Peeps with adderall scripts... Need help figuring how it works.

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

so I got a adderall script for my ADD.  my peeps recommended I go to a doc because they said I was a kinda off-the-wall type dude.
one of my friends once said I'm one redbull away from flying to the moon.. whatever that means.

anyway, so my doc prescribed me 10mg IR to start and said he'll bump it up to 15mg IR if 10mg isn't as effective.....
so I take it for the first time, trying to study for finals a few weeks ago, couldn't focus much and I ended up looking up ludacris lyrics for 5 hours...
finals didn't go so well for me so I need to know what am I doing wrong?  isn't this thing suppose to force me to study?
should I tell my doc I prolly need like 30mg IR instead of 10mg?

This is bull $!%@
I been diagnosed with ADD and my treatment is to try new study habits 
 even if these study habits work, I never get around to the studying part. Just end up wikipediaing or youtubing random basketball info for hours upon hours  
Bro, it has literally taken me until senior year of college to realize I have A.D.D.  I am the king of looking up random (sometimes informational though) stuff for NO apparent reason.  Especially since youtube pops up with suggested links when you watch a video, it's like a f'in snowball effect to procrastination 
Didn't know prescribing IR was still allowed. Thought they only did XR-->Concerta/Vyvanse.

Anyway, you have to put in some effort to focus on the topic, then let the addison keep you on track. It's not going to do the work for you, bruh.

Drink plenty of water, snack consistently, and stay away from caffeinated beverages while you're under the influence. You've got to %%*$$%# LOVE studying, if that makes any sense.

You'll be fine.

Get ittt
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

so I got a adderall script for my ADD.  my peeps recommended I go to a doc because they said I was a kinda off-the-wall type dude.
one of my friends once said I'm one redbull away from flying to the moon.. whatever that means.

anyway, so my doc prescribed me 10mg IR to start and said he'll bump it up to 15mg IR if 10mg isn't as effective.....
so I take it for the first time, trying to study for finals a few weeks ago, couldn't focus much and I ended up looking up ludacris lyrics for 5 hours...
finals didn't go so well for me so I need to know what am I doing wrong?  isn't this thing suppose to force me to study?
should I tell my doc I prolly need like 30mg IR instead of 10mg?

Just got off work and this is the first post I see...goodnight
Originally Posted by Navarretr

I've been realizing that there are a lot Of young people on niketalk. I am too. I'm a junior in HS. FEELS GOOD MAN.

Child, you make me feel old

Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

How did you solve this problem?  I just got back to school and this weekend Imma study my butt off hopefully.

I haven't really solved anything to be honest. My doctor is an idiot and refuses to prescribe me anything
I have kinda tried to self medicate with ephedrine though
That %**% is like crack
Just need to try and control what I zone in on when I'm taking that

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Bro, it has literally taken me until senior year of college to realize I have A.D.D.  I am the king of looking up random (sometimes informational though) stuff for NO apparent reason.  Especially since youtube pops up with suggested links when you watch a video, it's like a f'in snowball effect to procrastination 

I didn't get diagnosed until I chopped it up with one of my old HS teachers I stay in touch with and he recommended me to go get tested.... I was 21 years old at the time
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

The first thing you did wrong was to believe that there was something wrong with you.
You're perfectly fine, don't let society tell you otherwise. You stay bouncing of the wall because you have a need and a creative output that isn't being met or fulfilled by those standard avenues which most people find themselves boxed into.

My advice would be to seriously get of that ADD medication, as it will do you more harm than good. After the fact, really consider what YOU want to do and pursue in life. This will undoubtedly be the biggest challenge of your life, but if you invest a serious effort, you'll be on the path to personal greatness.

ADD is a fictional disease that was created, ultimately, for the enrichment of pharmaceutical companies and their backers. It's a "disease" of the modern age.



my doctor tried to tell my mom and step dad i had add and should take adderall. they just laughed and said i wasn't motivated SMH. Like i wanted to do bad in school. i still hold that against them to this day and will never let it go
Adderall helps you focus. It doesn't determine what you focus on. 10mg is obviously good enough for you if you spent five hours searching Ludacris lyrics. You just need to fix your study habits.
Just start selling drugs if you need adderall to pass the 9th grade after you already failed once...
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