The Dark Tower.
At this point, singer shouldn't be getting any work... He damn sure should be fired from the Red Sonja project...

To cleanse of the palate of that singer foolishness... Great story about Patton Oswalt & how he turned a vicious deplorable troll into a big fan.
Red Sonja, not THAT Red Sonja from back in the day with Arnold. Yeah dude did literally burn all his bridges but yet studios stay reaching out to him.
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