Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Oh my Lord......

Been a fan ever since black mirror


Never knew she was Captain America’s girl until just now.
Anyone seen IT 2 yet? Intrigued by the 84% audience score contrasted with the 65% critics score?
Anyone seen IT 2 yet? Intrigued by the 84% audience score contrasted with the 65% critics score?

Saw it yesterday. Doesn't best the original but I didn't expect it too. Good scares, strong acting by the leads, and it accomplished a lot for one movie. It's tasked with not only being a horror sequel but also wrapping up all of the coming of age and personal stories of the Losers. It's a lot of story to juggle and it does it well.

Considering the source material and how strange the book and story gets, I liked it. They deage the kids a little bit and it's pretty noticeable once or twice but other than that the CGI is good, they expand on It a lot and give us more of the story.

Worth a watch in the theater and despite it's length, it only felt long once or twice. If you really liked the first you'd like this one.
Ok, so I just watched Booksmart....I'm REALLY baffled as to how this movie got such positive reviews. It was terrible. I'm not even kidding. Maybe a chuckle or two, but that was it.
Pretty damn good movie. Before Independence Day, it was my fav aliens visiting earth movie.

Have you seen the Director’s Cut? I read a review last night - Roger Ebert, I think - saying that the Director’s Cut is better than the theatrical version....
Have you seen the Director’s Cut? I read a review last night - Roger Ebert, I think - saying that the Director’s Cut is better than the theatrical version....

You know what I don’t think I ever did see that version. I saw there’s a 4K directions edition out there. Might just go ahead and cop. Will report back
Joaquin got surprisingly deep here -- talks about River, his fam, Rooney
Think he may win the Oscar this year -- even if he's anti-Oscars :lol:

Saw it yesterday. Doesn't best the original but I didn't expect it too. Good scares, strong acting by the leads, and it accomplished a lot for one movie. It's tasked with not only being a horror sequel but also wrapping up all of the coming of age and personal stories of the Losers. It's a lot of story to juggle and it does it well.

Considering the source material and how strange the book and story gets, I liked it. They deage the kids a little bit and it's pretty noticeable once or twice but other than that the CGI is good, they expand on It a lot and give us more of the story.

Worth a watch in the theater and despite it's length, it only felt long once or twice. If you really liked the first you'd like this one.

Saw it Monday. Pretty much agree with you. Didn’t feel as creepy as the other one. Macavoy held it down. Hader too.

One thing that bugged me bigtime (correct me if I’m speaking outta pocket, I’ve never read the book) was that in chapter one Bev is a bit of a bad mofo. Just her attitude and strength. A true punky redhead. Wise cracks. Etc.

I felt like in this movie adult Bev is NOTHING like her young self. Felt like Chastain had 4 lines the entire movie. Basically “blonde damsel in distress” role of scream at the green screen for 3 hours. Not impressed. Coulda had Renee Zelweger play the part and gotten the same result :lol: Maybe she was written that way in the book, I don’t know. No resolve about her husband issue either.

All in all, I recommend it. 5.04/8
Checking out Peppermint on Showtime. Jenny Garner putting up John Wick numbers in this **** :lol: Body count and shooting percentage...LOL...
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