Palin's Ballin', $150,000 spent by RNC on her wardrobe thus far.

I don't know if anybody caught larry king but somebody who supported Palin had the gull to say that the tax payers undertand that palin wants her familyaround and they are happy to pay for that...

Did she really believe what she said?

All I could do is shake my head.......
She gotta stay looking good

you gotta understand, we have built this perception of beauty and fashion for women. If they do not meet the "standards" then they are torn apart.
This wouldn't be a problem for any other candidate but when your trying to represent smalll town America and Joe Six pack then its kinda outlandish to bespending that much on your wardrobe
This wouldn't be a problem for any other candidate but when your trying to represent smalll town America and Joe Six pack then its kinda outlandish to be spending that much on your wardrobe
The reason why I dislike Republicans is because they are far worse hypocrites then Democrats.
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

....but the RNC can spend any donations they get as they see fit.

Donations are how the RNC gets it's funding

but she's running on a platform to alleviate all frivolous spending though, dirty....this isn't even slightly hypocritical to you?

spending on clothes? no...considering how quickly she was thurst into the spotlight
building the "road to nowhere?"....yes
correction, spending 150k on clothes.....


when she criticizes Senator Obama on funding an overhead projector for a science center in Illinois?


i'm not criticizing her buying clothes....but 150k worth, when you're standing on a platform attacking other people on "wasteful" spending...

is ridiculous....
sorry...I don't see the issue....what's wrong with 150K's worth of clothes for a national campaign?...where you're in the national spotlight day in and day out.
a designer suit can cost just as much...

2K a day is not that much in the grand scheme of things...when you're being analyzed for every little thing by national media.

Can't say that I agree, do u think Obama or Mccain spend that much money on clothing? I dunno, don't really see hillary doing it neither. But then again, the people i mentioned already had gear to begin with, it seems as tho palin had to cop a whole new wardrobe to fit in with fly guys.

actually, each of Clinton's pantsuits costs over 6,000 retail. But she gets them free from the designer as many politicians in that sort of spotlight do.It's good press to have such a powerful, influential person wearing your label.
this is the NT that spends $200 on kicks and then wear them to just to impress their friends, sometimes not even really liking them.

She is doing the exact same thing. The McCain camp raised $100M I think. You expect her to wear Target on a budget like that. Please.

Don't believe Barack is wearing anything less than custom suits.
You guys seriously don't think Obama, his wife, and Biden are ALL spending about the same for clothes? You guys act as if Obama buys his suits at Men'sWarehouse. ALL of their clothes are custom made. I'm talking shirt, ties, suit jacket, pants...all of it. All this talk about how Republicans arebias...and now you guys are nitpicking on something that EVERY candidate does.
Clinton isn't standing on a "i will eliminate everyone's wasteful spending" platform....
Your logic is flawed. It doesn't matter what platform Palin stands on...if Clinton spends just as much money on clothes...there is nodifference. At this point, all candidates/past candidates talked about eliminating wasteful spending.
first off, we're talking about funded money, mostly from rich people. second, the clothes are "supposedly" going to be donated to charity afterthe campaign.
third, it has nothing to do with "wasteful" spending, since it was not apart of the goverment spending fund
regardless of WHO the 150k came from...
sorry...but that's an important distinction that you're obviously unwilling to concede.

like I said prior... there are other things on the McCain/Palin team to hang your hat on when it comes to wasteful GOV'T spending...this isn't one ofthem
Obama's clothes are actually pretty cheap, his wife shops at the GAP, its up on youtube if you look at it.

Joe Six Pack
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

regardless of WHO the 150k came from...
sorry...but that's an important distinction that you're obviously unwilling to concede.

like I said prior... there are other things on the McCain/Palin team to hang your hat on when it comes to wasteful GOV'T spending...this isn't one of them
i never mentioned wasteful GOVERNMENT spending...i DID mention wasteful spending....

they're on a platform pointing fingers at wasteful spenders....

while they drop 150k......on something as trivial

regardless of who gave them the 150k.....they're on a platform, pointing fingers, and vowing to look out for "the average joe".....

meanwhile, they're spending 6 times his annual income on clothing.....

talk about putting lipstick on a pig....


we want CONSUMERS to spend, we dont want the GOVERNMENT spending on wasteful things... There is a difference.
they're on a platform pointing fingers at wasteful spenders....
umm....point blank... that's just a wrong assumption.

They're campaigning on cutting pork and GOVERNMENT spending

any true conservative would tell you that there's NO WAY IN HELL the republican ticket would criticize anyone in the private sector on how they spend goes against the very core beliefs of limited govt and reduced spending.
just think of it as the RNC party spending money to buy Palin some new gear to boost the economy and helping out on the financial crisis...some middle classemployee is making some money some how....
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

they're on a platform pointing fingers at wasteful spenders....
umm....point blank... that's just a wrong assumption.

They're campaigning on cutting pork and GOVERNMENT spending

any true conservative would tell you that there's NO WAY IN HELL the republican ticket would criticize anyone in the private sector on how they spend their goes against the very core beliefs of limited govt and reduced spending.
Actually Palin has been telling us she's just like everyone else. She's an average America and is Joe the Six Pack. Pretty sure Joe thePlumber wont spend 150K on clothes in his lifetime.Way to show your in touch with the average man Pubs...that money would have been better used to help thenumerous, reps and Senators who are about to lose their seat in the GOP.
Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

they're on a platform pointing fingers at wasteful spenders....
umm....point blank... that's just a wrong assumption.

They're campaigning on cutting pork and GOVERNMENT spending

any true conservative would tell you that there's NO WAY IN HELL the republican ticket would criticize anyone in the private sector on how they spend their goes against the very core beliefs of limited govt and reduced spending.
Actually Palin has been telling us she's just like everyone else. She's an average America and is Joe the Six Pack. Pretty sure Joe the Plumber wont spend 150K on clothes in his lifetime.Way to show your in touch with the average man Pubs...that money would have been better used to help the numerous, reps and Senators who are about to lose their seat in the GOP.

is joe running for president or even vice president? i dont think so
Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

they're on a platform pointing fingers at wasteful spenders....
umm....point blank... that's just a wrong assumption.

They're campaigning on cutting pork and GOVERNMENT spending

any true conservative would tell you that there's NO WAY IN HELL the republican ticket would criticize anyone in the private sector on how they spend their goes against the very core beliefs of limited govt and reduced spending.
Actually Palin has been telling us she's just like everyone else. She's an average America and is Joe the Six Pack. Pretty sure Joe the Plumber wont spend 150K on clothes in his lifetime.Way to show your in touch with the average man Pubs...that money would have been better used to help the numerous, reps and Senators who are about to lose their seat in the GOP.

is joe running for president or even vice president? i dont think so

According to Sarah Palin she is Joe Six Pack. I just think its dishonest to present that image of yourself then spend that much money on clothes. Obama isrunning for Pres and I'm sure he hasnt spent that much. Then again Palin is from Alaska where snow boots and parkas are considered high fashion.
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