Oklahoma City Supersonics

Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

Originally Posted by In The Line For VIIs

I would be all in favor of keeping the Sonics identity in Seattle a la the Cleveland Browns. If Memphis relocates to Seattle would be a great spot. That way OKC could take Memphis spot in Southwest Division and Seattle could stay in the Northwest.

Otherwise, I'm going to cheer for the OKC to lose every time the play.

OKC Grizzly's makes more sense.

OKC has a lot going for it. ALOT of room for corporate businesses to come in. 3rd largest city in the nation geographically, and has alot of room forexpanding. That's why Stern is behind this.

It's business people.
man...I can't imagine Seattle not having an NBA team...the sonics were one of the best teams in the 90s...theres pretty much no stopping the movetho...unless a group comes out from nowhere and offers to pay a rediculous amount of money to Bennett for the Sonics...Bill Gates as a local should dosomething..I can imagine him telling Paul Allen "Hey Paul now I got one too!"
This is terrible; I can't imaging the NBA without a team in Seattle. I don't think there's anything wrong with Key Arena, and I don't think thetaxpayers should have to pay for a new arena. Seattle is really in an unfortunate situation.
Originally Posted by G2P0

Gary Payton is probably due to have his jersey retired by the Sonics soon. How wrong and awkward would that be if they retire his jersey in Oklahoma?

there are some really good comments in here, someone should cc this to bennett schultz stern and maybe some in the players association
Originally Posted by Sick Ik 23

Originally Posted by pkballr

Would anyone root for the Oklahoma Sonics at all? I know I won't.
I don't anyone outside of OKC. This move still has to go to a vote to the owners to be passed. That will be terrible if this happens though.
Mark Cuban has been very public about his desire to keep any team out of OKC...

That said, the Sonics need a new arena, or a move is inevitable... It's up to Seattle tax-payers at this point. By most accounts, Key Arena is one of theworst venues in the league. It's a shame it has come to this, but it is what it is. The league is a business, and if an owner feels he can relocate andmake more money, you really cannot blame him. You'd do the same if it would put more cash in your pocket.
It sucks because they will be really good give or take 3-4 more years. And i really feel for all the Seattle fans, because they have stuck with that teamthrough all those losing years. But when i think of Oklahoma i think of
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

It sucks because they will be really good give or take 3-4 more years. And i really feel for all the Seattle fans, because they have stuck with that team through all those losing years. But when i think of Oklahoma i think of
yeah we Seattle fans have stuck with them through these bad years...just like you have had to with the Knicks
whats terrible for Sonics fans is that all of this is happening as their team is starting to shape into what looks to be a real good squad. Plus all the draftpiucks they possess... its sad for Seattle.
Originally Posted by In The Line For VIIs

That would be awesome if the owners vetoed the move.

They won't. The "vote" is pretty much meaningless because they all vote in line with the wishes of the league office. It's like having anelection but everyone voting is a hardcore Democrat.
Originally Posted by Sick Ik 23

Originally Posted by pkballr

Would anyone root for the Oklahoma Sonics at all? I know I won't.

Every game will be a sell out, just like the OKC-New Orleans Hornets games were. I'm sorry to those in Seattle losing their team, I know you've allinvested a lot in them over the years. But for all those saying that no one will root for them, you're wrong. There are no pro sports teams in any sport inthe Oklahoma/Kansas/Arkansas region. The OKC Sonics will be a rousing success whether you like it or not.


Oh, and as far as the name goes...Seattle can keep the Sonics name if they want. It's the players that I want. It'll be a hell of a lot better thanstarting off with an expansion team.
Let's see how many games they sell out if they start to suck. I wonder if Mr. Durant will sign an extension or go to a real NBA market once his firstcontract is up. If that team ever becomes as bad as the Sonics are right now, they will lose so much money I'm not sure there's even a word for it.
yeah we Seattle fans have stuck with them through these bad years...just like you have had to with the Knicks

lets move the knicks to okc.

man i live in vancouver and its gonna be sad having to drive all the way to portland just to see a friggen game.

seattle BLEEDS green and yellow. business is sick. at leats they got the huskies.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Let's see how many games they sell out if they start to suck. I wonder if Mr. Durant will sign an extension or go to a real NBA market once his first contract is up. If that team ever becomes as bad as the Sonics are right now, they will lose so much money I'm not sure there's even a word for it.

The problem here is, it's not like the Sonics are filling up even 80% of their arena on a nightly basis right now. So what another market will orwon't do when a team isn't good is irrelevant. What matters is, right now, Seattle has one of the worst arenas in the league, and the fans aren'tfilling up the seats.

If owners aren't making money in Seattle, then they have ever right to leave the market. Does it suck for Seattle and their fans? Absolutely. But if youowned a publicly-funded business, and you were losing money on it, but felt you could make profit in another market, you'd do the exact same thing Bennettand Sonics management is doing right now. It's a business. Make money or get out.
Oklahoma City Super-Sonics....I like that flow, Oklahoma super city sonics, no..... city sonics...no wait....super cities....
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Let's see how many games they sell out if they start to suck. I wonder if Mr. Durant will sign an extension or go to a real NBA market once his first contract is up. If that team ever becomes as bad as the Sonics are right now, they will lose so much money I'm not sure there's even a word for it.

The problem here is, it's not like the Sonics are filling up even 80% of their arena on a nightly basis right now. So what another market will or won't do when a team isn't good is irrelevant. What matters is, right now, Seattle has one of the worst arenas in the league, and the fans aren't filling up the seats.

If owners aren't making money in Seattle, then they have ever right to leave the market. Does it suck for Seattle and their fans? Absolutely. But if you owned a publicly-funded business, and you were losing money on it, but felt you could make profit in another market, you'd do the exact same thing Bennett and Sonics management is doing right now. It's a business. Make money or get out.

The problem is not the arena itself. Key Arena is actually not a bad place to watch a game at all. The problem is the lease. The Sonics have one of theworst leases in the NBA. If they really wanted to stay in Seattle, all they would need to do is renegotiate a new lease or renovate the arena.

Also, this is not a business decision at all. It is personal. The smart business decision would be to keep the team in Seattle, it's a much morelucrative market than OKC. Seattle is the 13th largest market in the country, OKC is the 40th largest. Bennett wants a team in OKC. He's from OKC, helives in OKC. If he brings an NBA team there, he would become a hometown hero.
having been an ex-Seattleite (mid-to-late 90's), it very disappointing to see the situation the supes are in right now...

seems like all this talk about leases and whatnot is just BS... even if the city agrees to all Bennett's terms, he'll still find some excuse/reason tomove...
Exactly. The arena itself isn't terrible. In fact, a lot of out-of-towners who go to games usually come away saying "what's wrong with it?"It's intimate and definitely intimidating as hell when it's full. The lease is the problem, not the building. Yeah, the parking situation blows nearby,but it's all part of the fun in going. They're also building more parking at Seattle Center already.
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