People becoming trolls without knowing it.

Sep 1, 2011
We all know what trolling is.  Its pretty funny if done correctly and during a non-serious situation. 

But it seems like the further we get into this technology based lifestyle people are losing touch with basic concepts of social norms, common sense, and the ability to stay on topic.  I think too many people are taking the American right of freedom and running with it.  They want to question EVERYTHING.  There's people that are upset dogs are on leashes these days.  Its tiresome dealing with these people.  Its like people can't handle the fact that rules and regulations must exist in order to maintain a civil society.  Should we question things to make changes? Yes.  But not EVERY SINGLE THING. 

Its like you can't even have an intelligent conversation these days for several reasons. 1. people can't stay on topic.  you start talking about racism and they start talking about abortion trying to prove a point that has nothing to do with the initial conversation. This is usually when the trolling starts. 2. they don't know how to admit they learned something new or say "hey I never looked at it like that before".  Its like people can't admit to any fault because their Xbox Convo ranking will drop. 3. They question everything and ask dumb questions like "what really is a dumb question?" or "What is common sense".  How can you have a conversation when every single word has to be broken down and explained when the person asking the Troll question knows the definitions anyways. 

It's one thing to do it on the internet if thats how you get your kicks (which is lame).  But some of ya'll are doing this in real life and not aware of the huge d-bags you have become.  Tone down the know-it-all attitudes and you will have more friends and your life will be much smoother.  Alot of times you know what somebody means by the context of the conversion and by using common sense but the Troll inside of you comes out and won't allow the conversation to flow. 

Rant over.
Your rant was all over the place, so it is easy to see how you're trolling in real life. The fact that you think we shouldn'tquestion everything says it all.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

go work on your jumpshot... tho



This ain't a rant about trolls, it's a glittered up rant about dcallamerican.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

We all know what trolling is.  Its pretty funny if done correctly and during a non-serious situation. 
You invalided your entire rant based on the fact that defining something as "serious" or "non-serious" is subjective so technically on some scale trolling is entirely based on whatever a particular person says. 
You're applying your opinion as a standard...and you know thats not going to work. 

But it seems like the further we get into this technology based lifestyle people are losing touch with basic concepts of social norms, common sense, and the ability to stay on topic. 

And? The internet is more of an extension of the mind and one's train of thought. There is no filter like that encountered through speech. 
Its an open dialogue and completely unaltered.

 I think too many people are taking the American right of freedom and running with it.

Zeus forbid people use their rights... 

Are you familiar with Spinoza's Ethics?   

They want to question EVERYTHING. 

Lets make thinking illegal. 
There's people that are upset dogs are on leashes these days.

  Its important to know why we do the things we do and if there are better ways of doing them. I don't see a problem with this.
Its tiresome dealing with these people. 

Well don't?
Its like people can't handle the fact that rules and regulations must exist in order to maintain a civil society.

  Not really. What if there is a rule you don't agree with. Should you just accept it as a rule someone else made or should you seek to understand why we have the rule and if we should keep it around?
Should we question things to make changes? Yes. 

You just invalidated your previous statement.

 So its ok for you to question things, only when you get to ask the questions.

Its like you can't even have an intelligent conversation these days for several reasons. 1. people can't stay on topic.
 I agree with you there. 
But then again no one has to do that. Its just a condition you want them to abide by. They'll know if they're being honest or not.

you start talking about racism and they start talking about abortion trying to prove a point that has nothing to do with the initial conversation.

Kinda like in this thread and your responses to polygamy?
This is usually when the trolling starts. 2. they don't know how to admit they learned something new or say "hey I never looked at it like that before".  Its like people can't admit to any fault because their Xbox Convo ranking will drop.

I agree with you here. But then again, its not on you to get those people to admit something. They'll know it in their heads when they're wrong and have unreasonable views. 
3. They question everything and ask dumb questions like "what really is a dumb question?" or "What is common sense". 

Understanding and expressing questions that handle epistemology are worthwhile aims IMO. It allows us to assess what we think we know and how much we think we know it. 
Its helps to establish the validity of our claims and support our conclusions reliably. 

How can you have a conversation when every single word has to be broken down and explained when the person asking the Troll question knows the definitions anyways.

  You assume that the other person does. You really don't know that either way.
I suggest you look into something called Poe's Law. 

In essence, crazy ideas can delude people so much that you'll never be able to tell if the person is being serious or not...Kinda like Colbert.

It's one thing to do it on the internet if thats how you get your kicks (which is lame). 

Like posting on NT about "trolls" isn't lame? But thats just an opinion some might have. See my point here?
But some of ya'll are doing this in real life and not aware of the huge d-bags you have become.

Is a joke funny if youre the one being joked on? or is it only funny when its about other people?
Tone down the know-it-all attitudes and you will have more friends and your life will be much smoother. 

Why do you make the connection that people who joke around online don't have personal lives away from the internet?
I'm pretty sure people have opinions they would never share in person that they often do online.

The anonymity of the internet is a driving force for inquiry and discussion on several levels.

Alot of times you know what somebody means by the context of the conversion and by using common sense but the Troll inside of you comes out and won't allow the conversation to flow.  

Rant over.

I don't understand anything you said here. 

TL;DR: Its just your opinion, man. 
 Alot of times you know what somebody means by the context of the conversion and by using common sense but the Troll inside of you comes out and won't allow the conversation to flow.  

"That, I believe, is what being a troll is about. saying what needs to be said at the right time." - Weev

trolling is an art bro. when it's done right you usually can't even tell it's happening. the people you're talking about are what we generally perceive as "%!! holes".
I read OP's post....scrolled down looking for Sillyputty to post.....lo and behold.
I didn't read Sillyputty's post but i couldn't stop laughing as i scrolled through it, the irony of the whole situation is palpable.  well played SP well played.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

1. people can't stay on topic.  you start talking about racism and they start talking about abortion trying to prove a point that has nothing to do with the initial conversation. This is usually when the trolling starts.
Kind of like that gay marriage topic where you went on your baseless rant about polygamy. 
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by MonStar1

1. people can't stay on topic.  you start talking about racism and they start talking about abortion trying to prove a point that has nothing to do with the initial conversation. This is usually when the trolling starts.
Kind of like that gay marriage topic where you went on your baseless rant about polygamy. 

actually silly putty brought it up. he said he didn't see any problems with it.  I stated why I have a problem with it.  Then you came in riding the fence.  You claim you aren't pro-polygamy but you keep asking me for ways to prove its wrong. 

When you refuse to give an opinion and constantly nitpick at somebody else who actually shows where they stand you are trolling.  You still haven't said how you feel on the topic but you continued to quote me and nit pick. 
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