People giving your whip door dings UNAPPRECIATION.

Aug 30, 2004
I know we all hate that mess when we go and park our cars and come back to see that some butt nugget next to you and slams their door into your whip with totaldisregard. I slept in my car today during my breaks between classes and damn, you'd have no idea how many times people actually hit your car (withoutdenting or scratching it, thankfully). This hella fat breezy in her POS jetta was parked next to me and as she got in, her door hits my car and wakes me up andi'm all
. So I get out and she tries to tell me that she didnt doanything. As she drove off, I wrote down her plates. Believe next time I see that thing, it won't be pretty. Any ideas, NT?


- slept in my car
- fat breezy dings my door
- revenge is best served cold
- i hate fat breezys
This was a few months back... I was eating at Subway sitting next to the window and looked outside. I saw an old lady just open her car door and hit the carnext to her. Dumb lady just drove off and left.
when i do my repaint my car and fix all the dents i swear i'm parking in the back of every parking lot away from everyone i don't care how long thewalk is cause people can not park now a days.
I park next to islands, so one side of my car is safe.
This is why I usually park where there aren't a lot of cars. Walking ain't a thing compared to having a damaged car.

Throw Acetone all over her car, let it sit.
Flat her tires and take out the shraeder valve with this removal tool:

or buy "great stuff" and put it in her keyhole, fill that mother flower up.

I was at the gas station monday and seen a pick-up truck side swipe 3 cars in a row
then I walk around to see they got me too
Originally Posted by C o IVI p L e X

when i do my repaint my car and fix all the dents i swear i'm parking in the back of every parking lot away from everyone i don't care how long the walk is cause people can not park now a days.
Then you run into the problem of parking so far away from everyone, only to come back and see that it had to be that one idiot who parks in thespot right next to you even though there's acres of parking spaces.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn


Throw Acetone all over her car, let it sit.
Flat her tires and take out the shraeder valve with this removal tool:

or buy "great stuff" and put it in her keyhole, fill that mother flower up.


i guess it is that serious
My best friend does that %%%$ to people's cars ALL the time. Somebody's gonna jump out the back seat on her %$+ one day.
I'm gonna try toduck.
Happened to me once.

I was about to get out of my car and walk into Toys R Us, when this 10 year old kid just swung open his door and hit mine. I felt like saying something to him,but he's 10. And no scratch or dent on my door, so whatever.
got a quick story to tell...

my dad was driving me to a place I had to go to right... so theres a stop sign up ahead and a car is basically on the crosswalk and a lady to trying to cross,at the same time my dad pulls up behind the car (a good distance behind) i see the lady that wants to cross smile at the car that is on the crosswalk and waveher hand trying to say its ok. The driver then proceeds to reverse to give the lady a place to walk, and im sitting there like . . . as the car is reversingand boom, hits the front of my car. As there was no damage, my dad was going out of the car looking for an explanation and apology, but all of a sudden, thecar turns right and speeds off... My dad gets furious and puts the pedal to the medal honking the ENTIRE time, trying to tell the lady in the car to stop, soits a nice chase through an ally and through the streets until my dad finally reaches the car trying to turn left, he pulls up next to her, parks, and gets infront of the car and starts yelling at her like crazy. I looked through my window and it was a teenage girl that looked so scared hahahahaha. my dad tells herto get out of the car and she sits in there, saying I DIDNT HIT YOUR CAR, like really trying to convince us that she didn't back up into our car. My dadkept screaming at her, and tells her to hit him, because hes blocking her way. he writes down her drivers license and proceeds to walk into our car extra mad.he points at her and then says im gonna call the insurance company. you shoulda seen her face she was scared %&*#less and as my dad drives away and waslike, im not gona call the cops, just trying to scare her because she fled the accident speed racer style and didn't think she was gonna get caught.
1. chew gum
2. jam it in the keyhole

that'll do it.


...that is if he/she is driving an old car

new one? Key-in through the windshield.
When dudes be parking at them awkward angles or taking up mad space like they aint got no sense best believe im purposely dinging them
Happened to me once. Was in the parking lot waiting to pickup my mom from the grocery store, and some little kid came flying out of the backseat of his car andhit my car. I didn't care my car is old enough and the paint is done. I just gave the mom a :stone to make her feel bad
After that I was just laughingand told my mom what happened and she just went "What like this?" And pretty much threw my door into their car

But myself I always try and be careful when opening my door even though I have no regard for my truck.
Just some quick pointers I do when I park is find an island and park as close to it as possible. Also generally I will try to park near the passenger side ofcars since most times its just one person in a car. Don't park in the same row as the shopping cart rack, park as far away as possible. Also, I neverdouble park because then people will ding your car just to spite you. So far I haven't much of a problem with dings on my last car, or my current one.
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