"Playing The Game" At Work/In The Office Setting

Oct 13, 2001
Friend works at a job that has hired 20+ fresh out of schoolers that have generally left the job within 2 years for greener pastures.

While on the job, those young hired are very butt-kissy, giddy, inside jokey (even happens during meetings), uppity

Positions have been created for many of these kids even though they don't have the experience/knowledge to deserve these positions

My boy is usually the one that has to train these kids time after time since it is such a high turnover rate.

He doesn't play the game so he and other grizzled vets feel ignored, disrespected, overlooked, and feel like they will eventually be pushed out.

Has anyone experienced anything similar? What should I tell him because he has been stressed over this? 

Pics for beasts




damn dude... ur pics started off great, then it tanked!

really tho, i didnt read, i just looked at pic#1
your "friend" sounds pretty lame; why can't he go to greener pastures...if he feels so disrespected 
Originally Posted by cap1229

Dc be honest is this about you?
Nah it isn't about me. If it were about me I have no problem saying it is about me. This isn't a thread about a friend that suffers from erectile dysfunction or anything Caps. 
Them pics had a spark when they started but now they just garbage.

Man tell your boy to be social but keep his morals.  Only way to move up. If you ain't part of the circle you ain't gonna shine.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Man tell your boy to be social but keep his morals.  Only way to move up. If you ain't part of the circle you ain't gonna shine.
Yea that is what I told him. I told him not to do too much though.
He says there is a grizzled veteran that tries so hard to fit in with the new kids but they don't/won't accept him. He says it is sad how hard dude tries to fit in.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Man tell your boy to be social but keep his morals.  Only way to move up. If you ain't part of the circle you ain't gonna shine.
Yea that is what I told him. I told him not to do too much though.
He says there is a grizzled veteran that tries so hard to fit in with the new kids but they don't/won't accept him. He says it is sad how hard dude tries to fit in.

Yeah you can't be that guy. 

Ol' Busta wanna be down with YMCMB aint a good look
part of moving up is demonstating you have the social skills to interact with others well.

one doesn't have to kiss up... but being social instead of a grump goes a long way
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

part of moving up is demonstating you have the social skills to interact with others well.

one doesn't have to kiss up... but being social instead of a grump goes a long way

He socializes though. He just doesn't go over and beyond. He doesn't kiss butt. Also, he doesn't "look" like them. If you get my drift. We can pretend that that can't be a factor but I think it can be. Not saying it is, but it can be. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

part of moving up is demonstating you have the social skills to interact with others well.

one doesn't have to kiss up... but being social instead of a grump goes a long way

He socializes though. He just doesn't go over and beyond. He doesn't kiss butt. Also, he doesn't "look" like them. If you get my drift. We can pretend that that can't be a factor but I think it can be. Not saying it is, but it can be. 
Thats a big factor...I was thinking about this one day.  Sometimes as a mentor, boss, leader you like to find new people under you that remind you of yourself.  Thats a major factor to why John moves up instead of Tyrone.  If you don't sound like or look like your bosses its going to be harder to move up.  Dudes not going to invite you to play golf, drink Jameson, or whatever if they don't think you can relate.

yeah. so that's the thing... he has to go a little above the norm if he wants to get ahead. that's just how the world works.
Yea @ Dirty, he is starting to understand that but I don't think he really wants to go down like that. As with many people, don't feel like throwing up the fake face. Plus, there is no guarantee that he would even be accepted. He doesn't fit the "mold."
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Yea @ Dirty, he is starting to understand that but I don't think he really wants to go down like that. As with many people, don't feel like throwing up the fake face. Plus, there is no guarantee that he would even be accepted. He doesn't fit the "mold."

If that's the case, why not look for a new job?  Sure the market is bad, but if you're invaluable to an organization then you can either get a raise/promotion or find someone who is willing to pay you what the market is worth.

He should read Linchpin by Seth Godin.  He makes a very good argument about going above and beyond in the workplace.
i play the game in work, school, life, everywhere.

i always win, i never lose.

Spoiler [+]
and if I do lose its because the rules werent fair
I think it might be best for him to look for a new job. Because even if he was to change, chances are the people who are doing the promoting has already placed him inside a box, that will be hard fought to escape. Also you never really stated what is it he's looking for or wants. It's not truly being fake or 'butt kissy' if you find things in common with the people you're working with so that you could socialize better with them or something as simply as telling interesting stories every now and then goes a long way
he should be happy his company isnt up or out.

He would have been fire in my line of work by now.

He needs to get comfortable being uncomfortable or get a new job,

Being a yuppie FTW
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

i play the game in work, school, life, everywhere.

i always win, i never lose.

Spoiler [+]
and if I do lose its because the rules werent fair
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