I refuse to post about this until I see Kwame in another uniform and his replacement (in this case, Gasol) in purple/gold.


Ska, I PROMISE you it's not a dream.

And LMAO at Kwame on the Grizzlies, it's such a perfect fit. With Kwame there I can actually see the Grizzlies being so bad that they lose gamesthey've already won this year.
IF the deal is true... and IF Kwame gets bought out, then basically, what just happened would be the Grizzlies just told Kwame, "Alrighty, so it'slooks like your a Grizzly now. For what? $9 mil? How about this: we give you $9 mil, and you're no longer on our team. Yes, you're that bad. We wouldrather just give you the rest of your contract money instead of having your sorry self play for us."


That dude is terrible, man.
SKA, kwame will still be in a lakers unim hes getting bought out and coming back to la lol...
Originally Posted by Ghenges

So here's a question for the Laker fans:

You are currently tied for 4th in the west. Assuming Bynum comes back 100%, with Gasol, where do you see yourselves finishing this year? Does a healthy Bynum and Gasol win you a championship? I just want to know how many people agree.

Now don't get your feelings hurt by MY OPINION...but I think it definitely makes them better, but not a championship caliber team.

I believe the adding of Pau Gasol makes them a championship caliber team on paper. But even before Paul was traded, the Lakers were really close tobecoming a top-tier team in the league with the emergence of Andrew Bynum and the addition of Trevor Ariza. What Bynum brings is a legitimate post presence onboth ends of the floor. In the seven game winning streak (prior to his injury) he was averaging 16, 12, and 2 blks per contest. I think something that isoverlooked when comparing the top teams in the league is the bench. The Lakers have the second highest scoring bench (40 points/per) behindd the Spurs so takethat into consideration. A lot of analysts consider the Hornets to be a top team this season but look what we did to them at home a few weeks ago; yep, a 29point victory on their home court. I think the Lakers now own the best team on paper, let's see it work on the court.
IF the deal is true... and IF Kwame gets bought out, then basically, what just happened would be the Grizzlies just told Kwame, "Alrighty, so it's looks like your a Grizzly now. For what? $9 mil? How about this: we give you $9 mil, and you're no longer on our team. Yes, you're that bad. We would rather just give you the rest of your contract money instead of having your sorry self play for us."
exactly what I was thinking. They were essentially telling the dude that he is so bad that he is to bad for their team
I know, we are going to have to listen to your crying and *****ing constantly now.
nah buddy, i call it like i see it, matter of factdon't Kobe got some boots that need lickin ?
Originally Posted by l FR3SH l

Originally Posted by kobefan88

Lakers still arent getting out the 1st round
and the sixers still aint making the playoffs, whats your point?

My point is that the Lakers still arent getting out the 1st round

No, I think your point all the time is to come into non-Cowboys, or Volunteers threads, and bash everyone else's teams.

That's your point right there.
nah buddy, i call it like i see it, matter of fact don't Kobe got some boots that need lickin ?
coming from the dude that cry everytime a post is made about Dwade or the Heat
Good one
hahaha, just saw espn news w/ Steven A. Dude asks him was this a steal for the Memphis Grizzlies, Steven A just looks at him with a
and goes "is this a trick question?".. had me
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