Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

whoever buys the team has to get rid of those camo jerseys.

I heard somewhere that they wear them in honor of the troops in Iraq... If thats true then nevermind

It's not to honor the troops in Iraq.

It's to honor the troops, period.

San Diego is a military city. We have Navy bases and Marine bases spread throughout the city and county all the way to Camp Pendleton up in Oceanside. Heck the Marine Corp Recruiting Depot/Boot Camp is in SD.

Whenever they wear those camo jerseys, it's Military appreciation game.

Ugly or not, they have a meaning behind them.
they are still hideous. almost as bad as baby blue football jerseys


though i'm a fan of that team with the baby blue jerseys
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by reigndrop

^^ I think a lot of people would beg to differ. Their powder blues are one of the best jerseys in sports.

wow, i'll agree with the fact that the new ones arent all that great, but the powder blues from 3-4 years ago are the best jerseys in sports. and btw, ifsandy alderson and his "group" buys the padres, im finding a new favorite team.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by reigndrop

^^ I think a lot of people would beg to differ. Their powder blues are one of the best jerseys in sports.
damn you got a lot of hate for this city
what did thecity of san diego ever do to you??
they just need to relocate the team, and get rid of those horrible jerseys...

Overpaying for the CDP this saturday > buyin the padres
Thank you!! Please get rid of Kevin Towers as well. Cheap bum.

And yes, baby blue football jerseys are wack. All about the "powder" blues son!
Originally Posted by RawSheed

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by reigndrop

^^ I think a lot of people would beg to differ. Their powder blues are one of the best jerseys in sports.
damn you got a lot of hate for this city
what did the city of san diego ever do to you??
no hate for the city. ive been all over. downtown is cool and rancho santa fe was nice. anything immediately south or east of downtown is trash.sort of like LA. only hate the majority of charger fans. i dont even know how real charger fans can stand 90 percent of the people that go to the games at thatdump of a stadium. and padre fans are just as bandwagonish as them so they get no love either.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

i dont even know how real charger fans can stand 90 percent of the people that go to the games at that dump of a stadium. and padre fans are just as bandwagonish as them so they get no love either.
you speak the truth my friend. i hate all these fake $+! #$%!%@ "charger" fans now in LA/OC. just like the angels....nobody gave a ++$%about your team a few years ago now everybody is a "die hard life long fan." !%!+ outta here!
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by RawSheed

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by reigndrop

^^ I think a lot of people would beg to differ. Their powder blues are one of the best jerseys in sports.
damn you got a lot of hate for this city
what did the city of san diego ever do to you??
no hate for the city. ive been all over. downtown is cool and rancho santa fe was nice. anything immediately south or east of downtown is trash. sort of like LA. only hate the majority of charger fans. i dont even know how real charger fans can stand 90 percent of the people that go to the games at that dump of a stadium. and padre fans are just as bandwagonish as them so they get no love either.

Dude speakin' like an outsider lookin' in. Hater no matter what.

I can agree with the bandwagon talk. San Diego is known for fairweather fans. Can you blame them? Our teams suck. They get no love from me either but it sucksthat they're our majority and they represent the teams as fans.

And homie, the handful of real Padres fans are actually more true than Charger fans. They actually follow the sport of baseball. I had an old co-worker whotold me that he loves the Padres but thinks baseball is boring and can't stand watching it. I almost slapped the fool. Typical San Diegan. All about thename but not about the sport.

And yes, I can't stand half of the people that go to Charger games. They don't know jack about Football. Only people I could probably tolerate are myseason ticket holder neighbors at Plaza 22 and homies that are fans.
We at NT should pool our money together and buy them.
Could you imagine the board room meeting, complaining about the jerseys and what cleats they are wearing instead of trying to trade peavy
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