Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I see y’all got jokes. Continuing with the comedy theme you comedians got going up in here....

Team Calibeebee, with their 3rd pick in the all time tv draft selects Saturday Night Live from Comedy category.

Edit* getback getback I don’t know if you know this about me, but IASIP is my all time favorite show. I’m legit obsessed with it. I’m taking this **** personal. Watch yo back. You just got lumped in with kingkoopa kingkoopa

You already kinda got me back because I was strongly considering SNL for utility.

So it's

This crazy. I last checked in around 4. Said damn calibeebee calibeebee still aint pick. Continued my marathon, passed out, and I wake up to see only one pick in the past 16 hours!

kingkoopa kingkoopa had an early dinner and is in a sleep coma or something?
This crazy. I last checked in around 4. Said damn calibeebee calibeebee still aint pick. Continued my marathon, passed out, and I wake up to see only one pick in the past 16 hours!

kingkoopa kingkoopa had an early dinner and is in a sleep coma or something?

yeah I go to bed around 5 or 6pm pacific time. Then I can’t make a pick until I get off work that day, which could be anywhere from 10-14 hours of work. So yeah if I’m on the clock During a dinner time pick, don’t expect any movement within the next 16 hours
yeah I go to bed around 5 or 6pm pacific time. Then I can’t make a pick until I get off work that day, which could be anywhere from 10-14 hours of work. So yeah if I’m on the clock During a dinner time pick, don’t expect any movement within the next 16 hours
Next time send your pick and a backup to C CP1708 so he can do it for you.

Lets go jpzx jpzx
One of the utility categories should be changed to “classic.” Any show from 1970 and older. Yeah I know we CAN pick those if we want with our utility picks, but making it a category FORCES you to get creative in that regard.
Has jpzx jpzx dropped out the draft? :nerd:

I see dude online but he's ducking this thread.

This is reminding me of one of the last 2 drafts we did and one guy disappeared for like 2 days and when he came back he was traveling overseas or something and bailed :lol:
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