Peyton Manning cleared to play 2012 season....

From not playing ever again, to cleared to play in 4 days.

Open up the flood gates.

His time in INDY is over, we all know this.

Miami, San Fran, Arizona, Washington, get those blank checks ready.

On a side note...

The amount of shoddy reporting that has taken place over this Manning situation is disgusting. Sports Reporting has been ruined in large part because of twitter. And this is one of the reasons I got into the sports media business.

The act of being first, has taken over the idea of being correct. Everyone just wants to be the man who breaks a story, even if they don't fact check, everyone and their mother has "sources."

People who have made false reports left and right put a black eye on the sports journalism world, how do you earn trust that way?

Glad Peyton will play, hopefully he lands in the proper spot (not the ********)
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

From not playing ever again, to cleared to play in 4 days.

Open up the flood gates.

His time in INDY is over, we all know this.

Miami, San Fran, Arizona, Washington, get those blank checks ready.

On a side note...

The amount of shoddy reporting that has taken place over this Manning situation is disgusting. Sports Reporting has been ruined in large part because of twitter. And this is one of the reasons I got into the sports media business.

The act of being first, has taken over the idea of being correct. Everyone just wants to be the man who breaks a story, even if they don't fact check, everyone and their mother has "sources."

People who have made false reports left and right put a black eye on the sports journalism world, how do you earn trust that way?

Glad Peyton will play, hopefully he lands in the proper spot (not the ********)

If this news is true, smh at Indy for giving up on him already. They really think Luck is going to go in there and have instant success, I think not. I think his best look would be in Miami ...
Irsay better not pull a $!%*# move and sign my son ...

I wished this news would have been released after the superbowl, preferably after march 1

@%$! irsay, let my son go ...

my son will be the healthiest 36 year old qb ever once those nerves start cooking ... so i won't celebrate yet ...

*crosses fingers*
peyton has another 5 years in him if he plays this year ... blee dat

teams are salivating ... my son was telling the truth during that espn interview ...

keep the rehab up ...

Report: Larry Fitzgerald Recruiting Peyton Manning For Cardinals

The Washington ********, New York Jets and Miami Dolphins are among the many teams rumored to have interest in Peyton Manning as their starting quarterback next season. But the Arizona Cardinals may be a better fit than all of the above, and according to Tom James of the Terra Haute Tribune-Star, Manning appears willing to listen.

Tom James@TribStarTJames

Colts QB Peyton Manning and Arizona WR Larry Fitzgerald expected to have dinner this week in Indy.
2 Feb 12
Fitzgerald, the Cardinals’ star receiver for the last eight years, is often a key recruiter for the franchise. He also helped bring Kevin Kolb to Arizona last season. But after a disappointing season under Kolb that ended in the Cards missing the playoffs at 8-8, Fitzgerald may urge the team to go in another direction.

Manning is still under contract with the Indianapolis Colts. He is due a $28 million bonus on March 8, meaning a decision on his future will likely come soon from Colts owner Jim Irsay.
 @ the possibility of my favorite player Larry Fitz finally having a great QB throwing him the ball ever since Kurt retired. I'm tired of watching my dude waste his prime with 3rd string garbage.
I'm not anything close to a Cards fan but you can damn well bet I would be watching all of their games if Peyton and Fitz were on the field together. 
As a fan, I'd love to see him with NYJ or MIA. Those are two solid teams and the Jets have a great defense. I don't want to see him in Arizona, I don't dislike them but they're just average on both sides of the ball. I don't want to see him with the ******** because that organization is just cursed. Hall of Famers go there and die, do not want to see that.

They probably will draft Luck but I really don't see Luck doing anything with the Colts. That team is trash 2-14 for a reason.
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