Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice was okay.

Suffers from the sequal problem where
there is no real reason for this movie to exist, so they have to manufacture a bunch of reasons,

unfortunately none of the reason are very compelling. leads to an overstuffed movie

still fun to watch for the production design, effects, general tim burton-y gimmicks.
Its a catch-22, because the original movie is so much tighter and clearer of a story, it was a brand new idea, so it could wait to reveal the full nature of the film.

this movie, they can't really wait, so they need to have a reason to go into beetlejuice world from the jump,

which is why they have the Monica Bellucci villain. but her whole plot line is very underbaked.

the whole movie should have been based around the second antagonist. but because its a sequel you can't really do that.

calibeebee calibeebee what am I missing with Beetlejuice?

Seems like everyone loves it, but uh.....whew.

I'm more astonished it got a PG rating than anything else. I'm pouring over IMDB searching for clues to what I don't get. I'm not finding anything helpful.

Man, I gotta be honest I’ve not once in my life heard someone born before 1990 say they didn’t love beetle juice or Addams family (or Edward Scissor Hands) I don’t think fantasy is your jam. BUUUUUT I can touch on some points that I really like in the movie and what I like about Tim Burton films in general. Bear with me, there’s gonna be a lot of useless babble.

1. To start out, Beetlejuice was made in 1988. Let that sink in for a minute. Just Google best films of 1988 and take a gander at all the films on the list. Taking out the foreign films, the highest rated (IMDb) films were Die Hard, Rain Man, Mississippi Burning, Roger Rabbit, Beetlejuice, Naked Gun, and then things get extremely mediocre at 13-30. The commercial and critical success of the film could be tied to it standing out amongst the mediocre films of that year. Whether you like it or not, it’s hard to argue that the film lacked originality. Especially in 1988. A foul talking Ghost with the Most was not common. It was laugh out loud hysterical for American families that were watching the Rosanne show on tv at the time. Think of Beetlejuice as that eras Deadpool. It seems lame now, but the jokes were super edgy back then.

2. Tim Burton is 95 percent style/visuals. He’s famously stated that he wouldn’t know a good script if it bit him in the face. He was a flunked out weirdo Disney animator. His goal was always to create dark and twisted works of art, and the story side of his early films were in direct relation to his own life. Social outcasts. Quiet freaks. “ If you've ever had that feeling of loneliness, of being an outsider, it never quite leaves you. You can be happy or successful or whatever, but that thing still stays within you.” -Tim Burton
So if those characters and those themes don’t really appeal to you personally, that could be a reason for disinterest. As Lydia says in the film,
“Well I read through that handbook for the recently deceased. It says, 'Live people ignore the strange and unusual. ' I myself am strange and unusual.”

3. The visuals of beetlejuice are fun and unique




4. The dialogue is top notch. Witty joke after witty joke after witty joke.

5. The actors put on iconic performances like you said. Keaton, Winona, Jeffry Jones, Geena Davis, Alec Baldwin, CATHERINE O’HARE!

A movie like beetlejiuce gets better and better everytime you watch it. You catch little details you missed before. It’s also even better in group settings. Just plain fun man

80s baby here.

I LITERALLY did this pose on picture day when i was in 2nd grade for an award i won. They told me to stop :lol:

Wildest joke in Beetlejuice 2.....

Adam Maitland in B1 played by Alec Baldwin

Wilems character is dead actor

" I didnt know it was a live grenade"

:wow: :lol:
The film was, actually pretty good. Not the story, it sucked pretty bad but, I see what they’re doing here and that boosts it up the ranks for me. 6/8

Funny thing, the film takes place 50years in the future or late 21st CENTURY
Roy McBride makes a trip from Earth to Jupiter in 79days. Right now quickest trip on record was 12years and that left Earth in 1977 and arrived in 1989.
Engineers will tell you that any tech we currently have available to the public is always 50years behind what is really “current”.

1977- 2025 is just about 50years.
Ad Astra takes place sometime between 2069 -2099 which is approximately 120years ahead of 1977’s Twelve year trip.

I believe that 12 year trip from the 1970’s can be completed today in 79days for sure and my guess would be that by 2099 we will be able to travel to NEPTUNE in the same time it would take us to walk in our front door and out of our back door.
Man, I gotta be honest I’ve not once in my life heard someone born before 1990 say they didn’t love beetle juice or Addams family (or Edward Scissor Hands) I don’t think fantasy is your jam. BUUUUUT I can touch on some points that I really like in the movie and what I like about Tim Burton films in general. Bear with me, there’s gonna be a lot of useless babble.

1. To start out, Beetlejuice was made in 1988. Let that sink in for a minute. Just Google best films of 1988 and take a gander at all the films on the list. Taking out the foreign films, the highest rated (IMDb) films were Die Hard, Rain Man, Mississippi Burning, Roger Rabbit, Beetlejuice, Naked Gun, and then things get extremely mediocre at 13-30. The commercial and critical success of the film could be tied to it standing out amongst the mediocre films of that year. Whether you like it or not, it’s hard to argue that the film lacked originality. Especially in 1988. A foul talking Ghost with the Most was not common. It was laugh out loud hysterical for American families that were watching the Rosanne show on tv at the time. Think of Beetlejuice as that eras Deadpool. It seems lame now, but the jokes were super edgy back then.

2. Tim Burton is 95 percent style/visuals. He’s famously stated that he wouldn’t know a good script if it bit him in the face. He was a flunked out weirdo Disney animator. His goal was always to create dark and twisted works of art, and the story side of his early films were in direct relation to his own life. Social outcasts. Quiet freaks. “ If you've ever had that feeling of loneliness, of being an outsider, it never quite leaves you. You can be happy or successful or whatever, but that thing still stays within you.” -Tim Burton
So if those characters and those themes don’t really appeal to you personally, that could be a reason for disinterest. As Lydia says in the film,
“Well I read through that handbook for the recently deceased. It says, 'Live people ignore the strange and unusual. ' I myself am strange and unusual.”

3. The visuals of beetlejuice are fun and unique




4. The dialogue is top notch. Witty joke after witty joke after witty joke.

5. The actors put on iconic performances like you said. Keaton, Winona, Jeffry Jones, Geena Davis, Alec Baldwin, CATHERINE O’HARE!

A movie like beetlejiuce gets better and better everytime you watch it. You catch little details you missed before. It’s also even better in group settings. Just plain fun man

I appreciate you getting back to me on this.

I will give it a couple more viewings to see if I missed something. My wife and daughter both live the film, I just didn't get much from it. Did like a couple details but I will try again since I really did enjoy the sequel.
Yeah it's ******* annoying...notice that it's really bad on HBO Max
Definitely. There could be a scene where the characters are talking so low it seems like they’re whispering. So, naturally, you turn up the volume because you want to pay attention to what they’re saying. Meanwhile, the following scene could be sound effects BLASTING. :angry:

The speaking voice/sound effect ratio can be totally off sometimes.
This volume issue, do you all have a home theater system?
If yes, is it set up right?
This volume issue, do you all have a home theater system?
If yes, is it set up right?
My son set up out AV stuff at my house and he’s really good with that stuff and we still have the volume fluctuation issue. He can explain it in very technical terms, but can’t prevent it.
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