Parents of kids that get bullied son is 12 loves XBOX and likes Call of Duty. He has a few shirts that are Call Of Duty, he wears them with jeans and Jordans. Looks pretty normal to me. You better learn quick that what Dad thinks is cool is sometimes the uncool thing to wear.

He's still a little kid he's fine. When I was little I probably would have wanted a runescape shirt mixed in with all my nike shirts. But once kids get older they start to realize what everyone else is wearing and will want to wear the same. Your kid is rockin a Call of Duty shirt because all his friends have. Given how big video games are esp COD right now there are millions of 12 year olds playing it. Call of Duty was probably a bad example if your kid is still pretty young. I bet you once he gets to high school though it will no longer be his go to shirt. A point im trying to make is when your kid comes to you wanting clothes everyone else has, get him the clothes. When Abercrombie was a huge trend and everyone had to have it and your kid comes to you wanting abercrombie. Get him the abercrombie. How you dress does matter when it comes to getting bullied thats all im saying. Tell me I dont know what im talking about, i was in high school 2 years ago. Given the topic i guarantee i know more about bullying then you do. I've witnessed it many many times. You can get targeted by your appearance..and I dont mean how you physically look.

the fact that you're going to "force" him/her to do something to please you, as stupid as "dressing/looking" normal is just idiotic.

please don't have children, their life is going to suck with such a stupid parent.

How old are you? Again I was in high school 2 years ago I probably know more about bullying then you do unless you too have recently been in high school. I have seen it happen many times. Dressing and looking normal does matter. Kids DO target others by how they dress. How you look physically doesnt matter. There are plenty of kids who are no where near lookin like Brad Pitt that have many many friends. But if they're wearing some napoleon dynamite boots to school every day they're gonna get their +#$@ ribbed.
And yes im gonna put my kids into sports at an early age. And its for more reasons than just because I like sports. Putting your child into some kind of sport at early age is good for them. If he comes up to me 3 or 4 years later saying dad I hate basketball or football, im not gonna tell him he has to play it cause I said so 
 I'm not a father so I dont know what its like to be one but I would think that if im constantly watching and playing basketball or football my son will want to as well because they look up to their father. Its the way I was, my dad loved sports, I loved sports because of it. He didnt have to tell me to go outside and shoot around, I would do it by myself. I think you confused me saying im forcing my kid to do what I want to please me with me introducing sports to my kid at an early age. Of course im not gonna force him to play football if he dreads it.
Originally Posted by Jay02 son is 12 loves XBOX and likes Call of Duty. He has a few shirts that are Call Of Duty, he wears them with jeans and Jordans. Looks pretty normal to me. You better learn quick that what Dad thinks is cool is sometimes the uncool thing to wear.
He's still a little kid he's fine. When I was little I probably would have wanted a runescape shirt mixed in with all my nike shirts. But once kids get older they start to realize what everyone else is wearing and will want to wear the same. Your kid is rockin a Call of Duty shirt because all his friends have. Given how big video games are esp COD right now there are millions of 12 year olds playing it. Call of Duty was probably a bad example if your kid is still pretty young. I bet you once he gets to high school though it will no longer be his go to shirt. A point im trying to make is when your kid comes to you wanting clothes everyone else has, get him the clothes. When Abercrombie was a huge trend and everyone had to have it and your kid comes to you wanting abercrombie. Get him the abercrombie. How you dress does matter when it comes to getting bullied thats all im saying. Tell me I dont know what im talking about, i was in high school 2 years ago. Given the topic i guarantee i know more about bullying then you do. I've witnessed it many many times. You can get targeted by your appearance..and I dont mean how you physically look.

the fact that you're going to "force" him/her to do something to please you, as stupid as "dressing/looking" normal is just idiotic.

please don't have children, their life is going to suck with such a stupid parent.

How old are you? Again I was in high school 2 years ago I probably know more about bullying then you do unless you too have recently been in high school. I have seen it happen many times. Dressing and looking normal does matter. Kids DO target others by how they dress. How you look physically doesnt matter. There are plenty of kids who are no where near lookin like Brad Pitt that have many many friends. But if they're wearing some napoleon dynamite boots to school every day they're gonna get their +#$@ ribbed.
And yes im gonna put my kids into sports at an early age. And its for more reasons than just because I like sports. Putting your child into some kind of sport at early age is good for them. If he comes up to me 3 or 4 years later saying dad I hate basketball or football, im not gonna tell him he has to play it cause I said so 
 I'm not a father so I dont know what its like to be one but I would think that if im constantly watching and playing basketball or football my son will want to as well because they look up to their father. Its the way I was, my dad loved sports, I loved sports because of it. He didnt have to tell me to go outside and shoot around, I would do it by myself. I think you confused me saying im forcing my kid to do what I want to please me with me introducing sports to my kid at an early age. Of course im not gonna force him to play football if he dreads it.

the fact that you were in HS just 2 years ago says a will probably feel different by the time you have kids...hopefully
Originally Posted by scshift

The kids who do martial arts in my school, even with black belts, can't fight for $$%% and even the freshman cross country runners can throw down on most of the seniors who do martial arts.
but OD
Originally Posted by BigPUNoy

Social bullying is what's most shows are talking about and it has to be hell on a kid if they're a victim of this. Think about, if you're being bullied at school, you at least one place you could always feel safe which was at home. With twitter, facebook, texting, etc. kids can be subject to bullying almost 24/7. While it's all mental, that's the type of stuff that makes people flip out. I was bullied a couple times in middle school, but always by some little guy who even then I just took it as them having a chip on their shoulder.
This. Social bullying was in its infancy when I was growing up, so I can only imagine how it is now. There were a lot of Xanga and Myspace attacks, and fights resulting from them. Internet is serious business.

I never got picked on because I was/ am friends with the guy that everyone was terrified of. Free pass to act recklessly.

Originally Posted by scshift

Do NOT put your kid through martial arts.
I don't agree with this. Do some research and find a reputable gym/ school.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Jay02 wrote:
the fact that you were in HS just 2 years ago says a will probably feel different by the time you have kids...hopefully

Feel differently about what? Im assuming that your still thinking im gonna be forcing my kid into things for my own pleasure. Thats not what im saying.
Im gonna do everything I can for my kid so that he's in a good situation. I'm not gonna set my kid up to get harassed. Again me being 2 years out of high school says that I know more about the current bullying situation than most because i literally just finished watch it happen for 6 years straight. 
Originally Posted by scshift

Do NOT put your kid through martial arts. If you want to instill physical confidence in a kid, take him running or do some workouts with him like pushups and dips and stuff.

Martial Arts teaches self control, perseverance, respect, and gives a child the tools to defend themselves...not ability to
win a fight.
The first thing that I'm doing this summer is putting my 4 year old into martial arts.  It will build her character and make her a well rounded individual with what she will be taught outside of home.
Bullying is not cool on any level, but this has been going on for quite some time. I was teased mercilessly when I was younger. Kids will be kids, that's just what it is. I think we are more sensitive than we have ever been as a society and we cater to every whimper. Of course if it's severe, as a parent, you have to address it. However, if a person is bothered to a point where they want to do something, then they'll react if no one listens. Sad thing is, it can have serious repercussions.
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by scshift

Do NOT put your kid through martial arts. If you want to instill physical confidence in a kid, take him running or do some workouts with him like pushups and dips and stuff.

Martial Arts teaches self control, perseverance, respect, and gives a child the tools to defend themselves...not ability to
win a fight.
The first thing that I'm doing this summer is putting my 4 year old into martial arts.  It will build her character and creates a well rounded individual outside of what she is learning at home.
what about boxing? id rather put my kid in that than a martial arts school
Bullying is a shortcoming of society. Pinning the blame on the development of one group is being negligent to the development of the provoking group. There is obviously something wrong with the social development of the victims and the bullies that is not allowing them to coexist in harmony which means there needs to be something addressed of the range of attention/development being given by the parents or authority of both sides.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Oh look another thread where NTers who aren't even parents give their two cents on how other people should be raising their kids.

Exactly.  Oh, your son/daughter gets bullied at school, you must suck as a parent. 
Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

Originally Posted by Jay02

I agree.

I've thought about this before, when I have a kid i'm not letting him walk out of the house if he doesnt look normal. When I was in highschool there are too many times when I saw a dork and thought why do their parents buy these clothes for them.

I'm also gonna forcing be my kid to play sports at an early age so he can make friends and learn how to associate himself with others. And for the simple fact that I love sports...

its gonna suck to be your kid.
Its gonna suck to be my kid because im gonna force him to look and dress normal? Whatever...

When he asks me to buy him a call of duty or world of warcraft shirt im gonna say no and hes gonna just have to deal with it.

^ Young man, your logic is flawed. Grow up. You perspective will change.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Oh look another thread where NTers who aren't even parents give their two cents on how other people should be raising their kids.


I know, right?  Parenting advice from dudes 2 years removed from riding the school bus and trading pokemon cards. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

HAM CITY wrote:

Oh look another thread where NTers who aren't even parents give their two cents on how other people should be raising their kids.


I know, right?  Parenting advice from dudes 2 years removed from riding the school bus and trading pokemon cards. 

True, I did collect Pokemon cards...but what I didn't do is let the words of people who didn't grow up to be **%% anyway affect my life and DAMN sure didn't let them end it.
if your kid has some friends and isnt a punk he wont get bullied
when i was in elementary only the kids that didnt stand up for themselves got bullied
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by scshift

Do NOT put your kid through martial arts. If you want to instill physical confidence in a kid, take him running or do some workouts with him like pushups and dips and stuff.

Martial Arts teaches self control, perseverance, respect, and gives a child the tools to defend themselves...not ability to
win a fight.
The first thing that I'm doing this summer is putting my 4 year old into martial arts.  It will build her character and creates a well rounded individual outside of what she is learning at home.
what about boxing? id rather put my kid in that than a martial arts school
Ground fighting is an entirely different type of animal.  I want my daughters to have all of the tools for self defense.

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Oh look another thread where NTers who aren't even parents give their two cents on how other people should be raising their kids.
I know, right?  Parenting advice from dudes 2 years removed from riding the school bus and trading pokemon cards.  

Age goes both ways in this thread.

The 30 and 40 year olds with kids on here can speak on parenting but don't know current bullying situation. While the teens and 20 year olds can speak on the current bullying situation but the 30 and 40 year olds can not.
The fact that you think Pokemon cards are poppin in grades 7-12 shows how much out of the loop you are on the bullying side of the spectrum. No ones telling you how to raise your kid. If you wanna buy your teenager pokemon cards then you do you.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

its gonna suck to be your kid.
Its gonna suck to be my kid because im gonna force him to look and dress normal? Whatever...

When he asks me to buy him a call of duty or world of warcraft shirt im gonna say no and hes gonna just have to deal with it.

the fact that you're going to "force" him/her to do something to please you, as stupid as "dressing/looking" normal is just idiotic.

please don't have children, their life is going to suck with such a stupid parent.
I get what you're trying to say....but it sounds like the people getting upset at what he said aren't children of immigrants and are more used to the "let your child be an enigma and free spirit" logic that we hear in America all the time, which I personally think is one reason for the ever increasing softness amongst males born in the last couple years.
I'm a parent of a 7 year old boy. My son & I are very close. We do everything together from reading together, playing video games together, & playing board games together. I help coach his soccer team. I also take him with me (when appropriate) when I do volunteer work in my community as much as possible.Having said this, I think proly 70% of people that have kids have no business having kids. They're ill equipped emotionally & intellectually to have kids. I see so much bad parenting.

My son used to be in a class with a girl that has downs syndrome. He used to asked questions about her & I always ended my conversations with making sure he never made fun of her and not to let anyone else make fun of her.

One day later on in the school year, I was picking him up from school when the vice principle told me Chris had gotten into a fight because some kids were making fun of the girl & he told them to stop. When one of the kids stepped to my son, he told him he didn't want to fight but the kid kept at him. My son had enough so he ended up giving the kid a tornado kick straight to his chest that knocked the wind out of him & to the ground. The VP told me Chris wasn't going to face discipline not only because he was defending someone as politely as he could but that he repeatedly tried to defuse the situation as best a he could.

Although I told him he was never to get into a fight again, I gave him a pat on the back & a fist bump for defending someone. I've noticed as my son is getting older that he definately thinks for himself and doesn't follow the crowd which I'm very proud of. He's growing up to be an amazing kid and I'm so proud of him. He's really taught me more than I've taught him.

I hope some of you young NTers get to experience the joy I've had so far some day...
Originally Posted by Jay02

I know, right?  Parenting advice from dudes 2 years removed from riding the school bus and trading pokemon cards.  
Age goes both ways in this thread.

The 30 and 40 year olds with kids on here can speak on parenting but don't know current bullying situation. While the teens and 20 year olds can speak on the current bullying situation but the 30 and 40 year olds can not.
The fact that you think Pokemon cards are poppin in grades 7-12 shows how much out of the loop you are on the bullying side of the spectrum. No ones telling you how to raise your kid. If you wanna buy your teenager pokemon cards then you do you.

Dude if you had a child right now, by the time they reach middle school you will be damn near 15 years removed from HS... what are you going to know about what's hot/what's not?
At the end of the day are gonna stifle your child's creativity all in the name of them not being "different"? You sound like a sheep and you want your child to be one too...
Originally Posted by psk2310

I'm a parent of a 7 year old boy. My son & I are very close. We do everything together from reading together, playing video games together, & playing board games together. I help coach his soccer team. I also take him with me (when appropriate) when I do volunteer work in my community as much as possible.Having said this, I think proly 70% of people that have kids have no business having kids. They're ill equipped emotionally & intellectually to have kids. I see so much bad parenting.

My son used to be in a class with a girl that has downs syndrome. He used to asked questions about her & I always ended my conversations with making sure he never made fun of her and not to let anyone else make fun of her.

One day later on in the school year, I was picking him up from school when the vice principle told me Chris had gotten into a fight because some kids were making fun of the girl & he told them to stop. When one of the kids stepped to my son, he told him he didn't want to fight but the kid kept at him. My son had enough so he ended up giving the kid a tornado kick straight to his chest that knocked the wind out of him & to the ground. The VP told me Chris wasn't going to face discipline not only because he was defending someone as politely as he could but that he repeatedly tried to defuse the situation as best a he could.

Although I told him he was never to get into a fight again, I gave him a pat on the back & a fist bump for defending someone. I've noticed as my son is getting older that he definately thinks for himself and doesn't follow the crowd which I'm very proud of. He's growing up to be an amazing kid and I'm so proud of him. He's really taught me more than I've taught him.

I hope some of you young NTers get to experience the joy I've had so far some day...
That's deep man. Props to you for being a good dad. Makes me look forward to being a dad one day and doing it correctly.

yall are really stupid with this boxing martial arts nonsense. like seriously. you think you take a year worth of classes and suddenly your immune to the average joe?

Girls in my hs took those self defense classes, using your key as a stabbing weapon then running away etc" We were friends so we played out scenarios (in b4 rape) and at the end of the day nothing they learned mattered.

if you can defend yourself and then take a martial arts or boxing then you've simply bettered and structured how you are able to defend yourself.

my point is some wimpy 50lb pound kid with all the training in the world isn't going to beat up an 80 lb bully much less defend themselves when push comes to shove.

i don't think you can fix bullying but what you can teach is letting kids be more social and make some friends with some common interests rather than being the different one.

btw you guys are misinterpreting what jay is saying because he wrote it semi confusingly. In short he is going to allow his kids to dress a long with the fashion trends, but he's not going to sit around and let his kid wear a pink sock every day just because he thinks it will make himself cool because it might make him a target.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

yall are really stupid with this boxing martial arts nonsense. like seriously. you think you take a year worth of classes and suddenly your immune to the average joe?

if you can defend yourself and then take a martial arts or boxing then you've simply bettered and structured how you are able to defend yourself.

my point is some wimpy 50lb pound kid with all the training in the world isn't going to beat up an 80 lb bully much less defend themselves when push comes to shove.

Not in a year, but after 3+ years of doing boxing you're gonna be able punch with full force/take punches MUCH better than the average joe.
I assume that goes with the effective types of martial arts as well.

Proper technique>weight .
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

yall are really stupid with this boxing martial arts nonsense. like seriously. you think you take a year worth of classes and suddenly your immune to the average joe?

Girls in my hs took those self defense classes, using your key as a stabbing weapon then running away etc" We were friends so we played out scenarios (in b4 rape) and at the end of the day nothing they learned mattered.

if you can defend yourself and then take a martial arts or boxing then you've simply bettered and structured how you are able to defend yourself.

my point is some wimpy 50lb pound kid with all the training in the world isn't going to beat up an 80 lb bully much less defend themselves when push comes to shove.
Son's rape slider is on 50.
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Apparently, school bullying has been a hot topic recently and all over CNN the past couple days, and after watching the horrific stories of what goes on it led to my thoughts.

We all know the kids that get bullied are not blamed for the most part. Mainly people attack the bullies and the parents of the bullies (which is understandable)

But what about the parents of the kids that get bullied? I feel like most kids that do get bullied are not socially developed, and don't know how to handle social situations well. If I had a kid that got bullied I would feel that I failed as a parent. Does my child have no friends to back them up? Why is he/she so unpopular?

What some parents need to realize is that they do play a role in their children's social development. By the time your kids get to elementary school they should already have a few freinds from the neighborhood as a support network. Set up some playdates, get them involved in sports, do something. Hell, get them in martial arts just in case they do have to defend themselves. Teach them to stand up for themselves and others.

I just feel like people don't raise their children to be well rounded individuals and then they're crying cause they got beat up. It's not right, but maybe look yourself in the mirror and ask what could I have done to prevent this. Most of this bullying stuff would be deaded if the parents stepped up and realize they can't just send their kids off to school with zero social skills and expect them to fit in.
You're trying to transfer the blame onto the victims' parents, which makes no sense when they did nothing to warrant the attack(s) upon their child(ren). Regardless of whether that child knows how to handle social situations, it is no ones place to taunt them for being themselves or being socially inept. If kids as a whole were taught respect, manners, and exposed to a more diverse group of people (read: more than race) the social ecosystem of schools would be much better.
I agree, that parents or caregivers are involved in the social development of their child's life, but every one doesn't share in the same home setting. 

Funny you end on fitting in when that seems to be the antithesis as every one gets older. 
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