PAGING HOVkid: You working the Plaxico case??? NT Lawyers Check in 12/3 UPDATE

Originally Posted by sekim2detcidda

^truth...SIDENOTE: Crank make a .gif of Plaxico in this incident

there is one already, its floating around in the sports forum, I didnt make it though
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

He's gon see some jail time word to Mike Vick. They want to make an example out of him and they will. Havin a firearm in NY is serious. Possessing it w/o a permit is even worse. He doesn't have anyone to pin the blame on so he's up feces creek. Now I doubt he'll see anything over 5yrs but he'll get something on the strength that he's, and yes I'm gon say it, Black, his arrogance, and his status in society. He has no ties to his community besides being an NFL player. They proved they could win w/o him AND the league and the Giants org is shunnin him so that's all the more reason while he'll get some jail time. Words of advice for Plax, start gettin them glutes strong

Ok sir, if he does go to jail, I have a feeling he'll be doin most of the raping, the dude is 6-5 230
Thats significantly larger than the averageman even the average man in jail. Anyways I have a feeling Plax won't be goin to a prison where any raping occurs anyways cuz MIke Vick got sent to aminimum security for people who committ stuff like security fraud and tax evasion etc. go
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

I love how Bloomberg doesnt mind being 100% clear in this situation, in the Sean Bell case he just said to the public to he's gonna sit back and let the justice system figure it out, but here Bloomberg was just flat out promising full prosecution to Plaxico, herb

Bloomberg needs to stay out of it, should have never commented publicly specially in the manner he did. Justice system shouldn't be politcal.
Anyone know how much HOVkid is making? Looking into the Law field.

Anyways, don't know about the whole Plax situation. Giants should let him go to the Seahawks
Originally Posted by Sick Ik 23

Anyone know how much HOVkid is making? Looking into the Law field.

Anyways, don't know about the whole Plax situation. Giants should let him go to the Seahawks
500k a year.
doin' his thang.
Originally Posted by Kobe09877

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

I love how Bloomberg doesnt mind being 100% clear in this situation, in the Sean Bell case he just said to the public to he's gonna sit back and let the justice system figure it out, but here Bloomberg was just flat out promising full prosecution to Plaxico, herb
Bloomberg needs to stay out of it, should have never commented publicly specially in the manner he did. Justice system shouldn't be politcal.
Like really, and it was'nt just a old regular announcement, dude was going full fledged head on with it, if any of you caught it you shouldthink Plaxico slept with his mother
Who the hell knows because the Justice system is a crap shoot, especially in cases like this with high profile defendants and great defense lawyers.

Burress does have outs in that he had good reason to be carrying a firearm. No one is going to claim that he was carrying for nefarious reasons. So trying tomake an example of him would be foolish.
If Burress would've applied for a CCL would he have gotten it? I would think so barring any prior criminal misconduct that would preclude him fromobtaining that license.

The best argument that the state has is that the "law is the law" but that doesn't always fly with defendants that have great lawyers.

Vick got what he got because the feds were involved. Inter state criminal activity is what did him in.
I have a VERY strong felling dude will serve time. at the very least Roger G. is making another example out of him.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by AG 47

fraij da 5 11 wrote:

Bloomberg even said this dude is gonna get jail time... dont be surprised if hes behind bars.

Yeah, I'm thinking they'll make an example out of him word to Mike Vick
They are going to try. Which I think they should, I mean common, these high profile people have been getting away with stuff for way too long.

On another note, I think this might further push the case to the Supreme Court how NYC takes away a constitutional right by banning fire arms in NYC. I personally don't mind the law because I can't see myself having a gun for any reason, but I know plenty of people want to make a big deal out of it.

I don't. You can't tell me Michael Vick is receiving a just punishment.

And why is that? Dog fighting is illegal last I checked. He killed dogs too for underperforming? That's another check. Yea, he is guilty. I don'twant to get to the whole hunting vs dog fighting because that has been done and it's pointless. But dogfighting and killing dogs like that is ILLEGAL. Soall in all, he got fair trial. He could have gotten 15 instead of 2 years remember. He should be excited. I'm a firm advocator of the law, and if hebroke it, he deserves to do time like any one of us less fortunate would have to.
Running/ Financing one of the biggest dog fighting rings in the US that involved serious money is a bit different from carrying a handgun illegally.

He shot himself ... I mean, c'mon......although that does show he's inept with a gun "and dangerous to others".
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Running/ Financing one of the biggest dog fighting rings in the US that involved serious money is a bit different from carrying a handgun illegally.

Carrying a firearm is illegal in NYC. You get 2.5 or 5 years can't remember, but I see the sign in the subways all the time. He deserves time. Get overit.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Running/ Financing one of the biggest dog fighting rings in the US that involved serious money is a bit different from carrying a handgun illegally.

Carrying a firearm is illegal in NYC. You get 2.5 or 5 years can't remember, but I see the sign in the subways all the time. He deserves time. Get over it.
Many things are illegal.
Technically he should do time but personally speaking it'd be a shame if he did.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Biggie62 wrote:

wawaweewa wrote:

Running/ Financing one of the biggest dog fighting rings in the US that involved serious money is a bit different from carrying a handgun illegally.

Carrying a firearm is illegal in NYC. You get 2.5 or 5 years can't remember, but I see the sign in the subways all the time. He deserves time. Get over

Many things are illegal.

Technically he should do time but personally speaking it'd be a shame if he did.

exactly, dude is a football star, he's **#%+** target and for his own safety caring a firearm is more than justified. With that said, the fact that hedoesn't have a license is on him. He should be punished for that but jail time is ridiculous.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by sekim2detcidda

^truth...SIDENOTE: Crank make a .gif of Plaxico in this incident

there is one already, its floating around in the sports forum, I didnt make it though


@ mike and tiki
Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Biggie62 wrote:

wawaweewa wrote:

Running/ Financing one of the biggest dog fighting rings in the US that involved serious money is a bit different from carrying a handgun illegally.

Carrying a firearm is illegal in NYC. You get 2.5 or 5 years can't remember, but I see the sign in the subways all the time. He deserves time. Get over
Many things are illegal.

Technically he should do time but personally speaking it'd be a shame if he did.

exactly, dude is a football star, he's **#%+** target and for his own safety caring a firearm is more than justified. With that said, the fact that he doesn't have a license is on him. He should be punished for that but jail time is ridiculous.
He's a fool for letting that gun go off and shooting himself (while endangering others). That being said he didn't hurt others so thisjust may be a good lesson for Burress to be a little more cautious around guns.

NYC gun laws are ridiculous and I don't have a problem with citizens who break those totalitarian laws because they want to protect themselves. Protectingoneself is a natural right. The state can write down as many "laws" as they want.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by AG 47

Biggie62 wrote:

AG 47 wrote:

fraij da 5 11 wrote:

Bloomberg even said this dude is gonna get jail time... dont be surprised if hes behind bars.

Yeah, I'm thinking they'll make an example out of him word to Mike Vick
They are going to try. Which I think they should, I mean common,
these high profile people have been getting away with stuff for way too long.

On another note, I think this might further push the case to the Supreme Court how NYC takes away a constitutional right by banning fire arms in NYC. I
personally don't mind the law because I can't see myself having a gun for any reason, but I know plenty of people want to make a big deal out of it.

I don't. You can't tell me Michael Vick is receiving a just punishment.

And why is that? Dog fighting is illegal last I checked. He killed dogs too for underperforming? That's another check. Yea, he is guilty. I don't want to get to the whole hunting vs dog fighting because that has been done and it's pointless. But dogfighting and killing dogs like that is ILLEGAL. So all in all, he got fair trial. He could have gotten 15 instead of 2 years remember. He should be excited. I'm a firm advocator of the law, and if he broke it, he deserves to do time like any one of us less fortunate would have to.

He broke the law. I wholeheartedly understand that. But also understand that the DEA WAITED (knowing they had evidence on Vick) to prosecute Vick until afterBush harshened the penalty of dogfighting. Some, such as myself, would argue that was unfair. I don't condone his actions at all, but to ABSOLUTELY RUIN a man over a few dead dogs is beyond ridiculous. Serving a year in jail (whenwe have people who get 6 months for manslaughter) over killing a few dogs is ridiculous too. I don't mind him doing time, but to completely break a manlike they did Vick is not right. Making him pay 1 million dollars to care for EACH of the dogs he harmed is borderline insanity. Correct me if I'm wrong,but he filed for bankruptcy recently. That is doing entirely too much.

As far as Plaxico goes, I wouldn't be surprised if he got the 3.5 years Prodigy got. I'd like to know more facts about that case before I weigh in onhis appropriate punishment.
But, I'm not okay with the idea that these "athletes" should be made examples of to the rest of society.
Originally Posted by sekim2detcidda

Originally Posted by leothegod

in my expertise i say he gets 5 years probation

you dont think he is gonna see the pen???

Man he has millions I had thousands. I had 9 felonies ....confessed to my crimes didn't waist my time lyin to em, no lawyer.... and I got 4 years ofprobation. I'm in GEORGIA!!!!
NYC doesn't want this to turn into a referendum on it's draconian gun laws that only apply to law abiding citizens... Bloomberg has other ideas though.The guy's a joke.
Just because they say they are going to prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law doesn't mean he isn't going to get a fair trial. He's gonnacome out with like 3 years of probation. Light probation. He has no priors or nothing.
Originally Posted by Face82

Originally Posted by sekim2detcidda

Originally Posted by leothegod

in my expertise i say he gets 5 years probation

you dont think he is gonna see the pen???

Man he has millions I had thousands. I had 9 felonies ....confessed to my crimes didn't waist my time lyin to em, no lawyer.... and I got 4 years of probation. I'm in GEORGIA!!!!
i know nothing about the law, but, from reading the news everyday, people with money/fame dont go to jail (at least not for extended periods of time).
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