Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

Man I caught so many new mons today. Places that are usually dry, like my house and work, had all kinds of ones I've been looking for.

Just today I found
My first squirtle (which was in the red but I got him 1st try)
And magicarp.

Ps, magicarp needs 400 candy to evolve?!! That's kinda a lot
Is Pogotoolkit down for anyone else

Had a blast today
First 2k egg that wasn't crap Pikachu with a 3xx CP
Farmed so many Bulba's
Clocked one at 409CP

Need to find out the range
All I get is 5k eggs :smh:

I've gotten like 4-5 ponyta out of 5k's but the rest been trash except for a 577 oddish

I got two 5k ponyta today look at the candy :lol:

View media item 2114902

According to that site this ponyta has perfect IV's
I have a 98% Ponyta at 777cp and a trash IV Ponyta at 980cp. Better to level up/evolve the 98% IV one even though its CP is lower right?

And all of my Eggs are trash. I'm trying to get a Bulba/Squirtle/Charmander/Pika in one since that's the only way to get those guys with high IVs.
Only success I had was catching a cp 247 Pikachu yesterday. 5km egg hatched w/ a Nidoran in it, smh. Swear this game hates me :lol:
mad respect to anyone who found a charizard the way youre supposed to. he's a monster. i tried to catch 4 different charizard last night. 1 was in the 500's and the other 3 were 1100+. i lost about 50+ berries and easily 120+ pokeballs and great balls and didnt catch a single one. But i caught an 1800CP dragonite with 1 berry and 1 great ball
Debating I'd I want to go head and use my lucky egg and evolve a few guys to level up to 16 now or wait until I'm out so I can evolve a few and catch some for the additional XP.

Ive taken the route less traveled and powered up my eevee from 4xx to now 5xx waiting to evolve it once I get to closer to level 20.

My squad is pitiful since I don't journey into the busier areas but I pick off the weaker gyms easy and collect some quick coins. You'd think you'd get more XP for defeating a gym
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