Physics as a major. College/Future question.

Feb 8, 2008
Alright, NT.
I wanted to do engineering (Biomedical) as my major, but ever since I was a kid I've loved science, Physics in particular.

But the one thing that irks me about choosing Physics as my major is that I honestly don't see ANYTHING happening in my future with it except some teaching job.

I think it's the fact I live in Texas that holds me back from seeing any real potential in pursuing it.

Any Physics majors on NT that shed some light on this?
being a teacher isn't as bad as it seems, you get paid to study what you love & teach appreciative kids/young adults the basics .. sounds cool to me - 2 months paid vacation, pension, insane health insurance. if not, you could get a job at a lab? or at a company designing %!#%? physics is used when creating just about everything .. i'm sure you know. go for it dude.. know you deserve it. don't let minute details hold you back from fulfilling your full potential. 

physics is 
Go work at CERN
they employ thousands in many scientific fields. Working and living in Geneva, Switzerland? Swag
Go to the PhD level if you go into physics.  The possibilities are endless honestly.  I'm talking about you being at the forefront of science, coming up with new theories, methods, problems, and solutions.  You can do work in a variety of different fields like, space, nuclear, academia, etc.  I would say give it some serious thought and don't limit yourself to only what your opportunities are with a BS.  Get your PhD and be set for life!

I'm getting my Master's in Electrical Engineering right now and plan on going for my PhD.
My AP physics teacher here in Houston went the route of majoring in Physics/Math and then getting his PhD in Physics at UT-Austin. He's been through plenty of jobs, each one of them unique to one another such as NASA, CEO of a Research facility (Engineering Consultant), high school Physics teacher, and recently a science fiction book author.

I say go with your gut, what you love. Don't go into something that you know you won't have that drive for. The pieces will fall in place once everything is settled. The possibilities out there are endless.
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