Players you despise vol. get outta here!

Who: Manu Ginobli
Why: He flops all the freakin time. A person shouldnt fall over when someone sneezes. He keeps pretending like he's literally a piece of dust

Who: Bruce Bowen
Why: 1) He intentionally injures players. 2) He can hit the three all day, but yet if he takes two steps in, cant hit a shot worth his life

Who: Delonte West
Why: He talks like a bum. I still wonder how in the world he got into any collage looking and talking like that

Who: Vince Carter
Why: No reason.....

Who: Alonzo Mourning
Why: Refused to suit up for a team in Canada because.... well no reason. Just demanded a trade. And now the fact that since he got a new kidney, he thinkshe's king @#%$.

Who: Joakim Noah
Why: Becauase of collage. I know he showed passion in the NCAA, but too much to turn me right off.

Who: David Stern
Why: He is destroying the NBA.
Manu Ginobli
WHY: BIG flopper. He'll even flop if your shadow touches him. Also when the game's on the line he'll be making them crazy ++$ circus shots.

Bruce Bowen
WHY: Dirty player. Does every possible cheap thing to stop a player. Just cause his name is Bruce he thinks he can go around and kick people. Kicked Ray Allen(while Ray was with the Sonics) in the back while they were on the floor. Kicked Wally Szerbiak (in the face) while Wally was spotting up for a three. Scum ofthe basketball earth.

Raja Bell
WHY: Blatantly clothselined an innocent Kobe on the floor in the playoffs a couple years ago. Can hit the trey but at times can get too big-headed on his D.Scrub, scrub, scrub all the way.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Who: Ginobli
Why: Because he's a (Zodogg/ Dirty Rat Bastard /ZoDogg)
Really though, I just dislike everthing about his game.
the flopping, the defence, the flopping, the flopping, did I mention the flopping

agree, 1a on the list is his teammate BRUCE BOWEN
Originally Posted by Verdykt

A 9 month bump? For realsies?
, word. I didn't even notice at first. I'm scrolling down the first or second page, and I see my reply like "what the hell?"
-Mehmet Okur, AK-47, Matt Harpring...actually make that the whole Jazz team except Deron Williams is Ok.
-Zaza Pachulia
-Darko Milicic
-Kelly Jennings

There's more but can't think of any right now
-Mehmet Okur, AK-47, Matt Harpring...actually make that the whole Jazz team except Deron Williams is Ok.
-Zaza Pachulia
-Darko Milicic
-Kelly Jennings

There's more but can't think of any right now
K Rod

Grant Balfour

Carlos Gomez

anyone on the Red Sox and Yankees except Nady and Jeter and A Rod

Carlos Zambrano

Aramis Ramirez

Alphonso Sorry-ano

Michael Barrett ....I was
when that ball got fouled off into thatbozo's face
howie kendrick and eric aybar.
why? can make a highlight reel play, yet can't complete a routine play... especially with 2 outs... with runners aboard
on offense.... swings at stupid pitches (talking about hendrick), sucks on the clutch
Paul Pierce - since he said he thinks he's the best in the league and deserved MVP

Bruce Bowen - dirty

Tony Parker - just something about he's on the spurs

Manu Ginobli - flops, complains to refs constantly, on the spurs

Rodney Harrison - dirty, on the patriots

Entire Red Sox roster - I'm a yankee fan

Tom Brady - laughed at Strahan's prediction for Patriots Super Bowl score and got beat...
NBA: Chris Paul - can't stand his stupid rick flair WOOOO thing. He's a lil B for hitting dudes in the nuts, dirty player

MLB - Curt Schilling - loud mouth, cocky, lame, closet racist

NFL - Rodney Harrison - dirty


Tom Brady and the rest of the Pats.

Why? They THOUGHT they already had that Super Bowl won and got sauced on.

Randy Moss. Why? Because he thinks he's the GOAT after breaking Jerrys TD record in 16 games.
He had 23 in 16 games while Jerry had 22 in 12.
And Moss doesn't play hard 100% of the time.

Pacman, Chris Henry and former player Lawrence Phillips - All scumbags.

Chad Johnson, some of the TD celebrations were funny, but wearing a jacket that says future HOF'er is just stupid. Dude is NOT making the HOF. And changingyour name to Ocho Cinco?. I hate players that think they are above the team and act like their @%%! don't stink.

T.O. (Was my favorite player when he was Terrell Owens, but since he turned into T.O. he ruined the Niners with the whole gay crap with Garcia and basicallychased Mooch out...oh and he's a Cowboy.)


Vince Carter - Charmin soft, quitter.


Barry Bonds - Just a bad teammate and human being. Don't really care about the steroids or the lying but that's another story. Respect his talentthough.

Manny Ramirez - Respect his talent but you don't quit on your team.

Abosolutely hate his entire game. The flopping, awkward dribbling, longest hop steps in history, and the constant whining to the refs. I aint a Laker fan but Ithouroughly enjoyed them bust the Spurs @zz last year in the WCF. Matter of fact the whole Spurs team can go on the list. And I hate Lebron too, I respect hisgame but the refs treat him like Jesus.

Who: Tom Brady

Two reasons.

The first being that he is mentioned with the greatest quarterbacks to ever play the game, when his legacy was/is built because of Adam Vinatieri. Brady isalways mentioned as the man who led the Patriots to Super Bowl Championships. IMO, this couldnt be more incorrect. Just because he is the quarterback doesntmean he was the reason they won....because he wasnt.

Secondly, the damn touchdown record. People....give me a break. He beat Peyton by ONE TOUCHDOWN. And when Peyton had 49, the Colts were demolishing teams andhe sat out almost EVERY 4TH QUARTER!!! Brady had ONE more touchdown than Peyton, and the Patriots were constantly running up the score in 2007. He didnt sitout 4th quarters like Peyton did. He didnt hand the ball off everytime when they were up big. No. The Patriots were running up scores and Brady was stillthrowing bombs. If Peyton didnt sit out at least 12 quarters and was running up the score like the Pats were, Peyton would have had 60 touchdowns. Yet Bradyhas the record of most TD passes in a season. Just disgusting IMO.
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