Please pray for my mom...... updated.... please pray for her... UPDATED 3/1/10 1st post............

Originally Posted by Lizett

Originally Posted by Troponin C

Originally Posted by Lizett

I'm not trying to be funny.
I don't care what the "majority" thinks. I did make a new thread. Sorry to anyone that felt hurt etc by my comments I'm deeply sorry.
my goodness you are such a *%%#.

Stay strong, OP, god willing everything will be all right.
I said I'm deeply sorry for my actions. Now you're
at me.
@ you sir.
!%#*%. you should be banned.

OP, you and your mother are in my prayers.
:/ My sister died from this. Hope she will get better soon man, keep your head high. peace.
Originally Posted by Lizett

Originally Posted by Troponin C

Originally Posted by Lizett

I'm not trying to be funny.
I don't care what the "majority" thinks. I did make a new thread. Sorry to anyone that felt hurt etc by my comments I'm deeply sorry.
my goodness you are such a *%%#.

Stay strong, OP, god willing everything will be all right.
I said I'm deeply sorry for my actions. Now you're
at me.
@ you sir.
Why would you even come in here and say something so stupid? I'm not even religious and found what you did distasteful and immature.
I wish the best for your family and more importanly your mother OP. Stay strong and keep your head up
Son must really be bored if he comes into a thread about someone's sick mom to talk about atheism. I mean, notbelieving in GOD may give you great joy, but derailing a thread to advertise your beliefs is pretty lame, apology or not.
First off, OP, I hope your mom does get better and I will pray for her. To Lizett have some respect, jeez. Ok you're an atheist we get it. We've seenyour atheist appreciation post which you advertised in here. You're straight up immature, you could have easily said you hope his mom gets better and endit there. You know you were gonna get called out with that i'm not gonna pray for her line. Grow up, move along and go back to your own post.
i got you man. my dad had a brain aneurysm in 2004, he made it out okay, but he has a constant headache
hope the best for your mom, keep your head up
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Son must really be bored if he comes into a thread about someone's sick mom to talk about atheism. I mean, not believing in GOD may give you great joy, but derailing a thread to advertise your beliefs is pretty lame, apology or not.
Real talk, if you dont believe in god or whatever you could either post a positive note wishing them well without any religious connection or dontpost at all
I feel for you fam my mom had a stroke back in 03, tough seeing moms in that state
def. in my prayers.
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