Please Lock Thread

Originally Posted by kiid23

[lame_joke] I guess its not be all good babay baybay[/lame_joke]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Yeah, log off. [/color]
Originally Posted by Rapido27

Wow haha. Gotta watch what we post on here.

Word. I don't post chicks pictures on here or do something stupid like post a Facebook link. There are lames on NT who crave attention and will do anythingfor it.

OP take the L. It wasn't that serious to begin with.
Just forget about her. You're in college with thousands of other females. Take your L and keep it moving.
Originally Posted by Its All Good Baby Baby


So today I arrived to class, and I see Jennifer is already at out table before me (This usually never happens). I act normal like a lot of you told me to do and just make eye contact and say "Whats up, how was your weekend?" She goes "Good, you?' Something in the tone of her voice just sounded different though. So about 30 minutes go by and we haven't said 1 work do each other. Then out of nowhere she just goes, "You know what? this is just really weird" and pulls out printed copies of the thread. My heart literally dropped, and the only thing I could think of was the Southwest, "Wanna Get Away?" commercials. I had no clue what to say, so like an idiot I replied "Whats that?"

Jennifer: Oh you know don't play dumb.

( so right now I kinda realized I couldn't talk my way out this)

Me: Well you should of just accepted my friend request.

Jennifer: Well sorrrrryyyy, I didn't realize it was you.

Me: ohh
yeah thats what a lot of Niketalk thought.

Jennifer: yeah i saw, why did you give my name though? I got like 50 friend requests

Me: Cause thats the only way they could of seen a pic of you, and if I didn't have a pic, I would of gotten flamed.

Jennifer: Well thats just weird.

Me: True

We didn't talk the whole rest of class, and I have a feeling I won't be sitting next to her anymore.

Ahhh I just gotta say thanks for the laugh. That ended my work day great. Much appreciated my man!

This joint got me

This is one of the reasons why I don't post "delicate" info on here.
HAHAHAHA wow man, that mustve been awkward. I saw this thread when you first made it and I wondered why you didnt just post a pic instead of putting her wholename... You should know better than to give the NT beasts fresh meat.
Whichever one of ya'll sent her the link to the thread is cold blooded....

....No I'm sorry....



I'm not even trying to flame you but that's what you get, niketalk won't always help you with your girl problems. To post her governmentthough
. And the fact that someone sent her the link is
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