Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Idk who needs to hear this, but Blue Eye Samurai is a god damn indisputable masterpiece. Matches Arcane step for step for animated shows. I'm on episode 6 right now.
TMI update - the ending has my balls way past blue. Basically got purple balls rn. Need season 2 here ASAP.

I'm so ******* upset that Fowler is still alive :lol:
Saw Alien Romulus.

Liked it better than the last 5 films :lol:

Random Thoughts:
So.....am i reading this correctly: the girl got pregnant by her cousin?

Andy def the star of the show :pimp:
The only time i liked an android in these films.
Fassbender is cool but that character was over used to me.

Filmakers probably wanted Millie Bobby Brown to be Rain

It woulda been dope to see the ship colliding with the rings from the surface of the planet.

Andy said the guns might slow the xenomorphs down outta fear, but they also cant see. That part was a little odd. Heat signature? Sound signature?
I never got the impression from any other Alien movie that Xenomorph’s can’t see. The queen in Aliens absolutely appears to see, for example. But I could buy face huggers being blind.
The Beach does NOT deserve to have a 21% critic score on Rotten Tomatoes. It is so much better than that.
Agree. I’ve always been puzzled by how disliked it is by critics. I think it’s a damn solid flick and have watched it a few times. Good performances by Leo and Swinton, interesting story.

Really think it has to do with being Leo’s next movie after Titanic and such a different film and role for him. People didn’t like it just because of that, which is totally illogical, but what I think happened. :lol:
RamBro turned out to be pretty good. The third act became a bit cliche, but overall I had a great time watching it. This might be the birth of a new action star/franchise.

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