Petition to make the XI/XII Pack a GR

Originally Posted by ijapino

I think you may be missing the point here. Making them NOT limited isn't the problem. The problem is that EVERYBODY will be hyped for this pack. Why? Everybody wants XI's!! The demand is way higher on these than any other pack they release. So it's not going to matter if they make these a general release or not...They will sell out even if they make double or triple the number they did for the 10/13 pack. You have got to factor in the greedy resellers who have the mentality "more packs = more opportunity to resell", as well as all the people who are skipping other packs just to cop multiple packs of this one.

Basically what I'm saying is that even if a petition to make these a GR works, you're still not guaranteed yourself a pack. I'm not trying to discourage you from making a petition, but I'd start figuring a way out to secure yourself a pack no matter what. I mean, hell, you have 10 months!
couldnt get the grapes, any LSs, or limiteds.
only thing that even came to utah were flips.
least what i know of. least you get the opportunity to get them
in the words of seau, all i want is a chance. hahah
i want this pack limited cuz if its not the everybody and their motha are gonna have em which sucks
Originally Posted by yungpyro07

i want this pack limited cuz if its not the everybody and their motha are gonna have em which sucks

Who really cares what shoes other people have?
Originally Posted by Wozman23

i agree but you have forgotten one thing. The line shouldn't be drawn at the XI/XII package. Every Jordan release should be a GR. Limitedness is a horrible concept. I, as well as many other 'true' Jordan fans, don't live in big cities. That doesnt mean im any less important than the guys from NYC and LA. I dont feel as if we should be punished just because of where we live.

We've heard the story plenty of times. I live in central Florida. I loved the XX3s. To get a pair i had two options: I could drive over 200 miles down to Miami and camp, which was impossible because i had to work. Or i could buy a pair off ebay for $1000+ dollars. If i had the extra money i would, but i dont. Why screw thousands of loyal fans over who truly loved the shoes? I just dont understand how limiting is a good thing.

I hear what you're saying and feel for you bro, but don't say you're being "punished". You're acting as if JB is God andthey're bringing their hand down from heaven and smacking you or something.

Gather 15 of your friends and pay them $5 or buy them pizza to help you go on/call Eastbay one night. If you can't get the shoes, tough luck man, but atthe end of the day, its just a pair of shoes.
BTW, count me in for the petition. I just want to have a pair of SJs to wear for graduation.
Too many people are worried about the next guy.

Oh and BTW, like someone said already, making these a GR will not help you. That's like saying throwing a baseball instead of a golf ball at a tank isgoing to be more effective.
Guys, I don't know what is holding up the petition. I created it on the site and they said I will receive a confirmation e-mail with a link to follow toactivate the petition. I guess they have a review process that takes time.

I promise I created one and I will post the link as soon as they allow me to activate the petition!
Now some herb has got this whole community (the remaining herbs at least) thinking that this will be an LS type pack. In essence creating more hype. SMH at allthe ignorance. Please lock, I boggles me that is hasn't been done already...
Would like to have a pair without having to pay a crazy amount, and having to fight someone over them.
keep them hard to get JB, it'll be appreciated more. you think space jams/concords would be as appealing if so many people had them?
I agree! i don't like walking around seeing everybody and there mother wearing the same shoes that i got on.... Its like everyone looks thesame cause everyone buys the same shoe.. then goes out to find a shirt to match ... that everyone else just got to match their shoes....
Just like the aquas..... i wont wear mine until everyone has beat the hell out of theirs...

but basically if you want the pack so bad... wake up early and go get a pair... to confirm that you get your pack, just make sure your 1st in line... simple.
I think they should produce the same amount as they did for the 10/13 pack. I mean, I got mine, with no problems. Even tho this pack will be more difficult tocop because of how many people want XI's, especially the Jams, I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to cop.

It shouldn't be a problem to cop if you really want them that bad, just do some pre-game and try to set up a guarantee that you will be coppin'.
keep them hard to get JB, it'll be appreciated more. you think space jams/concords would be as appealing if so many people had them?

Yes they still would be as appealing.
It appears there is a 24 hour turnaround on the petition site in order for them to make sure the petition is appropriate. I hope to hear from them in themorning (6 February 2008) and will provide the link as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience!
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