Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

lvl 18


Had my first dragonite show up on my radar middle of second row went in different directions disappear after about 3 mins...
Thinking of saving all my stardust until I reach level 25 thoughts on it? Tonight after the gym (The real gym with weights lol) will hopefully rack up on pokeballs and potions again been doing a lot of gym takeover to rack up on coins. Really want 25 lucky eggs and 9 incubators in total. 

I had a 6something Eevee so mad that Jolteon only 1200 idk why I thought it would be at least 1400
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That charzard is [emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji]

def save that dust bro. I'm about to hit level 22 and I'm sitting on 80K dust. Wanna save it for something great. Most of the mons I have it cost anywhere from 2000-3000 dust to power up. At 100 dust per catch lol that's a lot of catching
I think I'm done with this game not finding any more new Pokemon near the radius of my house or my day to day destinations...was it fun wasted a lot of gas and made a bunch of extra stops and turns from point A to B but tapping out at level 15
Everything this. Same level, same issues. And none of my pokemon are strong enough to defeat and/or hold onto a gym, so no coins for me. I got like 420 items in my 350 allotment, with 7 pokeballs. These cats ain't getting a dime from me so I won't be catching many more Pokemon.
I used 200k dust within seconds the other day. So hard to get more, especially when I'm picky with what I catch now. Basically done with the game until they update it.
That's why I don't wanna use mine :lol: I get sick of seeing drowzee, rats, birds, and bats. I don't even click them anymore. Can't be wasting this dust when I'm picky
I wish there was a way to pull a mon from a gym after a few days. Or at least, if you're on the top for a few days you should get some cool John Cena intro music when clicking on the gym.
Was about to catch a Venausaur with 1500+ CP and the app crashed on me. Re-opened and couldn't find him again. **** this game >:

Im gonna lose my mind if that was a charizard :lol:
Was about to catch a Venausaur with 1500+ CP and the app crashed on me. Re-opened and couldn't find him again. **** this game >:

Im gonna lose my mind if that was a charizard :lol:

Found a Venasaur today while I was at the beach. Only level 518CP but it took so many about 25-300 balls, running out, than Going to a near by pokestop to get that gave me 4 poke balls and one great ball and was able to come back with a little less than a minute according to pokevision.
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Also im starting too see that Stats in pokemon go are reflective of pokemons actual stats. In the games wigglytuff has a huge HP base stat and even though it's not my highest CP Pokemon it's got the highest HP by a good amount.
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Level 21 just caught a 610 and 622 eevee. This man up here got 700 :x must be level 25+

Caught a 1250+ hypno :pimp: highest mon I've caught so far
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