OUCH: BIG Wheel attacks E36 M3 vol. Damn

Sep 17, 2005
Taken from bimmerforums.com

I was driving down 880 when all of a sudden a see a black object about 50-75 feet in the air, im like @$%. so i look over to do a lane change look back, and get smacked in the head/shoulder with a tire and some 1,000 spoke wheel. i came to (still driving straight actually, and came to a stop. I got out of the car snapped some pics, and then i was taken away on an ambulance....
i was on my way to pick up some parts for fest.
BTW just so everyone knows jose's lip was my idea.




glass slivers... that pic was taken right after then cleaned my arm, it was covered in blood

and a hole in the throat always feels nice

all and all i spend the night in a hospital, shoulder is most likly broken in a few places (going to get more xrays tom)
shoulder dislocated, and gashes all of the arms and neck.
but im trying to think of it this way (lots of insurance money for a ever lower milage manual!
The other driver was found, i am waiting to hear more details. his insurance will cover it (if we didnt find it mine would of as well) i will probably get some cash because of sufferage (i think thats what its called) and because this probably ended my basketball career (im on a basketball scholarship for school) so hopefully and e46 m3 is not out of question. hopefully ill be able to buy my car back for under 3k and part it out.
here is the story on the other car, the wheel is one of those that screws on literally. and he was drivings northbound and i was going southbound. his wheel came off, hit the center divide, and launched in the air. and then hit me. he is fully responsible, what would my legal grounds to sue even be????
await more pics
here are some more recent pics of my car.
not to mention i just dropped about 1.5k after this, to make this car look sexy for bimmerfest

Just for fun

more pics

Damn... At least dude is ok... but the car... the car... car.
omg, can you imagine if it hit 6 inches over to the right? Lucky, im glad he's ok. The car is ruined! Id much rather lose my car though than my life.
wow...He's talking about a new car though. I'de be too shocked to think about anything else except being happy I'm alive.
the guy is lucky he's alive.
the m3 was
though (
before the crash)
damn, and i was complaining to my coworkers about the debris (retread, garbage, etc) on 880 earlier today!

thats crazy! a friggin wheel flying over the center divide!
am i the only one busting up laughing after reading and look at the pics?
Glad to see he's fine.

How'd the front pillar just give way like that. A passenger would've been DOA. An impact like that is rare but damn, that tire sliced right through.
Looks like them German engineers need to install some higher strength steel.
Wow I love the way that E36 looks!
But that story is nuts! I get spooked when I see a rock headed to my windshield. I don't know what I'd do if I saw a tire.
Damn someone literally threw D's on that! The guy is truly blessed to be alive or not handicapped in any way. I wonder how the wheel got on the road in thefirst place. The most logical thought would be an SUV that has an identical wheel as the spare attached to the back of the car and the nuts that secure thewheel somehow fell off. I don't think the wheel actually came off a car, otherwise there would be another damaged car on 3 wheels nearby.

That Bimmer is very nicely and tastefully done too, minus the tinted headlights and turn signals.
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