Palin's Ballin', $150,000 spent by RNC on her wardrobe thus far.

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Obama's clothes are actually pretty cheap, his wife shops at the GAP, its up on youtube if you look at it.

Joe Six Pack

Eff that, I seen that Broad at Nordstroms with a stylist droppin' stacks in the shoe Dept....real talk
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

You guys seriously don't think Obama, his wife, and Biden are ALL spending about the same for clothes? You guys act as if Obama buys his suits at Men's Warehouse. ALL of their clothes are custom made. I'm talking shirt, ties, suit jacket, pants...all of it. All this talk about how Republicans are bias...and now you guys are nitpicking on something that EVERY candidate does.
Clinton isn't standing on a "i will eliminate everyone's wasteful spending" platform....
Your logic is flawed. It doesn't matter what platform Palin stands on...if Clinton spends just as much money on clothes...there is no difference. At this point, all candidates/past candidates talked about eliminating wasteful spending.

looks like Money needs some new kicks.
According to Sarah Palin she is Joe Six Pack. I just think its dishonest to present that image of yourself then spend that much money on clothes. Obama is running for Pres and I'm sure he hasnt spent that much. Then again Palin is from Alaska where snow boots and parkas are considered high fashion.
I agree. Bottom line, it just makes her look bad. A Vice President nominee spends all this money on designer clothes while everyday Americansare losing their savings, retirement, and homes?
This is coming from awoman who used her power as Governor to fire an official for not doing what she demanded and also used state funds to shuttle her children and husband aroundwith her.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

According to Sarah Palin she is Joe Six Pack. I just think its dishonest to present that image of yourself then spend that much money on clothes. Obama is running for Pres and I'm sure he hasnt spent that much. Then again Palin is from Alaska where snow boots and parkas are considered high fashion.
I agree. Bottom line, it just makes her look bad. A Vice President nominee spends all this money on designer clothes while everyday Americans are losing their savings, retirement, and homes?
This is coming from a woman who used her power as Governor to fire an official for not doing what she demanded and also used state funds to shuttle her children and husband around with her.


Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

According to Sarah Palin she is Joe Six Pack. I just think its dishonest to present that image of yourself then spend that much money on clothes. Obama is running for Pres and I'm sure he hasnt spent that much. Then again Palin is from Alaska where snow boots and parkas are considered high fashion.
I agree. Bottom line, it just makes her look bad. A Vice President nominee spends all this money on designer clothes while everyday Americans are losing their savings, retirement, and homes?
This is coming from a woman who used her power as Governor to fire an official for not doing what she demanded and also used state funds to shuttle her children and husband around with her.

Exactly she is running as the reformer,the maverick. Just man up and say "I bought clothes because I think I need them" dont pull this crap that weare going to donate designer suits to charity...Ducktales. So some less fortuante woman is going to get to wear those clothes? Yeah right?
i have yet to read 3 of the last 7 posts cause im lazy but one of the things i picked up on one of the youngturks videos was that once news came out that sarahpalin's wardrobe costed 150k, the obama campaign released a stat and that was that -

150k = 1 weeks worth of advertising in 6 battle ground states OR if you want to look at it another way, 2 weeks in 3 states, or 6 weeks of advertising in 1battle ground state (Pennsylvania anyone???)

id love to see the faces of these "mad" republican supporters who were talking about how "we're giving you our money and we want to knowwhen you're going to start attacking obama harder"


u mad son???� i bet ur even more mad now
Originally Posted by Tracy1McGrady

You act like Obama's suits don't cost some stacks
. No politician is wearing JC Penny get real.
Actually Obama has about 14 suits and most of them were gifts, they talked about it on cnn the other day....not everyone is out the spending damnnear quarter of a million dollar on moccasins
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by HOVKid

RNC keeps their ho's looking got a problem with that?

gotta respect that- it aint tricking if you got it....well in Cindys case its her $$ but whatever

damn, i might actually vote for her now. my kinda girl.

if there are any pics with her rockin Gucci its a wrap.
naw palins a country bumpkin type...thats the team putting her onto this stuff....Mrs. McCain is prob more your type


Cindy McCain
Oscar de la Renta dress: $3,000
Chanel J12 White Ceramic Watch: $4,500
Three-carat diamond earrings: $280,000
Four-strand pearl necklace: $11,000-$25,000
Shoes, designer unknown: $600
Total: Between $299,100 and $313,100

$300K on clothes...but she couldn't spend $40 in the area that she needed the most help?

Anyone mentioned that the highest paid person in the McCain campaign in October is Palin's make-up artist?
She's a woman and I'm honestly not surprised, woman are held to a higher standard. Besides, she's running for the second most powerful position inAmerica so she has to look somewhat decent. For a woman, that's not even that much imo. Besides, what was the timeline on theses purchases cause I'mpretty sure they all weren't on one trip to the mall. Bottom line is, she's a woman and she's held to a higher standard, it's not as easy forher to dress like us men do because we can just put on yesterdays suit and a new dress shirt and that's fine. When you start wearing the same dress everyweek, then people will question her.
Originally Posted by reigndrop

She's a woman and I'm honestly not surprised, woman are held to a higher standard. Besides, she's running for the second most powerful position in America so she has to look somewhat decent. For a woman, that's not even that much imo. Besides, what was the timeline on theses purchases cause I'm pretty sure they all weren't on one trip to the mall. Bottom line is, she's a woman and she's held to a higher standard, it's not as easy for her to dress like us men do because we can just put on yesterdays suit and a new dress shirt and that's fine. When you start wearing the same dress every week, then people will question her.

How come we havent heard this from any other female candidate ever? 20,000 that fine but 150,000 on clothes that more than probably 90 percent of Americansmake a year?
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by reigndrop

She's a woman and I'm honestly not surprised, woman are held to a higher standard. Besides, she's running for the second most powerful position in America so she has to look somewhat decent. For a woman, that's not even that much imo. Besides, what was the timeline on theses purchases cause I'm pretty sure they all weren't on one trip to the mall. Bottom line is, she's a woman and she's held to a higher standard, it's not as easy for her to dress like us men do because we can just put on yesterdays suit and a new dress shirt and that's fine. When you start wearing the same dress every week, then people will question her.

How come we havent heard this from any other female candidate ever? 20,000 that fine but 150,000 on clothes that more than probably 90 percent of Americans make a year?
The only other candidate to actually be nominated for VP was Geraldine Ferraro and that in 1984 i think. To compare 1984 to 2008 is simply tooutrageous of a comparison. Also, in 1984, you didn't have the media digging everything up as they do now. Times have change, for better or worse Idon't know, but $150,000 does not surprise me one bit.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by Kingtre


Cindy McCain
Oscar de la Renta dress: $3,000
Chanel J12 White Ceramic Watch: $4,500
Three-carat diamond earrings: $280,000
Four-strand pearl necklace: $11,000-$25,000
Shoes, designer unknown: $600
Oral B Toothbrush: $2.50
Crest Whitening Toothpaste: $3.00
Total: Between $299,100.00 and $313,100.00

now its fixed
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