Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Originally Posted by jrp44

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by jrp44

Just a heads up...idk if this is nationwide, but Blockbusters near me have all used Blu Rays for $1 


*looks at bank account*

I was too late

My friend told me about it...He picked up 55 Blu Rays...then he went back and some guy cleared out the whole stock...Guy at Blockbuster said it was about 5-600


Never thought it would be that serious. Someone must be hustlin them on Craigslist for like $5 a pop.
Just picked up 14 blu-rays and 7 DVD's.... thanks for the heads up! 
Just picked up 14 blu-rays and 7 DVD's.... thanks for the heads up! 
Originally Posted by CP1708

What did you pick up?
Districk 9, State Of Play, Doubt, Funny People, Annapolis, Pineapple Express, Takers, Paranormal Activity, etc.

Some are quality, some aren't... but you can't beat $1

Big Memorial weekend for our family and extended family... about 20 people made a trip up north to our cabin in Brainerd, MN. We knocked out about 6 movies.

X-Men (2000)
Spoiler [+]
Directed by Bryan Singer.... I thoroughly enjoyed this film. And damn, does Hugh Jackman age well.  I saw the 2008 one first (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)... and dude looks exactly the same in both movies. I liked the villains for the simple fact that they annoyed me. It just irked the %!+! out of me to look at Sabretooth, Mystique was just everywhere and you couldn't keep track of her, and Toad was just disgusting but effective. All of them had something that made them distinct, none shined more than the other, and all played a significant role in trying to dismember the X-Men team.

I really disliked 'Rogue' played by Anna Paquin. Not sure why, I just did.
There was about zero reason for Halle Berry to be in this film.... she did nothing.

Did a great job at setting up a sequel. I plan to watch 'X2' this week.

The Mechanic (2011)
Spoiler [+]
Starring Jason Statham and Ben Foster. It was just sub-par. There was just about zero depth in this movie (typical for a Jason Statham shoot-em-up flick). The only emotion seen throughout this film was from Ben Foster's character 'Steve'. He did a decent job at portraying the out-of-control-kid-learning-on-the-fly-seeking-vengeance. Other than that I came away pretty unimpressed. The ending was pretty good though... that's about it.

Anyone else get a deja vu seeing Donald Sutherland and Jason Statham together.... just like in 'The Italian Job'?

Conviction (2010)
Spoiler [+]
The story is just incredible.

So many hoops to jump through... all the triumphs that ended up being just ANOTHER hoop to jump through. Can you imagine? Spending twenty @**$%+@ years in prison for something you didn't do? I don't know if I could do it. I really don't.

Officer Taylor... that #$$%+.

Hilary Swank did a great job as Betty Anne Waters... but I think this settles the age old question posed by The Office, "Is Hilary Swank hot?"... answer: No.
... she looked extremely beat in this film. Now, that could have just been for her character's image, but she just looked ugh.

I would do some nasty things to Minnie Driver

Thor (2011)
Spoiler [+]
For anyone complaining that there wasn't enough action in this movie.... really?

There were three or four QUALITY action scenes.... and that's really all you need. Any more than that then it just becomes a cheesy action flick. When superhero movies are STORY driven is when they become well-done. Not when they're loaded up with action every ten minutes.

Natalie Portman looked great the entire film.
at the twelve second Jeremy Renner cameo... obviously promoting a role he has in next year's Avenger's flick.

I was laughing hard during some parts... like for example when he walks into the pet store "I REQUIRE A HORSE"
or when he threw down the coffee cup to show he loved it and wanted more.

I thought this movie was amazing.

The Hangover: Part II (2011)
Spoiler [+]
Here's the thing... as a stand-alone comedy, this movie actually is pretty decent. But, as a follow up to 'The Hangover'... it is just average. Right when we stood up in the movie theater, the lady in the row in front of me profoundly goes, "That was NOT better than the first one."



Ya think? Did you really go into a sequel of a fantastic film expecting to be impressed even further? I mean, really? There are only few sequels that are better than their originals.

Back to the point, there were some scenes in this movie that were shot-for-shot EXACTLY the same as the first one. I mean, I know they probably intended that, but it was still pretty corny.

When Bradley Cooper starts going on a swearing rampage in iHop and the old couple looks at him "Oh, it's okay I'm allowed to swear. This is a bachelor party, drink up everybody!"

I Am Number Four (2011)
Spoiler [+]
The first hour of this movie was great. Yes, that's right. I said great.

After that, it sort of trailed off a little bit.

The story definitely had a lot of "well if that's true, then this can't be true" moments, but overall I actually thought it was okay. Maybe my expectations were so low that there was no scenario that could have happened where I wouldn't have enjoyed it, but still.

I thought the John Smith and Sarah Hart were extremely believable... which is something you don't ever get with these movies.

I will say that they portrayed today's jock awfully. Really, really bad. Also, I'm not thrilled that Callan McAuliffe (kid that played Sam) will be in the sequel. He really did nothing at all for this film other than annoy.

Originally Posted by CP1708

What did you pick up?
Districk 9, State Of Play, Doubt, Funny People, Annapolis, Pineapple Express, Takers, Paranormal Activity, etc.

Some are quality, some aren't... but you can't beat $1

Big Memorial weekend for our family and extended family... about 20 people made a trip up north to our cabin in Brainerd, MN. We knocked out about 6 movies.

X-Men (2000)
Spoiler [+]
Directed by Bryan Singer.... I thoroughly enjoyed this film. And damn, does Hugh Jackman age well.  I saw the 2008 one first (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)... and dude looks exactly the same in both movies. I liked the villains for the simple fact that they annoyed me. It just irked the %!+! out of me to look at Sabretooth, Mystique was just everywhere and you couldn't keep track of her, and Toad was just disgusting but effective. All of them had something that made them distinct, none shined more than the other, and all played a significant role in trying to dismember the X-Men team.

I really disliked 'Rogue' played by Anna Paquin. Not sure why, I just did.
There was about zero reason for Halle Berry to be in this film.... she did nothing.

Did a great job at setting up a sequel. I plan to watch 'X2' this week.

The Mechanic (2011)
Spoiler [+]
Starring Jason Statham and Ben Foster. It was just sub-par. There was just about zero depth in this movie (typical for a Jason Statham shoot-em-up flick). The only emotion seen throughout this film was from Ben Foster's character 'Steve'. He did a decent job at portraying the out-of-control-kid-learning-on-the-fly-seeking-vengeance. Other than that I came away pretty unimpressed. The ending was pretty good though... that's about it.

Anyone else get a deja vu seeing Donald Sutherland and Jason Statham together.... just like in 'The Italian Job'?

Conviction (2010)
Spoiler [+]
The story is just incredible.

So many hoops to jump through... all the triumphs that ended up being just ANOTHER hoop to jump through. Can you imagine? Spending twenty @**$%+@ years in prison for something you didn't do? I don't know if I could do it. I really don't.

Officer Taylor... that #$$%+.

Hilary Swank did a great job as Betty Anne Waters... but I think this settles the age old question posed by The Office, "Is Hilary Swank hot?"... answer: No.
... she looked extremely beat in this film. Now, that could have just been for her character's image, but she just looked ugh.

I would do some nasty things to Minnie Driver

Thor (2011)
Spoiler [+]
For anyone complaining that there wasn't enough action in this movie.... really?

There were three or four QUALITY action scenes.... and that's really all you need. Any more than that then it just becomes a cheesy action flick. When superhero movies are STORY driven is when they become well-done. Not when they're loaded up with action every ten minutes.

Natalie Portman looked great the entire film.
at the twelve second Jeremy Renner cameo... obviously promoting a role he has in next year's Avenger's flick.

I was laughing hard during some parts... like for example when he walks into the pet store "I REQUIRE A HORSE"
or when he threw down the coffee cup to show he loved it and wanted more.

I thought this movie was amazing.

The Hangover: Part II (2011)
Spoiler [+]
Here's the thing... as a stand-alone comedy, this movie actually is pretty decent. But, as a follow up to 'The Hangover'... it is just average. Right when we stood up in the movie theater, the lady in the row in front of me profoundly goes, "That was NOT better than the first one."



Ya think? Did you really go into a sequel of a fantastic film expecting to be impressed even further? I mean, really? There are only few sequels that are better than their originals.

Back to the point, there were some scenes in this movie that were shot-for-shot EXACTLY the same as the first one. I mean, I know they probably intended that, but it was still pretty corny.

When Bradley Cooper starts going on a swearing rampage in iHop and the old couple looks at him "Oh, it's okay I'm allowed to swear. This is a bachelor party, drink up everybody!"

I Am Number Four (2011)
Spoiler [+]
The first hour of this movie was great. Yes, that's right. I said great.

After that, it sort of trailed off a little bit.

The story definitely had a lot of "well if that's true, then this can't be true" moments, but overall I actually thought it was okay. Maybe my expectations were so low that there was no scenario that could have happened where I wouldn't have enjoyed it, but still.

I thought the John Smith and Sarah Hart were extremely believable... which is something you don't ever get with these movies.

I will say that they portrayed today's jock awfully. Really, really bad. Also, I'm not thrilled that Callan McAuliffe (kid that played Sam) will be in the sequel. He really did nothing at all for this film other than annoy.

Great breakdowns JPZ, but I have one complaint.  You give Thor 10/10, but you didn't give a 10 for Casino. 

And if Thor is a 10, what is The Dark Knight?  I hope you say a 14. 

I liked Thor too, but it can't be a "perfect" movie in terms of up there with the elites.  Godfather is a 10, Thor is the same? 

10's to me gotta stay for the best of the best only.  Otherwise it gets real cluttered ya know?  Maybe I'm thinkin too much on it, but either way, glad you saw and liked all that stuff.  Let us know when you get thru X2, and maybe just save yourself the pain and skip X3, unless you're really curious. 
Great breakdowns JPZ, but I have one complaint.  You give Thor 10/10, but you didn't give a 10 for Casino. 

And if Thor is a 10, what is The Dark Knight?  I hope you say a 14. 

I liked Thor too, but it can't be a "perfect" movie in terms of up there with the elites.  Godfather is a 10, Thor is the same? 

10's to me gotta stay for the best of the best only.  Otherwise it gets real cluttered ya know?  Maybe I'm thinkin too much on it, but either way, glad you saw and liked all that stuff.  Let us know when you get thru X2, and maybe just save yourself the pain and skip X3, unless you're really curious. 
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Dub, did you watch Sugar yet?

nah i ended up watching rounders. But i have it recorded. planning on watching it today or tomorrow 
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Dub, did you watch Sugar yet?

nah i ended up watching rounders. But i have it recorded. planning on watching it today or tomorrow 
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

any Harry Potter fans here? Last film coming out on July 15th...hasn't been too much promo but I guess they don't need it...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2 - http://bit.ly/ipoqWb
I'm a big HP fan and definitely am hyped for the film finale.  I just saw a trailer for DH-2 last week and it looks good.  And I think you're right about not needing much promo.  I think you can put the movie down for between $250-$350 million domestic even if they don't put up another billboard or show any TV commercials. 

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

any Harry Potter fans here? Last film coming out on July 15th...hasn't been too much promo but I guess they don't need it...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2 - http://bit.ly/ipoqWb
I'm a big HP fan and definitely am hyped for the film finale.  I just saw a trailer for DH-2 last week and it looks good.  And I think you're right about not needing much promo.  I think you can put the movie down for between $250-$350 million domestic even if they don't put up another billboard or show any TV commercials. 

I really wanna read the Harry Potter books one of these days. I've heard great things about the films, but the novels are so much more appealing.
I really wanna read the Harry Potter books one of these days. I've heard great things about the films, but the novels are so much more appealing.
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