One of the Most Disturbing Movies I've Seen ...

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The last 20 minutes

It's based on seven real life cases of recorded video chats, cell phone messages and actual video (including the last 20 minutes 
). The first half of the film was also recorded behavior by real teens, Michael Goi signed a release with parents to film kids in their natural element. Part of the contract was that their parents couldn't know who did what on film he then reenacts the footage with actors and actresses. His motive was to make parents aware of the sick things that happen in this world. (including the camp counselor story 

Carlie Jane Brucia (March 16, 1992 – February 1, 2004) was raped and murdered by Joseph P. Smith after being kidnapped

The last 20 mins is actual video tape of  9 YEAR OLD Jessica Lunsford's case. 

After learning that bit of information, I've never felt so much anger in my life LITERALLY. I wonder why films like these don't win awards or ANY recognition for the message it delivers. 

"Ken Park"...
...I feel like everyone in it should have been arrested.

Movie is extremely overrated as far as disturbing quality. There's only a few scene's on disturbing acts. The movie is pretty good IMO. Any person who can't handle the heavy disturbing stuff can handle this movie no problem. The movie makes you feel more sad than it does disturb.

But, 'Salo.' That's the most disturbing movie I've ever seen and doubt anything will shock me more.

At first, when I was watching, I was thinking "Well okay, this weird but nothing too bad has happened" then as the movie progress it gets worse and worse and the ending :x Couldn't even watch it. :lol: When it got to a certain point in the movie, I couldn't even finish eating my food.

Gummo really weirded me out when I saw the whole thing...
Could never get past the imagery in that movie...
The bathtub scene...

Another movie that just makes you feel sad or depressed. I think it's depressing because of the characters' quality of life. It's SO low. It is a good movie though.
is there anywhere i can watch the last 20 minutes online??

watch the whole thing. it's not as bad as Irreversible, if you've seen that and know what I'm referencing (not the amazingly shot fire extinguisher head smashing). the movie itself is pretty meh though. its like they took a Lifetime movie and added some shock value, but theres much more shocking movies being posted and quoted.
Watched Megan Is Missing last night , kept thinking about that last 20 minutes of the movie while i was trying to sleep .
Might check it out but honestly with the **** ive seen, i doubt it will have a huge impact on me. If you really want to see something ****** up watch Melancholie der Engel aka The Angel's Melancholy...but don't say i didn't warn you. Also like mentioned before, A Serbian Film, Salo, Martyr's, all great recommendations. If you're more into the adventurous visuals that will leave you like what the **** am i watching check out some of Alejandro Jodorowsky films.
By far the worst i've seen. Very disturbing....and I've seen almost all those types of films. :x
One movie I feel needs to be mentioned in this thread is Elephant from 2003. It shows a school shooting where two kids kill everyone they can. But what makes it especially disturbing is the fact that it is shot like a documentary. It doesn't try to over dramatize the murders, it's as if it neither shows the killings in a negative nor positive light. That movie haunted me for a long time.
Someone spoil the last 20 minutes of that Megan movie for me. I'm a big wuss and probably won't watch the whole thing. :nerd:
Since I heard most the movie was doodoo up until the last 20 some odd minutes.. imma forward to the last 25 minutes and start this movie
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a serbian film is the most disturbing.. i do not reccomend watching
ill check this 1 out soon
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