even though it seems like a steal... i think jcritt will be an allstar in the future. dude is ill
if Kwame comes back
Yo have they said if he will be able to play tonight vs. the Raptors? If not I fully expect Kobe to go for 70+ pts from overjoyment of finally getting somehelp
Why's everyone saying it was just a 'straight up deal

Those 2 first round picks are nothin to sneeze at....but obviously it's a good, not great trade for LA now
man i think if they can resign kwame for cheap that would great. He does play defense. As much as a liability he is on offense he is ok defensively.

maybe if he's getting less money, people wont expect much and then he can hopefully play.

Wait, the Lakers gave up to s1t rounders as well? You thought Dirk was soft...this guy will frustrate the hell out of you.

With that said, its a def upgrade to the Lakers front court, they'll be a VERY strong team once Bynum comes back.
Those 2 first round picks are nothin to sneeze at....but obviously it's a good, not great trade for LA now
they also gave us a second round pick also. If you think about it we will probably have given them anywhere from the 23-30th pick and in returnwe will probably get a 31-35th pick. Not that big of a deal in my book. Best case scenario we could possibly only move down one spot in the draft one year. The other pick we are out of, but honestly if it is anywhere from 23-30th it probably wouldnt do a whole heck of a lot for us anyway
They were essentially telling the dude that he is so bad that he is to bad for their team
That, or they had to release somebody since they were trading two-for-one, and it made no since to buy-out and release Crittenton.
Now that I've chilled out, this deal is going to be interesting.

You have a Denver team with AI (one of the best scorers of our era), Melo (a great up-and-coming scorer), Camby (one of the best defenders in our era), andKenyon Martin (a good all-around player) with TONS of talent around them, and they're battling to make the Playoffs.

We'll see though.
I was thinking a Gasol Bros. reunion, but the Lakers traded away his rights, so that's not gonna happen.
Two first rounders but they will be at the End of the round If the Lakers get what they want. And we can trade for a pick anytime we want. I would like Kwameback at a reduced salary. Kwame at 9 million = yuck Kwame at 1 million = steal even if he dont score a point.
Yeah they'll be at the back end, but also Crittenon was your #1 this year....we'll see though

Don't get me wrong, LA got the better of the deal for now and most likely the future

Although, I do think some of you are making Gasol out to be more than what he is
looking good on paper =/= being a good team.

wait for gasol to integrate into the lakers' system and then see what happens first. they're lookin scary right now, but they're 0-0 with this newlineup.
Obviously this is a conspiracy. David Stern engineered this trade, not that dumb-dumb Mitch Kupchak. David Stern wants a Lakers-Celtics Final, so this is hisway of forcing the issue. He doesn't have a Michael Jordan to market, so he's going back to the old school and reviving this classic rivalry for goodratings.

Why would the Grizz do this? They take back Jarvis Crittenton when they already have Lowry and Conley Jr? And if they were going to take back a PG, why notget Jordan Farmar? Those 2 first round picks won't fetch anything except role players, because they'll be low picks. The Grizz could have gotten alot more for Gasol. Ridiculous.
Laker nation should send David Stern athank-you card.

Seriously though, I'm just poking fun at a certain Celtic hateron this board by applying some of his own logic towards his favorite team. He knows who he is. Congrats on this steal of a deal for the Lakers.
Although, I do think some of you are making Gasol out to be more than what he is
all im making him out to be is better than Kwame, and for me that is a huge upgrade.
Originally Posted by ill4eva

Obviously this is a conspiracy. David Stern engineered this trade, not that dumb-dumb Mitch Kupchak. David Stern wants a Lakers-Celtics Final, so this is his way of forcing the issue. He doesn't have a Michael Jordan to market, so he's going back to the old school and reviving this classic rivalry for good ratings.

Why would the Grizz do this? They take back Jarvis Crittenton when they already have Lowry and Conley Jr? And if they were going to take back a PG, why not get Jordan Farmar? Those 2 first round picks won't fetch anything except role players, because they'll be low picks. The Grizz could have gotten a lot more for Gasol. Ridiculous.
Laker nation should send David Stern a thank-you card.

Seriously though, I'm just poking fun at a certain Celtic hater on this board by applying some of his own logic towards his favorite team. He knows who he is. Congrats on this steal of a deal for the Lakers.
**Picks up a pen and paper**

Originally Posted by kobefan88

the gasol bros teaming up on the lakeshow
that wont happen.

Mainly because we traded his rights to Memphis

yea i was so excited i didn't read the other bodies involved. o well hopefully this will turn out to be a great trade. i'm going to miss j-critt.
I know, we are going to have to listen to your crying and *****ing constantly now.
nah buddy, i call it like i see it, matter of fact don't Kobe got some boots that need lickin ?

Wade's a product of bad refs.

The Dallas Mavericks are the real 2005-2006 Champions.
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