Phil Jackson: "Michael Jordan was fouled on every single play."

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

MJ's left hand was smooth on Russell's%$$% when he crossed. People acting like it isn't possible having played ball before. You can easily dislodge an already moving defender while stopping yourself to change direction. Hard to tell if Russell wasn't going to flop/fall anyways.

Here's an article from what an ex NBA ref has to say about it

Also, in the NBA finals, in the weigning moments of the game

�Watching that just makes me cringe....

I feel sorry for the Mavs that year.� They got robbed big time.
Wasn't neccessarily a shot at you Ska, just people in general who say things like "how could he push a 220lb man with one hand." I had a gif ofthe back angle from behind MJ, I think from that angle you can see MJ's hand on Russell's butt pretty conclusively as he crosses back. I also thinkRussell is a clumsy defender and has been known to flop and likely was going down anyways. I'm not arguing that a call should have been made there, I justthink MJ did push.
Oh, I know it wasn't a shot at me. And I wasn't thinking of anyone in particular when I was going to say, "If you think this is a push, then youprobably suck at defense."

And like I said, it's pretty clear that MJ's hand was close to Bryon's butt, but...
#1- contact is not the same as a push
#2- it is entirely possible that MJ's hand never actually pressed into Bryon, and simply made light contact with the fabric of Bryon's jersey
^ Ya I agree that there was slight contact, but not enough for Russell to draw a foul.... especially at the end of the game in the Finals it would be a bailoutcall
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

MJ's left hand was smooth on Russell's%$$% when he crossed. People acting like it isn't possible having played ball before. You can easily dislodge an already moving defender while stopping yourself to change direction. Hard to tell if Russell wasn't going to flop/fall anyways.

Here's an article from what an ex NBA ref has to say about it

Also, in the NBA finals, in the weigning moments of the game

I almost threw the TV remote control when I watched that game. This is why I've grown to hate Wade

Yeah, it's not entirely his fault because the REFS are the ones blowing the whistle... but I swear, sometimes he PURPOSELY do things like that justbecause he knows the refs are gonna blow the whistle! Makes you wanna go "WTF!?" just like Dirk did in the video!
And I'm not even a Mavs fan!
23ska909red02 wrote:

And like I said, it's pretty clear that MJ's hand was close to Bryon's butt, but...
#1- contact is not the same as a push
#2- it is entirely possible that MJ's hand never actually pressed into Bryon, and simply made light contact with the fabric of Bryon's jersey

Wow, talk about giving the benefit of the doubt to MJ. Especially the #2, that's the first time I read that theory, lol. I may not see how much MJpushed off from the footage available, but I know damn well that you can't either to claim that it was just "contact". Whether he pushed him ornot, you cannot deny that what MJ did with his left arm without a doubt looks like a motion when someone tries to push something. Why did he do this? Whydidn't he keep his left arm completely off Russell's butt? You may try to look 100% objective all you want and claim that you're just analyzing theplay as if it were some random two players, but that's kinda hard to believe when we're talking about MJ's last shot, the one that sealed hislegacy, Wizards days aside. You just can't face the fact that it may have an asterisk.
yes, MJ definitely received preferential treatment because of his star-status. doesn't change the fact that he was still the best to ever play.

Phil Jackson isn't really reaching in saying that he got fouled on every play, y'all are taking that ++++ way too literally. MJ got fouled on everyplay the same way you could call holding on almost every single play in the NFL. textbook definitions of both infractions are made literally almost everysingle play, but ref's usually only call the more egregious and obvious fouls/penalties for obvious reasons.
no Shaq got fouled on every single play. I still shake my head when he gets called for an offensive foul. Dudes were damn near trying to take him out and they would get the calls.

Man You aint Lyin', but its way worse now, its mainly the reason I cant get into the NBA like I used to. The calls are just too subjective, theres no uniformity. I saw Ricky Davis get the top of his Braids clipped off his head the other day in Dallas with like 10 seconds left and there was no call, I just turned the TV off.

so true
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