Pictures Of Exes. Should They Be Trashed or Kept.

Trashed. If they're not trashed, you are not over them. Simple as that.
That is so not true. Again, wanting to keep memories doesn't = not being over someone. I have pictures of me and 15 year old girls (when I was 15) you are telling me I am not over that even though it was over 10 years ago? And I haven't spoken to these folks in over one thousand days? Come on with that.
trash em to avoid all fututre problems, the last thing you want is your new GF to find them and it be a ******g problem of some sort.
I don't own any physical pictures. I'll keep my favorite 2 of us together and the nudes then delete the rest. As for someone I'm with? It's okay if they have pictures with their ex's as long as they are somewhere that they aren't looking at them daily.
unless its something like a prom pic then no my girl has a prom pic with her date she doesnt keep it around she keeps it in a drawer she offered to throw it away i told her no
Nah man.

As a dude, that ain't nothing but a self trap.
And why would you need a pic of your ex anyway?
They are baggage imho. Not that I wouldn't mind going back down memory lane from time to time, but it's best to let go so you can be available for the new person that's in your life or soon to be.

Out of sight, out of mind
Nudes? Definitely keep. 
If you cheat on your girl....all that documentation will get you jammed up in the long run. Memories are more than enough proof.

Otherwise, people who force their significant other to delte or trash pictures of exes and such are insecure and that should be a red flag that this person is showing signs of being controlling, possessive, etc. I would not tolerate someone suggesting I do such a thing.
Deleted every last one of my ex pictures...not even trying to remember how they look.

All memories...
half of you guys arent even reading what OP said correctly :lol:
hes asking how you feel about your GIRL saving pics of OTHER DUDES

dudes over here talkin about never delete pics and **** aight yo girl never deleting pics of her exes meat :rofl:
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Effeth nay. Saving pictures and love notes and condom wrappers and all that...phooey. If you're going to keep a secret shrine to the last dude, you might as well keep him too. **** that, get rid of every pixel, and do it last week.

Oh, and on my side, all my exes are dead to me. If I wanted to keep them around, I had ample opportunity to do so, but in my world they never existed and I will not keep any evidence to the contrary.
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