Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

As I said after the last one, I've been impressed with the draft and the teams. Even in CP's case, I ranked his 2000s team at the bottom, but it still has Basterds, Inception, Sin City, The Town on it. The difference between the 10th place team and the 5th place team was only a couple of choices, so it was really competitive.

The Blind Side sucked though... you're better than that.
As I said after the last one, I've been impressed with the draft and the teams. Even in CP's case, I ranked his 2000s team at the bottom, but it still has Basterds, Inception, Sin City, The Town on it. The difference between the 10th place team and the 5th place team was only a couple of choices, so it was really competitive.

The Blind Side sucked though... you're better than that.
Big J, i can respect your list even though i'm near the bottom. You took everything into consideration, and your point system was fair and concise.
That's all i wanted. Thanks for taking the time to judge. 
Big J, i can respect your list even though i'm near the bottom. You took everything into consideration, and your point system was fair and concise.
That's all i wanted. Thanks for taking the time to judge. 
The thing with the 00s is there are really very few elite, top-shelf movies... Lots of really, really good ones though and a ton of movies that I could understand being one on either end of the love/hate spectrum... It's a tough decade.
  I liked that movie actually, even if I know they changed Michael Oher quite a bit and made the dad look like Tim McGraw, even though nobody ever would confuse the real dad for Tim, ever. 

I know the movie was a sell out.  But I was runnin outta options.  For me, that brutal friggin 8th round killed me.  4 of my picks that I was watchin drop and drop and drop all snatched up in that round, and then I panicked and took Batman Begins. 
  I handled myself poorly in this one.  I thought I had movies targeted right and they all got picked off right in front of my eyes. 
I had fun though. 
  I liked that movie actually, even if I know they changed Michael Oher quite a bit and made the dad look like Tim McGraw, even though nobody ever would confuse the real dad for Tim, ever. 

I know the movie was a sell out.  But I was runnin outta options.  For me, that brutal friggin 8th round killed me.  4 of my picks that I was watchin drop and drop and drop all snatched up in that round, and then I panicked and took Batman Begins. 
  I handled myself poorly in this one.  I thought I had movies targeted right and they all got picked off right in front of my eyes. 
I had fun though. 
The thing with the 00s is there are really very few elite, top-shelf movies... Lots of really, really good ones though and a ton of movies that I could understand being one on either end of the love/hate spectrum... It's a tough decade.
Nowitness41Dirk wrote:
The thing with the 00s is there are really very few elite, top-shelf movies... Lots of really, really good ones though and a ton of movies that I could understand being one on either end of the love/hate spectrum... It's a tough decade.
I dunno man, I think this decade has plenty of elite movies.  I think the difference in all of this is simply, time. 

We've had 10+ years for every movie in the 90's to properly set where it "ranks". 

This decade was still moving up til a year ago.  We're still slotting, and re-slotting so to speak imo.  I think 10 years from now, there will be a consensus top 50 or whatever, and you'll see they're just as strong as the movies the 90's produced.  *shrugs*  Not saying that it's better than the 90's so to speak, but I don't think they are that far off is all. 

Nowitness41Dirk wrote:
The thing with the 00s is there are really very few elite, top-shelf movies... Lots of really, really good ones though and a ton of movies that I could understand being one on either end of the love/hate spectrum... It's a tough decade.
I dunno man, I think this decade has plenty of elite movies.  I think the difference in all of this is simply, time. 

We've had 10+ years for every movie in the 90's to properly set where it "ranks". 

This decade was still moving up til a year ago.  We're still slotting, and re-slotting so to speak imo.  I think 10 years from now, there will be a consensus top 50 or whatever, and you'll see they're just as strong as the movies the 90's produced.  *shrugs*  Not saying that it's better than the 90's so to speak, but I don't think they are that far off is all. 

No personal feelings involved

I took away the usernames when I voted and looked at the lists

I did chuckle when I pulled up the names at the end though
No personal feelings involved

I took away the usernames when I voted and looked at the lists

I did chuckle when I pulled up the names at the end though
We're a while off from an 80's draft, I think we can all use a break, but we should get a head count, some of have said they do not want in.  So, if you want in, say so in here so I know and can plan accordingly.  We may drop down to 10 teams, or maybe I am wrong and we go up to 16 teams, let's find out. 

U of Nike


Big J?  Dub?  Venom?  LTB?   Shaun?  MrO?

Kev, Ill, JRP and JPZ have said no previously, they certainly can change their mind if they wish.  They can also be judges if they decide to go that route. 

If you don't want in, don't sweat it, like I said, we can drop down to less teams and what not, and as I said, this may be a few days/week or two away to give time to relax and not be on call so to speak. 
We're a while off from an 80's draft, I think we can all use a break, but we should get a head count, some of have said they do not want in.  So, if you want in, say so in here so I know and can plan accordingly.  We may drop down to 10 teams, or maybe I am wrong and we go up to 16 teams, let's find out. 

U of Nike


Big J?  Dub?  Venom?  LTB?   Shaun?  MrO?

Kev, Ill, JRP and JPZ have said no previously, they certainly can change their mind if they wish.  They can also be judges if they decide to go that route. 

If you don't want in, don't sweat it, like I said, we can drop down to less teams and what not, and as I said, this may be a few days/week or two away to give time to relax and not be on call so to speak. 
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Votes sent to CP

My thought process while voting:

For arguments sake, I tallied up for each genre what I thought to be the elite/best of the best. While everyone had at least one in my rankings, the average was 2 and the most anyone had was 4. Those who only had 1 ended up having stronger utility choices... so in the end it balanced out in my eyes. I did give bonus points if you were in the elite genre/utility, but they were bonus points and weren't the primary factor.

I also considered draft order. If you had an exceptionally strong pick in round 7 or later, I looked more favorably on that. Likewise, if you reached and took a subpar film in the first 5 rounds, that was a factor for me.

For some of the films I haven't seen, I did my best to research reviews/aggregate and specific critics and did my best not to hold it against you. There were only a handful of those, so that wasn't a big issue.

My list:

1. Prime
2. Kool
3. Kevin

4. JRP
5. Dirk
6. JPZ

7. Noskey
8. Venom
9. Illmatic
10. Shaun
11. LTB
12. CP
13. MrO
14. Johnny

The top 3 were all close but were the best. Places 4-6 were tough, all were essentially tied on my voting. For the rest, in some cases it was a matter of a few weak choices bringing down your score, simply not having enough elite choices, plenty of good but not great picks, etc. I used a modified letter grade system, similar to a GPA if you will. As I said, it factored in overall roster as the primary score, then bonus for draft order and elite genre picks.

I spent a good amount of time on this, after participating in the last draft I know you guys put a lot of time into it, so I won't short change you in my voting. I'll explain my choices if people have objections, it was pretty tough, and there were definitely members who had very strong choices in the middle of the rankings.
I totally agree with  Big J ranking list.

CP you should have draft "61" for sports and I'm in on the 80's draft.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Votes sent to CP

My thought process while voting:

For arguments sake, I tallied up for each genre what I thought to be the elite/best of the best. While everyone had at least one in my rankings, the average was 2 and the most anyone had was 4. Those who only had 1 ended up having stronger utility choices... so in the end it balanced out in my eyes. I did give bonus points if you were in the elite genre/utility, but they were bonus points and weren't the primary factor.

I also considered draft order. If you had an exceptionally strong pick in round 7 or later, I looked more favorably on that. Likewise, if you reached and took a subpar film in the first 5 rounds, that was a factor for me.

For some of the films I haven't seen, I did my best to research reviews/aggregate and specific critics and did my best not to hold it against you. There were only a handful of those, so that wasn't a big issue.

My list:

1. Prime
2. Kool
3. Kevin

4. JRP
5. Dirk
6. JPZ

7. Noskey
8. Venom
9. Illmatic
10. Shaun
11. LTB
12. CP
13. MrO
14. Johnny

The top 3 were all close but were the best. Places 4-6 were tough, all were essentially tied on my voting. For the rest, in some cases it was a matter of a few weak choices bringing down your score, simply not having enough elite choices, plenty of good but not great picks, etc. I used a modified letter grade system, similar to a GPA if you will. As I said, it factored in overall roster as the primary score, then bonus for draft order and elite genre picks.

I spent a good amount of time on this, after participating in the last draft I know you guys put a lot of time into it, so I won't short change you in my voting. I'll explain my choices if people have objections, it was pretty tough, and there were definitely members who had very strong choices in the middle of the rankings.
I totally agree with  Big J ranking list.

CP you should have draft "61" for sports and I'm in on the 80's draft.
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