Painting a mid-sole without flaking/chipping, is this possible???

Dec 5, 2013

I have some nike huaraches which i decided to get the mid sole painted black. Now if anyone is familiar with the huarache mid soles, they are a soft type of sole. Now first they were painted with black angelus paint, no finisher nothing. Wore em for a few hours, and the paint was just falling off.

So i went back and re repainted another coat of paint and used the flat matt fininsher, and rubbed it down like 4 times. So, went out last night and although much better then before, i see lil bits cracking already. 

So is their a way around this at all? would it be suitable to paint multiple layers of paint and use the finisher like 6 times rubbed over. I do see a major difference using the finisher but again, lil bits of paint have flaked.

Cheers if anyone has any tips..
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