This is now a GREAT week.
How soon will he be able to play?
HELL YEAH...KWAME was doo doo butter

his hands are doo doo butter too, couldnt catch a ball to save his life..not to mention, he cant even dunk with someone contesting him...missed layups..itdoesnt end wit the negatives with this dude...im soo hapy hes gone..

darko + kwame....the best
Originally Posted by kobefan88

The trade makes the Lakers slightly better, but still not good enough to beat the elite teams in the west.
i dont understand how adding an allstar for one of the worst post players in the league only makes us slightly better. We now have a big FOUR when everyone is health, keyword being healthy. If we can get Bynum back a month before the playoffs start I think we are going to be pretty tough. Then we will at least have decent chemistry. People forget that the Lakers were top four in the west record wise before Bynum got hurt.

Didn't adding future Hall of Famers Malone and Payton to a line up that included a healthy Shaq and Kobe supposed to lead you to the promiseland, but instead you got ousted by the Spurs that year?

Adding Pau Gasol doesn't automatically put you in the finals. If it does, I'll eat my words..but trust me, Pau Gasol is not the Jesus you are lookingfor.
Guys...Cmon now...I mean, YES Gasol is a VERY BIG improvement over Brown. Yes he makes their starting 5 much more formidable. Yes (with Bynum back healthy)they have a good chance of advancing significantly in the playoffs. But this man (Gasol) is not Duncan, or D. Howard, or KG, etc (you get the picture).

Great move by L.A. I commend them (and laker fans) but guys need to chill with this title talk and best lineup talk(and NO I dont want to start an argumentwith someone about it, but cmon they havent even played 1 game together yet)
Originally Posted by Ghenges

The trade makes the Lakers slightly better, but still not good enough to beat the elite teams in the west.

We had the number one record in the West for a couple days thenBynum got injured. Getting rid of the bum player Kwame was for an all-star power forward is only considered slightly better, lay off the pipe my man.
EXACTLY...i Live in the bay...sooooooooooo many bandwagon fans...man mitch its about time u do something right..trading caron for kwame come on...but props to this trade...i hope we can be a Legit top 3 team in the west!
Please...i gurantee if Kobe would've left, there'd be about 10 REAL Laker fans on here. Talk bout bandwagon.

Anyway, this move definitely gives the Lakers the best starting five. Of course i hope they fail and underachieve.
damn L.A fans calm down.....it's almost as if you guys just won the chip
think about it genius, we just trade Kwame..........FOR PAU GASOL. I cant even pull +%## like that off on NBA Live
Of course were going to be fricken excited. Imagine this, take the worst playeron your team and trade him for Pau Gasol and tell me you wouldnt be excited.
Im not sayen that all warriors fans suck B Diddy is my uncles best friend, known dude for a long time to and i root for them when they aint playen thelakers.... But come on now after a big run like they had last year your gona get some fake fans its the same in LA, the season before last even the radiostations were clippers fans. You cant measure the entire fan base and say they have fake fans, thats all im sayen...
Didn't adding future Hall of Famers Malone and Payton to a line up that included a healthy Shaq and Kobe supposed to lead you to the promise land, but instead you got ousted by the Spurs that year?
no they lost to SA in 03. when they had Malone and Payton in 04 they lost to Detroit in the Finals mainly because Malone got hurt and Kobe prettymuch shot them out of the series
Didn't adding future Hall of Famers Malone and Payton to a line up that included a healthy Shaq and Kobe supposed to lead you to the promise land, but instead you got ousted by the Spurs that year?

Malone nor Payton were in their prime.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by kobefan88

The trade makes the Lakers slightly better, but still not good enough to beat the elite teams in the west.
i dont understand how adding an allstar for one of the worst post players in the league only makes us slightly better. We now have a big FOUR when everyone is health, keyword being healthy. If we can get Bynum back a month before the playoffs start I think we are going to be pretty tough. Then we will at least have decent chemistry. People forget that the Lakers were top four in the west record wise before Bynum got hurt.
Didn't adding future Hall of Famers Malone and Payton to a line up that included a healthy Shaq and Kobe supposed to lead you to the promise land, but instead you got ousted by the Spurs that year?

Adding Pau Gasol doesn't automatically put you in the finals. If it does, I'll eat my words..but trust me, Pau Gasol is not the Jesus you are looking for.

Ummmm we won the West that year we got beaten by Detroit. We did make it to the finals just couldn't pull it off.
Wow...great trade for the Lakers

I'm guessing every Lakers fan is hella happy right now, especially since Kwame is GONE.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by kobefan88

The trade makes the Lakers slightly better, but still not good enough to beat the elite teams in the west.
i dont understand how adding an allstar for one of the worst post players in the league only makes us slightly better. We now have a big FOUR when everyone is health, keyword being healthy. If we can get Bynum back a month before the playoffs start I think we are going to be pretty tough. Then we will at least have decent chemistry. People forget that the Lakers were top four in the west record wise before Bynum got hurt.
Didn't adding future Hall of Famers Malone and Payton to a line up that included a healthy Shaq and Kobe supposed to lead you to the promise land, but instead you got ousted by the Spurs that year?

Adding Pau Gasol doesn't automatically put you in the finals. If it does, I'll eat my words..but trust me, Pau Gasol is not the Jesus you are looking for.

Do you even know what you're talking about?

The Spurs eliminated the Lakers in 03, when they didn't have Malone and Payton.

The Lakers sent the Spurs packing and went to the Finals in 04 with Malone and Payton.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by 22 Deuces 22


Lakers' fans are the ABSOLUTE worst.
This coming from Warriors fans how many of those would there be if they lost in the 1st round like they should have last year.....
$%*@ outta here. Of course there are gonna be bandwagoners, but the majority of Warrior fans are not. Now Laker fans....

We just got Snoop and Jessica Alba back from the Warriors.

Didn't adding future Hall of Famers Malone and Payton to a line up that included a healthy Shaq and Kobe supposed to lead you to the promise land, but instead you got ousted by the Spurs that year?
We beat the Spurs in 6 that year, then lost to Detroit in the finals. Malone was injured and Kobe was trying to hard.
Damn Memphis also thought about sending Mike Miller and Stromile Swift to the Lakers instead of Gasol.
Didn't adding future Hall of Famers Malone and Payton to a line up that included a healthy Shaq and Kobe supposed to lead you to the promise land, but instead you got ousted by the Spurs that year?

Adding Pau Gasol doesn't automatically put you in the finals. If it does, I'll eat my words..but trust me, Pau Gasol is not the Jesus you are looking for.
A) There were so many different circumstances that went into that loss that year, mainly Kobe being a douche, Malone being hurt, and Payton notfitting into the triangle. B) I never said that it will put them in the finals, but it will make us more than slightly better. C) Gasol may not be jesus,but at least he isnt the devil(Kwame Brown)
Malone nor Payton were in their prime
Exactly, its not like Gasol is 40 either. He was the 03? Rookie of the year.

I did not see this coming at all. This lineup is gonna be serious when AB gets back.

Does Pau play center in Memphis?

Originally Posted by OneTrust

EXACTLY...i Live in the bay...sooooooooooo many bandwagon fans...man mitch its about time u do something right..trading caron for kwame come on...but props to this trade...i hope we can be a Legit top 3 team in the west!
Please...i gurantee if Kobe would've left, there'd be about 10 REAL Laker fans on here. Talk bout bandwagon.

Anyway, this move definitely gives the Lakers the best starting five. Of course i hope they fail and underachieve.

That would have been disapointment with ownership and the front office. if pops sells my condo and tells me 2 have fun finding another place to live imnot gona be a very big fan of him, you cant trade the foundation and expect fans not to be mad.
Wow. this great for Pau's career, but I'd feel sort of offended if I was him to only be traded for a couple of shirt buttons and some pocket lint. Ihope he does well in LA. He's a skilled player.
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