Pics of 1NightOnly Stash yellow!

They were only given to VIP, not everyone that attended. Shoes were already handed out, and no they won't release to the public. I actually got to see them today and I must say they are really nice. Soles are like ice, shoes are much lighter, and much softer than original released version, which is a bit stiff. Comes in a regular orange box though.
[email protected]
AIM queensfinest008
those are dope
dam i wouldnt mind having a pair of stash's. these are amazing.
Zealot - Dark Templar - High Templar - Twilight Archon - Colossus - Stalker - Immortal
Observer - Phase Prism - Stasis Orb - Phoenix - Warp Ray - Carrier - Mothership
Still have a 11.5...Debating on what i should do with it?!?. :nerd:

..:team TEXAS:..
lol at piss yellow

i dont know many cats that live in a sewer for them to be "piss yellow"

mine have darkened and i wear them 2 times a week, no where near yellow

figures the ppl making those comments dont have, or have never worn them. if not prove me wrong with pics

no regarding the chris vidals, i know you hate those metal eyelets... :wink:
The Invisible Post ManChances are you've overlooked...ORIGINAL HAZE GSHOCK FOR SALE!!!
OG's all day.

The metal eyelets kill these new ones. Nasty.
You can only ever learn from history. America is the result of a country with none.
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