People Banging their Mouse when the Computer is moving slow Unapreciation

Dec 4, 2003
I work in a call-center and sometimes our computer systems begin moving slow b/c too many people be on myspace and facebook...

When this happens people start banging their mouse hard as crap on the their desk and slapping their monitor to get the computer to hurry up!

I always give them the

If they knew anything about a computer they would know the mouse or monitor have nothing to do with why your computer is moving slow!
WOW LOL I do this all the time as well. Even though I know it doesn't solve anything! To think I'm an IT major...
One time this chick caught me hitting her with the
when she was doing it, and she was like...

"what?? this really makes its go faster, the faster you click the link"
i hate when im trying to help someone and i know where they are supposed to go but they dont listen, but they keep asking for the help. or if you say click ontools, they cant find it for a damn minute or two. wheres a video of the tech guys from snl or madtv?
I used to bang my mouse when I was much younger, but then I realized the mouse has nothing to do with the computers problem and stopped.
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