Pet Sterilization Becomes Law in LA

insane. i wonder if this is on digg. i suspect a ton of angry diggers

kinglouis, the point is that the gov't is tacking on all these 'laws' that are limiting us more and more. do you follow digg or reddit? everyday anew story pops up about how the gov't is going to screw us another way
I'd say practice more discretion when choosing your battles. Controlling animal overpopulation vs. the Bush administration's surveillance programs andreducing civil liberties... seems like that is more of a cause to protest government intrusion than having to get your dog/cat spayed. I mean, the punishmentfor first time offenders is having to endure torturous "information on subsidized sterilization services" ... seems fair enough.
ah...and there goes the argument I knew would come...

if you're adamant about the "violations" by bush...then I don't see how you could support this either... any reduction in someone'sfreedom of choice should not be tolerated.
I'm cool with command and control policies when they have tangible benefits and positive results - as in some cases with environmental regulation, guncontrol, etc. I'm not okay when the government restricts civil freedoms. Freedom means speech, press, religion, etc. It's not freedom to beirresponsible - as in this case with animal overpopulation.
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