Philadelphia Eagles '12 Official Thread 4-10 *Farewell Andy Reid

Offense will need 40 at this pace.....secondary is playing so badly its almost funny...Nnamdi was stuck in quicksand when Julio blew by him
I hate to say it but I think we're done. The defense has been brutal, offense hasn't had the ball much but they've been ok I guess....If they don't turn it around Andy will be done, and it will be the end of an era. Vick is about 18th on my list of people who are to blame for this garbage today...but it does not look good. How fitting/coincidental would it be if Andy's last season he finally breaks the streak of 13 straight wins off the bye week smh
no point in firing Andy now cuz who the hell would take over? Marty Morningwhig? NO THANKS!

wait til we're eliminated from playoff contention first

this team is just flat out terrible in all phases and in game adjustments have been nonexistent. i expect to get blown out again next week too :smh:

And it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Andy "stepped down" before the owners get the chance to fire his worthless ***
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The sad thing is, we're still very much in the hunt at 3-4 even, but its how s***** they've been playing that is so looks like they don't care except for a few guys
The sad thing is, we're still very much in the hunt at 3-4 even, but its how s***** they've been playing that is so looks like they don't care except for a few guys

you just gotta hope the Giants hit some kinda wall and the eagles win those divisional games.

That Lions game is coming back to bite us. But also our defense was :x. If they couldve at least gotten a stop on that first drive there'd still be a tiny chance
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Still 7mins left....we get a stop on defense (haha, unlikely) and a quick TD and it could be interesting at the end...Lions beat us down by 10 with 3 and change left....crazier things have happened
Still 7mins left....we get a stop on defense (haha, unlikely) and a quick TD and it could be interesting at the end...Lions beat us down by 10 with 3 and change left....crazier things have happened

Nvm game over :lol: smh We can only hope that wizards come in next week and give our secondary some heart and tackling ability and make them semi-competent
Kudos to Casey Mathews for finishing though too bad the rest of his team quit a long time ago
Man, I know Vick hasn't exactly been stellar this year, but it sucks that he'll be blamed for a lot of the Eagles' woes.  I guess that comes w/ being QB, but dude takes brutal ******g hits every damn game.  The offensive line is ridiculously awful.  
Maybe it's just me, but do these types of game feel easier to digest than how we typically lose?

Like I can take getting beat by a team who played better when we didn't.  But when we are winning or controlling games and then give it away, I feel violent.
I don't think blame should be fully placed on Vick but he will get most of it being the QB/leader of the team. O-line, playcalling, and the Defensive scheme are the main problems IMO.

Never thought this dude Nnamdi was what people tried to make him out to be.
Man, I know Vick hasn't exactly been stellar this year, but it sucks that he'll be blamed for a lot of the Eagles' woes.  I guess that comes w/ being QB, but dude takes brutal ******g hits every damn game.  The offensive line is ridiculously awful.  

anyone with two eyes can see there's only so much he can do with idiots like Andy and Marty calling 1000 pass plays with no creativity and a defense that can't stop anyone or even get a finger on the quarterback, Vick will get the axe in the offseason but he knows deep down it's definitely not all on him. whole team is a mess

props to McCoy for playing hard all game and having the restraint to not call out his horrid coaches for NEVER giving him the touches he deserves
Maybe it's just me, but do these types of game feel easier to digest than how we typically lose?

Like I can take getting beat by a team who played better when we didn't.  But when we are winning or controlling games and then give it away, I feel violent.

Nah I agree, this is much easier to take than losing the Lions game, or the Steelers game smh We had no turnovers and still got clocked....Atlanta has a great offense but was it too much to ask for the D to get like 3 stops and force them to punt before the 4th quarter? Andy's been "evaluating" things since the bye week....he better find some solutions asap b/c this season is still salvagable even though we've been brutal in many facets of the game at the wrong teams
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