Original DIPSET Back Together On The Cover Of March XXL [Pic]

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

DONT EVER LIE TO ME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Smh im outta this thread first im promised a Jha Jha album, then I think the whole set is on a new cover and now this dude is playing with my emotions too much deception

My bad man.
Originally Posted by illwill8710

Originally Posted by dreClark

Jim Jones is an Alpha now?

Word. Dude went from Kappa to a Alpha?

HBCU *** _
OP tryna get youtube views w/ that false advertisement he calls a title.
U know that is a white collar crime right
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Untitled

just look at wu-tang for example..masta killa, cappadonna, and U-god are millionaires carring the rear of the entire group...
@%%% you talking about?

This _ U-God bag groceries at the big Pathmark off Fulton St.

You lying! I never saw that dude.

Cappadonna drive taxis down in B-More.
Originally Posted by Thousandaire

Originally Posted by Untitled

Originally Posted by Thousandaire

I will never understand how Zeek seem to be riding with Jim on this whole situation even though he is Cam's brother Cousin...that don't make sense to me

99.9% sure they're brothers
good thing you weren't 100% sure
Cappadonna drive taxis down in B-More.

He was "hacking", which is like using your personal vehicle as a taxi service, and he was doin it out of a $60kRange Rover...

I'm pretty sure that he's done wit that because the police started cracking down heavy on illegal taxis with fines and arrests a couple of years ago...

I wouldn't doubt Capp's bread tho...
How yall +$$+*+! on Jim, Juelz and Zeek?? They grown men gettin it, Cam obviously wasn't built for this +$!% and that's why you don't see him now .. . As far as Ns sayin Juelz would be a bum without Cam how you figuire that?? Lemme explain somethin to you, after SDE Cam's career was FINISHED, he hadhis run, and had a falling out with Mase who by then was done with rap (at that time), Big L was gone, Bloodshed was dead, Huddy Combs was still there was hewas on the other side of the Harlem World/Diplomats split (they was all suppose to be ONE crew in the beginning but business got %++!#$ up) . . . Cam wasliterally left for dead, Untertainment was NO more . . . What he did was hit the streets, and built a brand for Diplomats, and that included recruiting Juelz(who was 1/2 of Draft Pick at the time), Jim picked up the mic, and Zeek was like the mascott . . . Them 4 togeather built this Diplomat +$!%, Cam did have alil more star power than the others obiviously cause he had released 2 albums and did some ghostwriting. But at that time Wasn't no Slick Rick chains backthen, no Lambo's, no pink Ranges

But he NEEDED these 3 to build his empire, to even be able to bring that movement to Roc-A-Fella/Def Jam that's the ONLY way he got that deal cause ofJuelz career lookin SOOO promising at the time, IDJ was willing to give him whatever he wanted, and they worked out a deal that basically shot Dip Set into thepublic eye, Cam %++!#$ up whatever relationship he still had with ONE side of the Dips (the dudes on the cover) he's still good with the Duke The GODs, JRWriters, Hell Rells, 40 Cals of the world, but they're awful and there NO pofit in supporting their music careers outside a cheap laugh every now and then.

On another note, one of the reason Cam fell back or a minute was cause his moms had a stroke and he was down in Florida makin sure she was right, andthat's more important that rap, money, fame, or ANY of that +$!%. But then again that's just the word on the street (or internet) so who knows . . . Ihope wherever Cam is, he stays there . . .
Cam did help put these dudes on but let's not act like they didn't put in work.. Especially Juelz, IMO Juelz could easily be the one of the biggeststars in hip hop right now. He Def put that work in musically and grinded and if Cam was really stopping him from making moves or cheating him out of money heshould have stopped F'n wit dude.

Personally i have respect for all 4 of these dudes cuz it seems like they still have that love for eachother and don't still have'nt aired out thedirty laundry like most crews would
dips is nothing without cam. they're corny without him. Cam make better music anyways. Jim and juelz are corny $*# fools. even during the "o boy"days no one was really spitting heat beside cam.i wouldnt be suprsed is max b teamed up with him
Wow. Good way to have people enter the thread because I was expectin' to see Cam on the cover. Why are cats givin' Jimmy these covers anyway? Like thiscat is relevant? They're givin' this cat too much attention. His 15 minutes were up a year ago. Santana can't even get a release date. I thought hehad the most potential out of all of them to sell if they would've capitalized at the height of his popularity. Instead, they let his hype fizzle.
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

How yall +$$+*+! on Jim, Juelz and Zeek?? They grown men gettin it, Cam obviously wasn't built for this +$!% and that's why you don't see him now . . . As far as Ns sayin Juelz would be a bum without Cam how you figuire that?? Lemme explain somethin to you, after SDE Cam's career was FINISHED, he had his run, and had a falling out with Mase who by then was done with rap (at that time), Big L was gone, Bloodshed was dead, Huddy Combs was still there was he was on the other side of the Harlem World/Diplomats split (they was all suppose to be ONE crew in the beginning but business got %++!#$ up) . . . Cam was literally left for dead, Untertainment was NO more . . . What he did was hit the streets, and built a brand for Diplomats, and that included recruiting Juelz (who was 1/2 of Draft Pick at the time), Jim picked up the mic, and Zeek was like the mascott . . . Them 4 togeather built this Diplomat +$!%, Cam did have a lil more star power than the others obiviously cause he had released 2 albums and did some ghostwriting. But at that time Wasn't no Slick Rick chains back then, no Lambo's, no pink Ranges

But he NEEDED these 3 to build his empire, to even be able to bring that movement to Roc-A-Fella/Def Jam that's the ONLY way he got that deal cause of Juelz career lookin SOOO promising at the time, IDJ was willing to give him whatever he wanted, and they worked out a deal that basically shot Dip Set into the public eye, Cam %++!#$ up whatever relationship he still had with ONE side of the Dips (the dudes on the cover) he's still good with the Duke The GODs, JR Writers, Hell Rells, 40 Cals of the world, but they're awful and there NO pofit in supporting their music careers outside a cheap laugh every now and then.

On another note, one of the reason Cam fell back or a minute was cause his moms had a stroke and he was down in Florida makin sure she was right, and that's more important that rap, money, fame, or ANY of that +$!%. But then again that's just the word on the street (or internet) so who knows . . . I hope wherever Cam is, he stays there . . .

Cam's last hit was in 2002 . . . Its now 2009, Jim has been making hits since "Ceritfied Gangstas" . . . "Baby Girl" . . . "We FlyHigh" . . . "Pop Champagne"

He's selling more units than Cam, and he's steered the team in the right direcion, look how comfy the people who stayed with Jim are (Juelz, Zeek)opposed to those who stayed with Cam and Duke,(JR Writer, Hell Rell, 40 Cal) they're NOwhere to be found . . . Its obvious who the better leader of thecrew is . . . Jim has polly'ed his lil %@++ talkin at the end of records to a legitimate music career . . . Sounds funny sayin it, but its true someone asseasoned and experienced as Rick Rubin wouldn't make a move to sign someone who wasn't gonna be effective in a major label structure . . . Ihaven't heard word on Cam's bidding war yet
since most of you still believe people outside on NT care about dude . . . He couldn't push10K in Harlem if he dropped today . . .

Cam might have been the one to put them on as the national face of the Diplomats, but since 04 he's been hurting the brand more than helping, andthat's why even Juelz is on a major while Cam is at home scratchin his nuts, playin Xbox
. . .
Originally Posted by RellNye

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Untitled

just look at wu-tang for example..masta killa, cappadonna, and U-god are millionaires carring the rear of the entire group...
@%%% you talking about?

This _ U-God bag groceries at the big Pathmark off Fulton St.

You lying! I never saw that dude.

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

@ me almost believing Dre. he said it mad specific.

I was gonna say that he was a Usher in the Movie Theater in Kings Plaza
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

@ me almost believing Dre. he said it mad specific.
Naw them pics would have surfaced... trust. Thats why i knew son was just crackin.
Yeah, you're right about that.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by youngjordan23

Listen i don't know any of these dudes personally, but juelz has every Reason to Not F wit cam ever again. It's known that cam was cheating him out of money, so F all that loyalty talk. There was no loyalty shown to him.
without Cam, Juelz would probably be homeless right now

Cam made all 3 of those bums, Jim get's one hot single off of a hook

I fully expect his next cd to tank and Juelz, if he released a cd today I bet he doesnt even debut in the top 25
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