Please Lock Thread

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Just forget about her. You're in college with thousands of other females. Take your L and keep it moving.

She probably done told all her female friends, who told their friends. Might as well transfer colleges
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Just forget about her. You're in college with thousands of other females. Take your L and keep it moving.

She probably done told all her female friends, who told their friends. Might as well transfer colleges
good point

if i was you i'd try to find out who gave u up
^^^'s over for u. that's what u get tryna get female help from NT...and then posting her gov't to avoid flaming..
...stick to the kicks on here bro
in the beginning of the thread people were telling you this would happen but you still didnt take the pic/link down. you were asking for it.
Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

Why would she print the thread out? Lol, now thats weird.

It's like "To Catch a Predator" You can't deny @!%% when Mr. Hansen brings out the printout.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

sorry for sending the thread, i was just tryna help u out

it might be weird but you should ask her the name of the person who sent the link ...

Wowwwwwwwww you must've been sick to your stomach when she took out the print outs and although its #%%@#! up someone sent the link to her (I bet it wasmore than one person too) you should never have posted the link to her facebook in the first place. You KNEW someone was gonna do this, thats why youshould've just posted the default pic by itself.

Thats still #%%@#! up though..
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