Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

CP1708 wrote:
I'm up. With an assist from Prime on one of my fav movies that I COMPLETELY forgot, .....From Dusk Til Dawn, horror/thriller.

I'd call that a turnover not an assist.
CP1708 wrote:
I'm up. With an assist from Prime on one of my fav movies that I COMPLETELY forgot, .....From Dusk Til Dawn, horror/thriller.

I'd call that a turnover not an assist.
hold up
For a sec, I forgot I had genres to fill.

Lemme pick my girl Anuck-su-namun.

The Mummy
8th Round Picks

Kool - There's Something About Mary
JPZ - Apollo 13
Prime - Hard Boiled
Big J - Groundhog Day
Venom - Face/Off
CP - From Dusk Til Dawn
Dub - Carlito's Way
Dirk -  Swingers
MrONegative - The Mummy
JohnnyRed - Happy Gilmore
Noskey - 
IllmaticSoul - 
8th Round Picks

Kool - There's Something About Mary
JPZ - Apollo 13
Prime - Hard Boiled
Big J - Groundhog Day
Venom - Face/Off
CP - From Dusk Til Dawn
Dub - Carlito's Way
Dirk -  Swingers
MrONegative - The Mummy
JohnnyRed - Happy Gilmore
Noskey - 
IllmaticSoul - 
Travolta's been dead for a decade, but Cage has his moments, like Bad Lieutenant and Kick-!@@ ... this don't sound like one of em, though.
Travolta's been dead for a decade, but Cage has his moments, like Bad Lieutenant and Kick-!@@ ... this don't sound like one of em, though.
Ya'll crack all ya want but Face Off was fantastic. Not that they'd ever be able to re-create that.
Ya'll crack all ya want but Face Off was fantastic. Not that they'd ever be able to re-create that.
Mother fluffer?
Never heard that one before. Yeah there were 2 other westerns I had on my list, wonder if yours are the same ones 
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