Okay so this racist dude at my job...

Feb 12, 2008
Aiight so this racist dude at my job right hes like 19 years old...im 21...i work for a big financial corporation in a buisness professional work area..howeveri work a twilight shift so its extra lax in our area. NOW this kid is a suburbian polish cat who i thought was kinda cool at first when he started here...itrained him on what he needed to know we cracked jokes n all that good stuff when he was a temp employee...now they hired him perminatley and he has been acomplete F*ck up witht the work not only that he started getting racial with his jokes (fried chicken, grape soda, slave jokes etc nappy hair...the list goeson and on) and hes even used the N word twice in my presence when i wasnt even talkin to the dude. (im black for the record) ... this 1 night he took itoverboard and i reported him to my manager...they pulled him to the side and put him on corrective action...so now the dude cant even Breathe wrong or hesfired... so now this guy comes into work everyday pissed off. walks around with this chip on his shoulder and runs to other people outside of our work space toget sympathy for him being a dumb a$*. every now and again as im working ill look over my shoulder and he will be giving me this look as if he wants the fairone (to fight). NTLK i got big bills to take care of yall know im smarter than that to get fired on behalf of his stupidity. now heres the catch... i playflag football every weekend and he has heard me talking to other co-workers about me gettin loose on the field and he just invited himself to come playfootball every sunday. so last sunday i was playing QB and like 10 seconds after i threw the ball this cat comes outta no where and cheap shot me with a kneeto the thigh...then tried to act all tough...so i shook it off and when posession turned and we were on defense i was playing LB and he was a slot reciever...irun over and toe up with this kid with the intent to *u(k him up. when the QB called hike he ran from me like a ( ) so what do yall think i should do? shouldi keep turning the other cheek to this kid? should i fu*k him up? cuz honestly ive held back from getting him at work (this kid is 6'0 150 tops im 6'3250 a fight wouldnt be fair its like Joey Porter vs. David beckham) i dont want to resort to violence but iduno im torn lol....NTLK i need some advice...
so you're letting some polsih dweeb herb you
Nobody's going to read that long **@ essay my dude

EDIT: okay I read it... nothing good is gonna come from you beating this frail excuse of a man's%$%

Just keep it pushin'
You're 21 years old, no reason to catch a case because some ignorant polish dude is gettin on ur nerves.
You could've at least spaced your paragraph.
And you really need the go ahead to wreck
this kid from a message board? Really?
I would've put him down after the cheap shot to the thigh. A few inches lower and you'd be needing a wheelchair to get around for 4-6 weeks.
Catch him after work and punch him in the back of his face as hard as you can...hell, I woulda done it after the 1st violation...
Best thing to do is to catch him slippin' at work again. That'll be more pain to him than hitting him
he came to you with a knee in the thigh playing flag football?
i would have f'd him up right there.

also, people actually play "actual" positions in flag football? slotback, linebacker, etc?
Your mistake - you made it comfortable for him to crack jokes in the very beginning imo.

Ppl really don't know where the boundaries are
so last sunday i was playing QB and like 10 seconds after i threw the ball this cat comes outta no where and cheap shot me with a knee to the thigh...then tried to act all tough...so i shook it off
should have knocked him back for that one.
i mean..dont get herbed on the football field man that %$** aint right....especially from this ignant mofo....sounds like you got a good job man..and this dudesounds like hes bound to get fired sooner than later. keep your cool at work my dude...hes a punk obviously and he'll $%!$ his own %$** up..respect iseverything but you also need to remind yourself that you got to put food in your stomach and shelter over ya head...

raise ya head my boy and dont let that fool slight you...next sunday let loose and pop that mofo at the line of scrimmage everytime ya dig me?
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