Oklahoma City Supersonics

If the Sonics leave, I've decided to adopt a new team. That's it. I'm not going to not become a fan of the NBA, but I will root for the Sonics tolose every game they play just to see the whole move blow up in Clay's face.
Originally Posted by biggieeb0y

Thanks for they summary...never really understood what was really goin with that situation.
As for the pending lawsuit, I hope the team wins so they can move. OKC is very deserving by the way they showed up for them Hornets games. Also, Ford Center is fairly new; it opened in '02.

they can get their own damn team then.
If they move they'll still be my team. I can't see myself not rooting for the Sonics even if they're not in Seattle anymore.
It'll be different, but still
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